Alrighty then, what can I tell ya?
First, to get the formalities outta the way, I shall make a list of HOTT ANIME GUYS! Now, the first couple three or so will be the ones I like best, and from so on will be just the people I happened to think of...So, let's get listing!
1. Itachi Uchiha-Naruto
2. Sora-KH
3. Aya Fujimiya-Weiss Kreuz
4.Sasuke Uchiha-Naruto
5. Cloud Strife- Final FAntasy stuffy
6. Leon Squall(er..whatever)-Final Fantasy stuffy
7. Vincent Valentine-Some Final Fantasy thingjig
8. Roy Mustang-Full MEtal Alchemist
9. Kakashi Hatake-Naruto
10. Sesshoumaru-Inuyasha
11. Inuyasha-Inuyasha
12. Tal's Brother-Sudeki
13. Seto Kaiba-Yugioh (I KNOW! SHOOT ME!)
14. Satoshi Hikari-D.N Angel
15. Dark Mousy- D.N Angel
16. Daisuke Niwa-D.N. Angel
17. Kadaj- Final Fantasy Advent Children
18. TSukasa-.Hack//sign
19. Kite-.Hack//sign (next series)
20. Orochimaru-Naruto (HAHAHAHA!)
21. Roxas-KH2
22. And many more...
sweatdrop Hee..So now that that's all over with, we can begin on who I am!
I am just a normal abnormal teenage girl who happens to be overly obssesed with anime and hott guys, exspecialy when the two are put together. I write, draw, read, and watch...anime! And also horror movies..but yeah! I'm ugly, tall, fat, and have no life! I'm not smart..but am nerdy! I have a myspace, but I'm not giving it to you! Not my cell number, email adress, adress, whateva! HAHAHAHA! rofl
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