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VICE-CNC's Journal
PSO/PSU stuff. Or my Stories
Fighting Dreamers X EP 2 Demo
Koska: When i was sleeping over Aunt Ree and Unlce Traces home... I had a dream...
About my Mom... And she was talking to me... She asked me why was i so mean to everyone...
And i told her... That i didn't know... And she told me that everyone cared about me..
So much... And i shouldn't push them away...
Is she really talking to me from heaven?
.... When i sleep and dream of her at night?

*Koska's Dream*
Ibuka: Koska...

Koska: Mom...

Ibuka: Why are you so mean to everyone?

Koska: Because... They don't understand me...

Ibuka: Koska.. You shouldn't be mean to them.. They care about you so much..
And you're pushing them away... Why?....

Koska: I.. Don't know...

Ibuka: Koska... Your Cousin Angel really cares deeply about you...

Koska: .....

Ibuka: Don't push her anyway from you... Be close to her...
Because she will be your best friend... Then anyone else Koska...

Koska: Ok mom... I will.. For you...

Ibuka: Not for me Koska... But for your self..

Koska: Ok...
(*Ibuka just smiled at Koska and said to her*)

Ibuka: I'm always watching over you Koska.... And i'm sorry that i'm not there with you now...
But i left something for you...

Koska: For me?

Ibuka: You'll see soon enough... I love you Koska...

Koska: I love you too M..
(*But before Koska could finish saying anything else to her mother, her voice went away from her
And everything around Koska started to became bright with the colors of green and white... And she saw her mother rising up
Koska was trying so hard to reach her hand out towards her mother but as soon as she touched her
Her mother became a small bright glowing light and fade away...
Koska then brought her hand back down to her side... And was just standing in the darkness alone*)
???: Don't worry sweety... I'll end your misry soon enough....
(*A voice said to Koska while she was alone in the dark void*)

Koska: Huh? .....

???: Heheheh.....

Koska: Who's There!?

???: Just close your eyes... And i'll end it for you... Koska... Hahahahaha.....
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Angel had got up bright and early to fix her,Koska and Kicker some breakfeast.
As she put food in Kickers Puppy dish and feed him
She got to work on Koska and her breakfeast.

Angel: Darn it! Where did i put the slat and pepper? It's gotta be around here some where...
Cooking isn't really my thing... But i want to cheer Koska up... So that's what i'm gonna do!
(*Koska then woke up in a panic as she was shock of what had happened in her dream*)
(She then heard Angel in the kittchen fixing something and left to see what she was doing*)
Angel: Koska.. I didn't know you was a wake..

Koska: What are you doing? ....

Angel: Well umm.. I was trying to fix us some breakfeast... And umm...

Koska: Here..

Angel: Oh.. Ok..

(*Angel then handed the kittchen Knife to Koska*)
Koska: You go sit over there...

(*Koska told her as she started cooking and preparing the food*)

Angel: Wow Koska... I didn't know you knew how to cook...

Koska: ....

Angel: Cooking class is the only class that i'm failing in, in school, So it's not my best thing

Koska: I see...

(*After the food was ready Koska called Angel in the kittchen to eat*)

Angel: Wow! This taste amazing Koska!

Koska: ....

Angel: Did Iruka teach you how to cook? This is really good!

Koska: ....

Angel: I'm sorry Koska... I'll take this to my room and go..

Koska: ....

(*As Angel picked up her food Koska then began to speak to her*)
Koska: My.. My mother taught me how to cook...

Angel: What? She did?

Koska: Yeah...

Angel: Aunt Ibuka did a really great job teaching you!

Koska: Ahuh...

Angel: You know Koska... If you ever want to talk to me about anything... You can.

Koska: I know....

Angel: Ok...

Koska Angel...

Angel: Yeah Koska?

Koska: .....Thank You....
(*Angel just had a smile on her face after Koska said thank you to her*)
(*After a few hours Ree had everyone together at the base station*)
Alex: Mom... Why are we here?

Rally: Yeah? This is really werid...

Ayu: Everything will be anwsered soon babes

REE: It's good too see ya sis

Ayu: Hehe, It's really good to see you again like this without being on a mission.

REE: Ain't that the truth sis

Ayu: And you too Iruka

Iruka: Indeed. Some goes for you as well... Where is Koska?

REE: Her and Angel should be here soon...
(*Angel and Koska had just showed up at that moment*)

Angel: Sorry we're late...

REE: About time you got here kiddo...

Ayu: It's good to see you Koska

Koska: Hello...

Ayu: My.. You look just like your mother you know...

Koska: .....
(*Bee and Jasmine had just showed up at that moment*)

Jasmine: Hey Angel Girl!

Angel: Hey Jasmine! Wicked outfit

Jasmine: Thanks, I just got it a few mins a go

Angel: Oh, That's wicked
BEE: Heh, Well if it isn't The Queen of B.I.T.C.H.E.S her self

REE: What did you say!

BEE: You heard me!

REE: I'll make you wish that you never said that!

BEE: Bring it on sista!

Angel & Jasmine: Knock it off you two!

Angel: This has been going on for i don't know how long...

Jasmine: You guys need to just chil... Geez...

Angel: For Real...

Iruka: Heh, Sad when the children act more adult then the two of you do, Heheh

REE & BEE: Stfu!
Koska: Iruka... I need to talk to you..

Iruka: Alright...
(*As Koska and Iruka was leaving. Ree stop them and asked where were they going?*)
(*Iruka told her it wouldn't take long and for them to go head and start*)
REE: Alright! Since all of you are here... Well beside Koska and Iruka... I'll go a head and start
You girls have been called here for a reason... And that reason is too be a unit and take on jobs
because the work has been way too much for us adults...

Alex: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa... So what are you trying to say Aunt?

REE: Heh, Welcome to the Unit girls

Angel & Rally & Jasmine: WHAT!?

Angel: This sucks big time...

Rally: Unit!?

Jasmine: Hm...

REE: Don't worry guys... Just think of it as a job.. Beside you'll get paid for doing this

Angel: But i don't want to be a soldier like thing! I want start a band and sing!

REE: Well think of this as helping your singing carrier... You can't sing and be famous without money...
And you need money from some where right?

Angel: But... I thought i could get the money from you and Dad to start the band...

REE: Gah, .... I'm gonna pretend i didn't hear that... And you need a job anyway so this is perfect for you!
Now girls, I like you to meet your commander

Alex: Commander? I didn't even say i was gonna take this job...

Jasmine: I didn't either...

Rally: Same...

Alex: So how can you just say "I like you to meet your commander" ?

REE: Because i can! Zilly please come here and meet your new crew!
(*Zilly came out of the waiting room and walked toward the girls*)

Zilly: Hey Girls. I'm Zilly O'Hara. It's nice to meet you all

Alex: .....

Angel: ....

Jasmine: ....

Rally: .....
Alex & Angel & Jasmine & Rally: MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zilly: ......

REE: Sorry girls! No choice! Besides we have our own work to do

Ayu: Have fun Babes!

BEE: Give'em hell Jasmine girl!

REE: Later guys! And have fun Zil! You'll need it! Hahahahaha!

(*Ree said as they walked out*)

Zilly: Gee... Thanks...
(*A few mintues later*)

Zilly: Ok girls. It's time for roll call and file check on you all.. Ok now let's see...
Angel G. Black!

Angel: Yes mama!

Zilly: Heh, No need to call me mama... Zil is alright

Angel: Ok

Zilly: Now it say here... Your abilitys are... Street Fighting.. Ah, the same as your mom and dads Fighting style

Angel: Yep! And i've been working my own special abilitys too

Zilly: That's good. Well i'll have to see it when it's ready
(*Zilly then turned the page on to the next file*)

Zilly: Ok.. Let's see who's next... Ah, Alex C. Remy

Alex: Yo..

Zilly: Let's see... It says here that you have the special ability of Speed... And you can change your voice?

Alex: Yeah...

Zilly: Nice. Can i see it?

Alex: Don't feel like it... Maybe later...

Zilly: Ok....
(*Zilly then turned the page on to the next file*)

Zilly: Ok.. Next is..Jasmine Jensho

Jasmine: Yes!

Zilly: Let's see... It says here that you have the special ability of... Wow Strength! And Fighting Style of your moms

Jasmine: Yes Zil

(*Zilly then looked back at Jasmine's file and thought to her self*)
Zilly: (Hm.. Strength...)

Jasmine: Darn it! Drop my ear ring

(*As Zilly was looking at the file on Jasmine she then said*)

Zilly: Hey Jasmine... Can i see your Streng....

Jasmine: Yeah Zil?

Zilly: Um... Never mind...

(*Zilly said as she saw Jasmine lifting the huge table with one hand*)
(*Zilly then turned the page on to the next file*)

Zilly: Rally C. Remy

Rally: Yes?

Zilly: Let's see... It says here that you have the special ability of... Defense Abilitys and Your I.Q is really high...
That's pretty good... Can i see your Defense abiltys?

Rally: Ok

(*Rally then made a small heart shield around her body*)

Rally: There we go

Zilly: Nice... And cute too
(*Zilly then turned the page on to the next file*)

Zilly: Koska G. Hiryu...

(*Zilly thought to her self for a moment*)
Zilly: (This is the girl Ree, told me that would be best as secend in commande....)

Angel: Um... Zil? You alright?

Zilly: Oh, Yeah... I'm ok.. Just thinking that's all... Anyway wheres Koska?

Angel: She'll be back soon
(*After a few mins later Koska came back to the base*)

Angel: Koska! Welcome back!

Koska: Thank You...

Alex: Why is Koska here?

Rally: No clue...

Alex: I hope we don't have to work with her...

Zilly: Ah, So your Koska... Your alot bigger then i last saw you..
(*Koska then looked at Zilly and then said to her*)

Koska: Who the hell are you? ....

Zilly: .....

Angel: Ah! Koska! Don't you remember? That's Zilly, She's friends with my mom

Koska: Oh...

Zilly: I guess you were too young to remember me. Heheh...

Koska: I rememeber you...

Zilly: Oh... Ok.. Now it says here... That your abities... Well pretty much are unknown...
Beside the fact your fighting style is fighting mix some kind of dancing...

Koska: My powers are unknown to me... So I can't answer your questions...

Zilly: I see...

Alex: Scary....
Zilly: Ok, Now that, That's all taken care of you guys kick back for a bit
Zilly then went to the commande room and was just was going through some files.
A hour later Zilly got a message and called the girls in the commande room
Angel: What is it Zil?

Zilly: Heh, Just watch and you'll see

(*Zilly then answered the massage and had the caller on the screen*)
Hello, I'm Mr Naster. I called to ask for a request, I really need your sevices on a location of an item that was stolen
from our lab a few hours a go. Please! I beg you... Accpet this job request and bring back the item that was stolen from us

Angel: That sounds pretty bad..

Jasmine: I know... What do we do?

Zilly: This choice is up to you guys this time...

Rally: What? Up to us?

Zilly: Normally i would be the one accpeting the mission and give it to you girls to go out and complete it...
But since this is your first time here and first job, I'll let you guys decide

Alex: So we can decide to take it or not?

Zilly: This time. Yep

Alex: We'll pass...

Zilly: What?!
Alex: I'm not going to risk my life over something like this... Not our problem...

Zilly: .....

Angel: We'll Accpet!

Alex: What!?

Angel: Come on. This will be fun! Beside let's at least give it a try... Right guys?

Jasmine: Well girl... I'm with ya

Rally: Ok... Me and Alex will give it try

Alex: The hell i am!

Rally: Well you won't get paid then...

Alex: Hm... Dammit.. Fine i'll go! But this better be worth the pay...

Angel: What about Koska?

Koska: .... I'll go along...
Angel: Cool! Ok Mr Naster! We accpet this missi...

(*Koska then stopped Angel and then got to the screen and asked Naster something before they would accpet*)
Koska: Naster... Before we accpet this mission... What is it that we're getting?

Naster: The item that was stolen from our lab of course

Koska: That's the only thing that i'm hearing "Item" We will not accpet this mission...

Angel: What!?

Koska: Unless our "Requesters" Tell us what we're dealing with... The Items isn't a good enough reason for us to take on this job...

Naster: Sorry... I can't give that info...

Koska: I see... Thank you calling Naster... Good bye....
(*As soon as Koska was about to press the button to dissconnect from Naster, He then asked her to wait*)

Naster: Please wait! Hm... We can't give that kind of infomation out.. On what the item is..

Koska: Well.. If you can't trust us with that infomation... Then we can't trust you...

Naster: Hm... My job is on the line if this gets out...

Koska: Don't worry... No one else will know but us.. Now.. What was stolen?

Naster: Well.. Me and my team have been in reseach of an engery known as "A Crystals"

Angel: A Crystals? That's a cute name

Koska: Shh...

Angel: Sorry...

Koska: Anyway, What are the A Crystals used for?

Naster: Well we're not useing these crystals at the moment. We're still testing them...
But in a way, we use B and C Crystals to power up everything around us. Like Weapons, Vechiels, Electronics, Buildings and Factorys.
Almost everything in the world is ran by B and C Crystals

Rally: WOW! Really? That's tight!

Alex: Geez... If i wanted a history lesson i would have went to school...

Jasmine: But you gotta admit, it does sounds kinda cool

Angel: If you say so... Hm.. I hope Dad feeds kicker today...

Koska: Ok, Will take the job

Naster: Thank you so much. You'll be paid handsomely for your services. The location is in Muro Kimi
that is where the item was tooken
Angel: Alright! Are first job! Lets go!

Zilly: Whoa, hold on there little Ree... I don't think you would want to get to Muro Kimi on foot Angel
It would take forever... Let's go to the lower level and get a ride

(*After an hour they finally got to Muro Kimi*)

Zilly: Well this is the place

Koska: Hm..

Angel: What is it Koska?

Koska: It's funny... How would Mr.Naster know the location of where the A Crystal was being held?
And if he does know then why..

Zilly: What's wrong you guys? We can't hang around here forever. Let's go!

Koska: This mission... Is..
???: My... Looks like shes figured it out.. Thats good, the funner this will be...

Angel: What's wrong Koska?

Koska: Nothing...

Zilly: Hm... (I wonder have she noticed it too...)

(*They went inside of the building where the items was pin pointed at*)

Alex: Hm.. Place look's normal...

Jasmine: True... Wonder where the A Crystal is being held?

Koska: ....

Rally: I guess we better look around

Angel: Ok

Zilly: You guys be careful and stay close to each other

Alex: Yeah, Yeah...

(*They all went deep inside the place as it became darker inside the building*)
(*Alex saw something move in the shadows and chased after it*)
Rally: Alex!? Where are you going!?

Alex: Where else? I'm gonna catch the creep and collect our pay so we can go home already!

(*Alex said from a far*)

Zilly: Alex! Wait!

Rally: Don't worry Zil, I'll get her back here

Rally then went and chased after Alex

Zilly: Ah!, No! Not you too Rally!

Koska: Let them go.. They'll be fine...

Jasmine: I guess... But still... =/

Koska: They'll find us, if they get into some kind of trouble...

Angel: Yeah your right... We really need to work on the buddy system.. (u_u)

Zilly: No kidding... (-.- wink

Angel: Anyway.. Let's keep going..

(*As Angel and the others went on ahead, Alex was still chaseing after what she saw*)
(*And Rally chaseing after Alex, and finally cought up to her*)

Rally: Alex! What the hecks wrong with you!? (*Huffing & Puffing*)

Alex: Shh, Shut up for a sec..

Rally: What is it now?

Alex: Kuso... Lost it..

Rally: There was nothing was to be found in the first place... Now let's go..

(*Suddenly a taping sound could be heard from down the shadowie hall*)
(*And foot steps that grown louder and louder coming toward them*)

???: Heheh....

Alex: Who's there!?

Rally: Show your self!

???: Heheh...

Rally: Now this is starting to creep my out...

Alex: Whoever's doing that.. Is getting on my nerves...

???: Heheh...

Alex: And i, had all i can stand! Sis.. Cover your ears

Rally: Right!

Alex: I'll give ya something to giggle about!
(*As Rally covered her ears, Alex did her *Sonic Scream Attack*)
(*Screaming as loud as she could. Creating a sound wave that could be seen by the human eye*)
(*Destroying objects all around and deep with in the dark hall*)

(*Zilly and the rest heard the loud scream*)

Zilly: Is that a scream?

Angel: I think it's Alex!

Koska: I'm sure Rally is with her too..

Jasmine: We should go back and see if there ok!

Zilly: Alright, Be careful and stay close

Angel & Jasmine: Right!

Koska: Cover your ears..

(*Koska said as the other did the same and left to look for Alex and Rally*)

(*Alex soon stopped screaming and Rally uncovered her ears*)

Alex: Heh, I bet that them shut up

Rally: Yeah... But you didn't have to destory everything..

Alex: Meh, (*Raises Shoulders*) Guess i did kinda over do it a bit...

Rally: Not just a bit... Alot! And what if they had the "A Crystal" And your scream destoryed it?

Alex: Hm.. Didn't really think about that... (*Pfft*) You worry too much

(*The foot steps grown even louder and louder. And the giggling continued*)

???: Heheheh...

Alex: What!?

Rally: Someone is still there?

???: My.. You do have a voice on you, Don't you?

Alex: Stop hiding!

???: I guess i could come out.. Heh, Who knew Ayu's children would be so.. Powerful...

Rally: How do you know of our Mom!?

???: I will say in due time.. That scream you made.. Most likely gave your friends the signal
where you are... But don't worry.. They'll have there own playmates to deal with..

Alex: Playmates?

???: Heh, I think your dear little cousin Koska will meet someone very special...

Rally: Someone special?

??? Yeah. The one who took out your aunt

Alex: Ah!

Rally: The one that killed aunt Ibuka!?

???: Oops... I think i said too much...

(*She said as she came out of the shadows and could be seen*)

Alex: That woman!

Rally: She looks like our mom!

???: I guess it's time for me to tell you my name... I am Ayazana.. Ayazana Jensho...

Alex: That last name... Sounds alot like Jasmine's last name...

Ayazana: Jasmine... Hmm... No matter.. Let's see if Ayu's kids are strong as she was.. Shall we?

Rally: Alex.. Here she comes... Get ready...

Alex: Yeah.. And stuff like this is one of the reason i didn't want to take this job..

(*As Rally and Alex was battling Ayazana, The others were on there way to them*)

Zilly: We gotta hurry and get to them... I have a bad feeling...

Angel: I really hope there ok...

Jasmine: Yeah...

Koska: There's no time to think like that now... Just keep moving and try not to think about it...

Angel: Ok...

Koska: I'm sure there ok...

(*As they continued Zilly then heard something coming in front of them and then began to see a light*)

Zilly: Oh No!

Koska: (!)

Angel: Huh!?

Jasmine: Ah!

Koska: Everyone Move!

(*Zilly grabed Angel and Jasmine and jump out of the way to safty *)

Zilly: Koska move it!

Koska: That blast of light...

Angel: Koska!

Jasmine: Move girl!

(*Koska then jumped out of the way barely avoiding the blast*)

Angel: Koska! Are you ok?

Koska: That Blast... That was aimed at me...

Jasmine: It was?

Zilly: I don't think Ree knew you guys was gonna be on a mission like this...
Soon as we find Alex and Rally we're canceling this mission... And let the higher ranks take it from here...

(*Out of no where sounds of hands claping could be heard in the shadows*)

???: Heh. Not bad Koska...

???: Kinda of sloppy... She almost got hit... But i guess it wasn't too bad...

Koska: Who's there? And how do you know my name...?

Zilly: That voice... It can't be!? No...

???: I see you still remember me Zally

Zilly: The names Zilly... And how could i ever forget someone like you...

???: Zilly is it? My mistake... It's too bad you won't live long enough for me to rememeber that..

???: Hehehe...

Angel: What's going on?

Koska: Zil... How do you know that womans voice? And how do she know name?

Zilly: .....

???: Go a head... Tell her... Tell her who i am..

Zilly: Grr... This is not good...

Koska: ... Show your self and stop hiding...

*Koska said with a wonderous look on her face*

Angel: Koska?

???: Mother can i have fun with the others... Since they are just in the way?

???: Heheh, Sure you can.. I only need and want Koska.. I don't care what you do with the rest

???: Thank You Mother...

(*One of them walked foward so she could be seen*)

Angel: Who is that?

Jasmine: I don't know...

???: I'm Blade. It's nice to meet you all... Since my mother has no plans for any of you.. You all must die..

Angel: O_O I'm too young to die!

Jasmine: O_O Same here girl!

Koska: If you lay one hand on them.. I promise i will end your life shortly...

Blade: Heheh. Can really do that?

Koska: Try me...

???: Hahahahaha. That's what i like about you Koska... Your so dark hearted... Unlike your Mother Ibuka..

Koska: How do you know my Mother?

???: That's right.. You never got to hear my voice on that night...

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 11:41pm

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