Ok. I know for my last few entries some of you may be wondering how I'm doing and if things with my gram are any better......Well, I'm quite happy to report she's doing much better and may even be able to go home in the next day or 2 ^_^
She has been a bit touch and go for the past few days. One minute she's doing great and the next she was sick. She had a very high fever that finally has broke and almost returned to normal. There was a serious risk of a clot somewhere in her bloodstream but after many tests they say there isn't one present (I hope to god they're right). Her incisions around where her breasts where has been collecting blood and also leaking blood. When it collects it gets quite nasty and turns black and stinky. The've had to push very hard on her chest several times to get that gunk out (which was another risk). It seems now though that it isn't collecting the blood anymore and isn't leaking. She also had to have major blood transfusions since the surgery cause she lost ALOT of blood.....The human adult holds between 8-9 quarts of blood and she had to have about 8 put in her. THAT'S how low she was.
The doctors all said she's a walking talking miracle because of all the things she's went through lately she should be dead. But somehow she's managed to pull through like a champ and keep somewhat of a smile on her face &.&
So there we go folks. Gram seems to be on her way to a good recovery and I couldn't feel any better. A big thanks and many hugs & kisses to those who've been here to listen and have shown me support and care. I really needed it and I can't thank you guys enough. All I can say is if ever the tables are turned, I'd love to return the favor &.&
Take care all and thanks so much. Love you!!
*hugs & kisses* heart heart
Until next time america......
*EDIT*---- SHE'S COMING HOME TODAY!!!! >.< ^_^ heart heart
~ NIHL ~ · Fri Feb 25, 2005 @ 07:44pm · 4 Comments |