much homework! And this weather log project too. & & ewww..... I spent an hour last night trying to figure out how to get Excel to work for my weather log. The teacher's was hand drawn, but I wanted nice smooth lines. :3
You would never believe this. I GOT BRACES! crying they don't hurt all that much, but I think I look kinda weird. && At least the first time, I have blue, to match what color I usually wear. In March, I'll get Green color rubberband thigies. For St. Patrick's Day you know? I'm not irish, it's just that my friends pinch me if I don't wear green. It hurrttsss when they do it. And I have like the ton of friends surrounding me and poking me at the same time. I'm not popular, I just have a lot of friends. I don't hang out with all of them at the same time.
How did I change subject?? xDD Anyway, I need to go to school today. I really want to like...stay home. So I can get out with sitting next to this big fat guy in science class. >> He's annoying...he always has to doodle in his science notebook. Talk about not getting good grades. >< I doodle, but not all the time like him.
My math teacher lectures on us all day... ( US indicates my classmates and me) And when she does, it gets confusing. ._.
I'll try to update more often. Aww...looking weird in braces. gonk
