This past week has probably been the worst I can remember. I've cried myself to sleep majority of the nights, and under normal circumstances, I hardly cry at all.
It all starts with my mom telling me that we're moving. And odds are, after we move, I probably won't ever see my friends again. And they've been the only things keeping me going. I don't make friends easily, and next year, I'm probably going be a loner.
Then the other day in school, a half day was dedicated to scheduling out our junior years. Then I realized all the things I was going to missing out in. I was planning on taking a bunch of animation, music, and design courses. And I know that whatever school I'm going to next, I'm going to be stuck in whatever classes that still have room available.
That same day, I almost got in a car collision. I was switching lanes, and I checked the mirrors and blindspots and I saw no one. So I moved in, and all of the sudden, there's a car right next to me, honking and such. It scared the s**t out of me. My mom told me to pull over and she took the wheel. I felt like crying, right then and there, but I refrained. I didn't want my mom to see me doing that.
After that incident, I didn't want to drive. At all. But then, the next day, I had a drive scheduled at the drivers' ed place. On the freeway. I had had no practice, both my parents figured it'd be suicide to take on the freeway my first time.
And yesterday, yet another thing happened. Report cards. I failed geometry and have to take it again in summer school. I've never failed a semester grade before. I don't really mind the whole summer school thing. I could deal with it. My mom said I can't play video games until the end of the school year. Still not too bad. But then she says she's going to withdraw me from music camp this summer. That was it. If I was a guy, that would be equivalant to someone chopping my p***s off. I swear. That was supposed to be my only fun Christmas present. I was looking forward to it so much. And just because I failed some stupid class, the only thing I had to look forward to was ruined. Somehow, it always seems that way. Whatever I really care about, its always stolen from me.
AND for some extra added stress, my parents won't stop reminding me how I'm a failure at life. I don't walk my dog enough, don't do my chores without being asked, won't do my chores, how don't practice enough, how I'm failing geometry, how I'll be going to summer school, how my room is a mess, how I need to do my homework, go to bed earlier, get off the videogames, get a social life, stop wearing black, eat healthier, lose wieght, fix my excersize machine, go to the gym, and the list seems to go on AND ON AND ON.
I just don't know how I'm going to deal with all this....
I WANT IT TO ******** STOP!!!!
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