A lot of people are anoying when they complain about how others come up to them and say "you're wierd",then they complain like creepy creatures that you find crawling in the dark.Well both sides are demented imbeciles! Why?Heres an example with Joe and Mac :
-Joe "Hey mac"
-Mac "I pierced my eyelids togheter!"
-Joe " Mac you're wierd!"
-Mac "Joe what the hell is wrong with bieng wierd >_< "
See the thing is Joe said Mac was wierd..but he didnt say in wich way!People like Mac complain about whats wrong with bieng wierd and that gets really annoying!What if Joe didn't meen to call him wierd in general but wierd mentally.When i call people wierd and dont tell them in wich way..they all have this retarded quote they use to attack me.Then I wish I can slap some sense into them.Damn it dont you get it just cause some one doesnt precise his words doesnt meen you dont have to think far and wide for the answer.Everyone is NORMAL..there is no possible way someone can be "wierd"...We may ACT wierd but sure as hell arent.I meen we all need air to live,all need friends and family,all have good times and bad.If just one person on earth didnt need those requirements then that would be "wierd"....So to all those people who say "There's something wrong with bieng Normal".... Get of youre computer chair and get involved in outdoor activities.