Dang, people are so messed up, I mean really.
People will treat you differently just by the clothes you choose to wear. How said is that? I can show up at school one day in some hot tube top and tight jeans and everyone wants to be my friend, then the next day I show up in all black and wearing lots of jewelry and they are like WTF?! Who are you??? Whats with that, my personality hasnt changed any, I am still the same person underneath it all.
Then if I act really fake and fling my hair around, I am the coolest girl around. Ew! So not me *gags* People are weird. I like being myself and Im guessing being myself makes me an outcast, I am one of the happiest outcasts out there! But one of the most amusing things I have discovered about myself and others is that I dont even fit in with the outcasts, I guess I am just that cool *nods with a smirk* Oh yea *laughs*
I know this must seem like rambling, its because it is, Im in class, bored to death. We have a sub that knows nothing about computers and I need help on a project, so I might as well be here on gaia to pass the time.
Oni Hina · Tue Feb 20, 2007 @ 07:26pm · 2 Comments |