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[G R E E D]'s Journal!
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Role Playing Character
Name: Kyojin Kaibutsu

Title: 'Horned Demon'

Age: 156

Gender: Male

Height: 9'2"

Weight: 429 Pounds

Eye Color: Snow White

Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black

Race: Tsuno

Kyojin is an incredibly large beast resembling a massive bear. His entire upper and most of his lower body, down to his knees is a thick amount of hair. His arms stretch down to his waist and have only a thin amount of hair on them. Each arm is incredibly large and are shaded brown unlike the light brown color of his fur. He wears a black top hat on top of his large head with horns jutting out of it, each one about twenty five inches in length and hard as steel. The only set of clothing he ever wears are a pair of black shorts that barely fit on him. His legs aren't that tall they mainly support the large body and are used for nothing else, most of his large height is due to his large upper body. Instead of normal feet he has hoofs like a deer that are incredibly large to support the body. His face is made up of a large snout and mouth that jut out just like a dogs would. Inside his mouth are two rows of large teeth each one razor sharp. He has no pupils in his eyes, so they remain solid white like snow. His body structure is basically in the shape of a human walking on two legs combined with a bears massive bone structure and shape. He has a large tail about thirty inches and completely covered in fur.

Photograph (Inspiration for appearance):
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Before Becoming Tsuno: Not much is known about his past except that he lived alone as a hermit trying not to bother anyone. This made him the perfect subject for the testing, due to no one knowing he would be gone. He was a special type of hermit called a sennin, these types of hermits are very rare and there is said to be about only five in the world. What makes them so special is their ability to control their body's autonomic functions, this explains the reason as to why he is able to control his hair. It is unknown at what age he was hauled off to the laboratory, but it is predicted around his twenties or thirties.

What is Tsuno?: Tsuno is only known to have one survivor from the past experience. The Tsuno race was first started in a laboratory located in an isolated area of Antarctica. It was meant to be a super race to help with the oncoming new war, humans were forced into the laboratory and was put under many tests. If they passed they would be injected with a strange formula, chained in a huge cell, and not fed. After a few days of suffering the patient would begin developing fur on there body and go through a massive growth spurt some ranging from 7' to 20'. They would than sprout horns and go into an enraged state slowly losing their memory and mind. When the transformation completed their senses heightened, their speed and power increased dramatically, and they become the ultimate super being. When the creatures were about to be shipped out the chains suddenly broke and all five hundred were set loose resulting in a massacre of thousands. The army decided the only way to save everyone was to develop a new bomb that would eradicate them all. Once the bomb was built they launched it on the sight killing four hundred ninety nine of them. The last survivor was Kyojin who had kept his mind and memories, but could not speak. He had managed to swim off towards America enduring the weather and hardships of other people.

Personality: After seeing the massacre of all his brother and sisters he prefers to be gentle to others and tries not to harm others. If he is provoked though he will be ready to fight and kill if necessary. Unlike the other members of his race he can actually think and strategies on his feet. Kyojin can not speak, but if he attempts to even say one word it will come out as a loud, low roar. He rarely ever talks in fear that the roar will scare others off. If to much blood is lost or if he is provoked enough he will go into an enraged mode that is further explained in the natural powers section.


~Ball and Chain: Concealed in one of his bag is a large ball that weighs about fifty tons, perfectly rounded. It takes most of Kyojin's strength to carry it on his back and is one of the main things that slow him down. It is unknown if it will be in his bag or not due to him removing it sometimes to increase his speed. Attached to the ball is a twenty five foot chain with a steel handle at the end. On this handle is a button that when pressed causes extremely large spikes to appear on the balls surface.
~Bakuhatsu Tama: A weapon created by Kyojin in the shape of a small, dark, round ball about the size of a marble. He carries these in a small pouch on his waist ranging from ten to thirty of them. When thrown and collide with a surface they create a large explosion about a twenty to thirty inch diameter. The name of this weapon can be translated to Exploding Ball.

More to Come.....

Natural Weapon(s)
~Retractable Claws: When Kyojin wishes he may retract ten inch long claws from his finger tips. All claws are as strong as steel and can't be broken easily. The claws never grow dull and are one of his deadliest and secret weapons.
~Sharp Teeth: Concealed in his large mouth is two rows of incredibly large teeth, each one sharp like a swords blade and can rip through wood with ease, but it does take a while to rip through metals depending on there density. His teeth are incredibly durable and can't be broken easily, each tooth can grow back after a few minutes, the newer tooth being ten times stronger than the original, much like a shark can do.
~Strong Nose: Kyojin has a nose that is very sensitive, if he simply gets one sniff of his opponent he can track them no matter how far they are or how bad the terrain. When he gains a persons scent he is able to see a green aura wherever the person was, creating somewhat of a guide to his opponent. Although it is strong it does have it's weakness. Extremely bad smelling aromas can cause his nose to not work and his reaction time slowed. He may only have one scent at a time, to gain a new one he must get rid of the scent from another man. This serves much skill for fights in large areas, dark places, and many obstacles on the battlefield.
~Eyes: Kyojin's eyes have a natural ability to sense a persons limits, he can tell if a person is close to dieing and sees unlike normal people. He sees people by their body heat and not by their appearance 'thus giving him a bad image of what an opponent looks like. This view is what Kyojin calls the Death Eye due to him able to see a persons limits. He can switch from this view by blinking his eyes a certain way and can return to a regular view of an area. If his nose smells a bad smell this can corrupt his "Death Eye" mode and cause him to return to normal view.

Abilities/Natural Abilities
Kyojin was a strange specimen and unlike all the other patients he developed certain powers that none of the other experiments had.....

~Steel Skin/Hair: Kyojin has gained the ability to harden his skin to be as strong or stronger than steel is. Along with his skin he is able to make his fur and horns as hard as steel to aid him in battle. He has found many ways to use this skill in both defence and offense. It should be known that this is not an exact replication of the metal steel. It is extremely close, but can never truely be as hard as steel. Steel or anything harder than steel can easily break through this technique.
~Control Over Earth: The strange skill that is said to be the reason all of the experiments have escaped is Kyojin's control over earth. He is able to shape the earth, move, and bend it to his will with a simple hand movement, foot movement, or using his mind. This is Kyojin's strongest power and is used only as a last result for the amount of energy it takes to move the earth.
~Hair Growth/Control: One of the most strangest and unsolved abilities that Kyojin has developed is the ability to cause his hair to grow longer or shorten. He may also control the hair at his will using his mind, it is one of his most devastating techniques due to the combination he uses with the Steel Hair ability. It is later found that he was a sennin (hermit).


~Tsuchi Kitaemasu: In this technique Kyojin focus small rocks and pebbles together to form some kind of weapon ranging from a simple sword to a gun. With larger rocks he can remove parts of the rock and shape it in the image that he wishes. Although it is solid rock it may break easily 'thus why Kyojin does not rely much on the weapons he creates out of the earth. Tsuchi Kitaemasu can be translated to Earth Forgery, it received the name by forging the earth in Kyojin's image.
~Tsuchi Hei: In this technique Kyojin stomps on the ground and causes a large wall about his size to appear in front of him to block frontal attacks. The wall rises very quickly and can be used as a simple counter. Along with it being used for defence Kyojin may also increase the length, height, and width of the wall. He may also form spikes on the wall giving it a lethal property to it. Tsuchi Hei can be translated to Earth Wall, you can obviously guess why it was given this name.
~Togarimasu Ke: Meaning Sharpen Hair. In this technique he makes his hair as hard as steel and shapes it into spikes on his body. This is a very good defense technique and offense, along with it being combined with other techniques. The spikes can range from very large to small.
~Kamisori no Kerimasu: A technique meaning Razor Kick, involving Kyojin kicking at a high rate of speed in a horizontal or vertical motion. Once done it sends out a large, straight "air blade" that can act as a real blade of a sword. If it comes into contact of an opponent it will place a deep wound into the place hit and if hit in a certain point could cut right through them. The "air blade" can be visible as a bright light blue coloring and can easily be blocked with some sort of weapon despite it's strength.
~Ke Bakugeki: (Hair Bombing) A technique beginning with Kyojin using the Togarimasu Ke technique and than causing his hair to grow out longer. Once done he uses the now hard as steel hair to shoot out straight towards the enemy with the point of the hair aimed right for the opponent. This can be used with multiple hair spikes at the same time making it harder to dodge. If an opponent is hit by one it will cause a large hole to form in the spot hit and cause a large amount of bleeding.
~Enraged State: The enraged state is what all of the Tsuno race developed and was the main cause of the massacre. When a Tsuno looses to much blood or is provoked to far it goes into a state that scientists called the "Enraged State" in this form the Tsuno crouch down on all four legs and their speed and strength become incredibly stronger. Their senses become heightened and they begin moving so fast it's nearly impossible to track them. When in this state they have no target, anything they see is brutally destroyed. The effect wears off after a few minutes and once done it leaves the Tsuno out of energy and on the brink of death.

This RP character was created by [G R E E D]. If you see it used anywhere else please do not accept it unless I have told them they can use it. The picture for my inspiration is not my own, it was created by Oda Sensai.

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