Yep, you read the title right....I'm sick. My 1st cold of the new year, oh joyous day stare
Unfortunately I passed it to my daughter, thanks to my bf Andy. Since he's in constant contact with the general public (his job) he's bound to pick something up and catch it or pass it along. Well, since he seems to have an immune system of steel, he just passed it to us and didn't catch it. Thankfully Caitlin seems to have caught the "lite" version of what I have. With any luck the meds I'm taking and she's taking will get rid of this thing soon.
In other news: My gram seems to be doing quite well. The leaking she's had around her stitches has greatly went down and she was actually able to start her blood thinners again (plavix). Now once she's completely stopped leaking and gets the O.K. she'll start chemo. I'm kinda worried about that because chemo takes soo much out of you. You become weak, sick and most generally lose your hair. I don't honestly know if her body will be able to take it after everything else she's been through. And she ain't no spring chicken either wink
Home life has been a bit stressful. Andy has been working himself to death for this damn job. He's been working 50-70+ hours a week, 6 days/week! It's insane! We hardly see him anymore because of it, he's always tired or exhausted so in turn doesn't have the time or energy to put into us as a family. It's really starting to wear him and us down and I won't stand for it anymore. I told him he needs to make a decision about this job and soon. He needs to find something else in this area or we're moving somewhere that HAS jobs, which may mean moving pretty close to our hometown (ne ohio & we're in the se). He doesn't really want to do that and I don't really either but if we need to, then we should consider it.
That's all the further we've gotten with that so I don't know any more. In some ways it'd be niceto be alot closer to family so Caitlin can see our parents and gram. And if I wanted to get a part-timer to help out with the family income they would help watch caitlin for us. It's a win-win situation >.<
Well, I guess that about wraps things up in my life as of late. If there are any new developments I'll be sure to let you all know about it. Just a warning to you all.....I may not be around much, if at all, till I start feeling a bit better. It's still kinda hard to sit here looking at the screen and try typing. I just don't have quite enough energy for that yet. So if you don't hardly see me around you'll know why. Feel free to still PM me, as I'll at least try to check-in long enough to respond, but that'll be it.
Now everyone take care, stay healthy and have a good day >.< heart
Until next time america.....
~ NIHL ~ · Tue Mar 15, 2005 @ 09:04pm · 2 Comments |