It is better to see the truth
With one's own eyes,
Than to be deceived
By gilded lies.
For through the lie
Truth shall be brought forth.
If not by self
Then through the ties
One makes through life.
Upon those which he binds himself:
Those who surround him
Through all the experiences
A life can hold.
As the light of life appears before me
I reach out and try to grasp it before it fades.
Yet I am held by my own adversity,
In the face of the trades of my soul.
Lost forever is the truth,
One seeks to gain within the life one lives
As fate is cruel and life so short.
To never overcome,
The discrepancies under which we thrive.
And yet never live in true knowledge,
Unless we dream of our fate in the recesses
Of our consciousness,
As Truth loses itself deep within forever.
Seeking to gain before life's short thread is cut
Fate, the cruel betrayer behind the blade that cuts
Calls for the end of what we strive towards.
The noise and the light,
How they do pull me from myself .
Yet never am I free,
For worldly connections strong
Against the bond of the soul,
Keep it tethered to the plain
Upon which mortality reigns.
Even as it attempts to reach its salvation,
Towards that which is never judged
And happiness is eternal,
Connection and thoughts unbidden to be remembered
Anchor the Soul to this world.
Dark and flowing like the blackness
Of the impurities of the soul,
Blood surges through the bodies
Of those who live and yet
Often live in ignorance of truth .
Tis a bittersweet drink
That slates the thirst,
When nothing else suffices.
Except for the pulse of metal,
Of life, dead would we be
Yet death may be the strongest
Truth in that which we may believe.
The true essence of power,
Corrupts those to which it binds.
Greed which can never be sated,
Yet the lust for more
Destroys those who live,
In the Shadow of such indiscretion.
The lives of countless innocents,
Sacrificed for mere minutes in the glory,
And Euphoria of the attainable Darkness
That is often misused for the sake of pettiness.
How pointless is life
To the extent of human emotion?
What purpose does it rain down
Upon the human psyche?
Is life just an awaiting judgment,
In the fires of the soul?
Are we all truly damned
To an eternity of darkness and grief?
Or does it truly hold some meaning
To those of us,
Without thought or care
Upon this plain of our existence?
Trapped in the Darkness
Unable to escape,
I struggle with myself
To realize what is only fear.
Fear which binds me where I stand.
And to overcome,
I find myself
Within myself to conquer it.
Power and Care
Anger and Sorrow
Like a distant mirror
The sea is never distinguished
By simple sight.
Moods ever shifting
Surface ever changing
It shall never be tamed
By anything but itself.
Upon the lapse of the Sun’s last breath
Darkness shrouds the mortal realm
And despite the actions of the few
To find some comfort within the hue
Of the dying light cast forth by radiance
Forevermore shall shadows rule
Nothing can last eternal within that
Which always is lost upon the plains
Upon which life is shared
Ware the fact that light shall die
Before the shadows that death shall cast
As Death and Shadow claim all that shall be
And nevermore shall the light be cast
Upon the faces of the few
Who survive to see morning dew
Upon the lapse of the Sun’s last breath,
Darkness shrouds the mortal realm.
And despite the actions of the few,
To find some comfort within the hue
Of the dying light cast forth by radiance,
Forevermore shall shadows rule.
Nothing can last eternal
Within that which is always lost upon the plains,
Upon which life is shared.
Ware the fact that light shall die
Before the shadows that death shall cast,
As Death and Shadow claim all that shall be.
And nevermore shall the light be cast
Upon the faces of the few,
Who perish within the endless shadows
And are therefore devoid
Of thought or sight,
Upon which life is founded.
Nevermore to see morning’s dawn;
Upon which a bloody hue
Is cast by the light of Sun.
And within the night,
The ethereal glow of Moon.
And upon the Shadows fall
Nevermore shall light or sight,
Be wrought upon the senses
Of those who perish within the Shadow
Upon destruction of the light.
The heart upon which shadows lie
Is forever held unto one vision.
Light of life, be it kindness or fortune
Is perhaps the only thing
From which the shadows cower.
Fear not the endless Darkness,
For although Light shall always waver
It shall never truly fail;
So long as there is hope within the world,
That the soul can bond to within the heart.
To lift it from its Dark prison of despondent realities
In which hope wavers but is forever evident.
Truth and Stoic, unwavering optimism are profound,
And forever realized upon the dissipating Darkness,
As the light burns bright and dispels away
The Power of the Shadows wrought upon the mind and soul.
Demons of the Soul
Within the evening sky
Upon darkest night
Do the evils that hide by day
Seek their fortune
Upon those that lie
Within security of self
To never destroy
What innocence is left
To the ravages of time and soul.
Sadness wrought upon the soul
Must one day lift before the whole
As time is a merciless torment
Upon which the guilt of thought
Is either healed upon the unending flow
Relinquished through temperament of will
Or left to fester like a sore
Forever burning and never ending
Within the confines and complexities
Of the mind and eternal soul.
That which lies, but never dies
Is the sentient of time
Upon that which is infamous.
Upon thought and sight;
That which is always remembered,
Is the only true immortality that
Can be truly believed.
For when all else is forever lost to dust
A vagrant memory shall always remain;
Within a shred of human consciousness,
Or upon the whim of the powers
That be to govern memory.
Sleep beckons like a pressure
Upon the body and the soul;
As final thoughts
Before the void of consciousness between
Reality of wakefulness and Blissful nothingness,
Threaten the sanity that the many
Claim for the few, within the remembrance
Of thoughts and experiences, long since lost.
As final thoughts cast forth from the recesses
Of consciousness swarm like bees.
Sanity is but a whisper upon the wind
Until the allure of the void of thought no more
Pulls us into the depths of serenity.
Forever to fly within the sky
Whether upon bliss of cloud
Temperament of Storm
Or even calmness of an Azure sky
Is the ultimate dream towards which
The soul seeks to fulfill
Forever lost in the endless expanse of blue
Devoid of worry and thoughtless Conscience
To feel the wind beneath the
Serenity of thought naught but peace is realized.
I feel the tears of pure emotion flooding within my eyes,
A few escaping to alleviate the pressure
Of the clash between my sanity and insanity.
Unshed tears that will someday overflow the flood of tempered control
And force a loss of sanity within which we strive to keep whole.
Such is the torment or words unsaid, of feelings withheld.
Stoic demeanor upon the body, yet torn within the fold
Of the endless existence of thought. For simplicity and reason
Are far lost within the view of the twisted truth
That the abandonment of true sight
And the gaining of true feeling which is wrought forever
Within the abyss of the soul, ordain upon the few
Who are chosen to accept the truth of this evil.
Torn apart forever
By that which is never
Fit to endeavor
The sanity cost by love and hate
Is a rather sweet feeling
Born upon the wings of
The slipping into of
Darker thoughts of self and truth.
Like taffy stretched and finally broken
It shall break and be gone.
Never trust in yourself
To the advances of trust and love
Unless the wish of the beholder
Is naught but insanity
And to be forever lost and confused.
Gently falling
Softly swirling
Like the cherry blossoms
Of the East
Beauty forever fixed
Yet never eternal
Except within memory
Blindingly mesmerizing
Eclipsed only by the rise
Of Sun and Moon
As diverse as each new day and night.
Purest of substance
Untainted petals of the wintry sky
Beauty and Power
Concealed forever within unyielding mystery
As insubstantial as a flower upon the breeze
And yet, the catalyst upon disaster and wonder
Like the raging spark of a distant fire
Containable and useable
But never tamable
For it is nature in its purest form
Forever wandering within the shadows
Thoughts dissipating upon the horizon
Like the illusions cast by desert haze
Feelings ever shifting, and questions
Ever rising to the sanity
Which is believed to be possessed.
Can we truly be guided
By anything other than self-reliance
And inert, forgotten memory?
Upon the darkness, light is forever lost
To the endless horizon upon sight
And yet, darkness can not be
Save for the absence of light
Therefore forever may they be evil
And Darkness, There is always Light
To shine forth
And lift the crushing weight
Of insecurity and helplessness.
Ever the whim of thought and speculation
Lies the question between dark and light:
Is the symbolization of darkness really
The purest essence of evil incarnate?
Or is the truth of light more deadly
Than even the most potent fear?
Evil, simply because of Darkness
Or rather unknowing of what exists within?
Good, simply because it can be seen
Within the ruse of embodiment
And never looking inside
To that which lies beyond the facade.
An End to another new beginning
The coloring of the bodies which lay around us
Alerts us once more that the cycle of death and rebirth
Are upon us and shall soon begin the journey.
A subtle touch upon the skin
One fleeting as the brush of lost memory
Ushers in the slow end of days
Like a Lovers Embrace brought upon the wings of Darkness At the apex of twilight
The bitter bite of Death's presence upon the wind
Is actually a serenity that instills as our Living Mother prepares for the sleep of coming purity
Knowledge, everlasting call.
Such as youth captured in a frame.
The fathomless abyss
In which lie the subtle Angel Tears
Behind shifting surface of
Mirrored cave of Swell of waterfall
Line with embellishing fire, piercing a broken hall.
Temptation, paradisie to soothe tortured soul.
Yet, soul tormented by bitter insight
Shall ever seek to spill forth
The Dark-Light cast within.
Shadows envelop like wraith cloak
And the heart cries out again
As the last keening, mournful cry of the wandering fades.
Those who forever shall seek to shred shrouded facade
Find that only purest insight is within darkest lie.
Red rain
Falling endless
Through inky void
Cast within shine
Limpid pools
Reflect sorrow
Of past deed.
Peace achieved
Through challenge
Walking with courage
Found within
Savior or Eternal Damned
Through fire:
Be it Blazing Red
Or Peaceful white.
Sun streaming down through forest mesh
Streaming serenely like fresh gentle rain
Rain that stirs the body and rids flesh of pain
Wind like voices of Angel choir
Voices that never wane
Even as the wind awakens wolfish sire
And he meets the day with howling bane.
Ethereal white lilies scattered in mysterious pattern
Enticing comforting chill as the forest glistens with diamonds
As the beast prowls silently, powerfully, his domain
Wraith sliding through sight like shadow through night
Following scents that abound and lead to unknown ends
Checking boundaries like noble knight
And presiding over all creature and plant that remain.
Fire blazing like the warm rainbow, inner power of soul
Gentle breeze of Air hiding temperament of storms drive
Water flowing serenely like shifting mirror beyond control
Strong foundations of Earth upon which we thrive
Gentle breeze of Air hiding temperament of storms drive
The basic four that create aura of natural order
Strong foundations of Earth upon which we thrive
Also sow the seeds of chaotic border
The basic four that create aura of natural order
Blood of ancient mage laced with magic
Also sow the seeds of chaotic border
Calling upon that which can be tame yet always tragic
Blood of ancient mage laced with magic
Fire, Water, Earth and Air
Calling upon that which can be tame yet ever tragic
The four elements that sustain our care
Fire, Water, Earth and Air
Raging Titan or Calm Soul
The four elements that sustain our care
Ours to tame but never control
Raging Titan or Calm Soul
Water flowing serenely like shifting mirror beyond control
Ours to tame but never control
Fire blazing like the warm rainbow, inner power of soul
![]() JaceDragon Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
I'm so bad at comments. Dx