smile This is especially for my noob friends biggrin
Easy way to make $ is to post on forums, add comment to other people's profiles, vote in the arena, & write in your journal. You can make an easy 200 gold by doing this mrgreen
biggrin The best way to make $ is through jigsaw puzzles mrgreen
For starters, do all the puzzles in easy and normal mode untill you get good at them. Then do all the puzzles in hard mode a few times. Then try insane mode. wahmbulance I must warn you, that insane mode may cause you to go insane LITERALLY exclaim You get the most gold if the first puzzle you do that day is insane mrgreen The bad thing is that you get less gold, the more puzzles you complete. The nice thing is that eventually, they will give you a bonus item whee
Things I've gotten from puzzles:
$: 493 gold for an insane puzzle
Artwork: #4, #8, & #22
Furniture: pink leather sofa, side light wood table, medieval antique table, honorable green window
Clothing: Hot Ash Top
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