Sick again. Have not left house since Tuesday morning. Will certainly leave later. Have appointment. Everything still sounds a little echo-ey. D: Coughing and sneezing and the like.
Eight hours, thirty-six minutes: Still no update on Narutofan. Will check periodicaly throughout the day.
Nine hours, thirty-seven minutes: Am now the proud owner of Fairy Wings. Still no manga update.
Nine hours, forty-three minutes: Posting this in all PYP threads.
Fear it good.
Ten hours, twenty-five minutes: Still no manga. Donating another 1k.
Ten hours and thirty-two minutes: Found Geico version of Royksopp-"Remind Me". OVERJOYED. Would also like original version.
No manga yet.
Eleven hours, forty-six minutes: Read HidanShika for no real reason.
Oookay. Not gonna read random pairings for no reason for a little while. Still no update.
By thirteen hours and fifty-six minutes:
I won 5k in a contest, bought 3k tickets, and got some ^_^ glasses.
Got dresses, brushed teeth. Feeling all sparkley.
No new Naruto chapter.
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Mi-amintesc De Ochii Tai
And I remember your eyes....