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Where do you hope to see yourself in 10-20 years?
I hope to have become more like my mom. Also, 1337 art skillz would be nice ninja

Did you watch cartoons as a child? If yes, what were some of your favorites?
Cartoons were the ONLY thing I watched, more or less. As soon as I saw real people on the screen, I changed the channel. XD (oh wait, I also watched sentai...)

I enjoyed all of the ones I followed, but here are the ones that I still feel nostalgic about:
  • Mahou no Yosei Perusha
    A magical shoujo anime. I followed it because of PRETTY SPARKLEY MAGIC, but in retrospect, the characters were pretty likeable, and the wistful plot enjoyable.

  • Mado-King Granzort
    fantasy + mecha + fairy tales. I own the DVD set heart

    This last one isn't a cartoon; it's an example of the aforementioned sentai.

  • Flash-Man
    Unlike other sentai series I'd seen, this one had actual character development. Funny at times, heartbreaking at other times... the resolution was wistful, filled with a sense of yearning. Just take out the silly sentai monster fighting stuff, and you could easily remake this one into a series for a much older audience.

What's your favorite dessert food to make?
But I don't make food! ...I sometimes eat a cup of cereal for dessert; does that count as "making?" Pour cereal into cup, pour milk. :B

How do you choose how to dress your avatar?
I pick an item that interests me, and build everything around it. I like matching colors. smile I also try to stick at least one expensive item on me... partly to avoid "omg where's ur miniwing, did you get hacked!?" questions, partly to minimize lookalikes. I think "hello, I'm rich" is somewhere in there too, even though I like to think it's not among my primary desires.

What inspires you? Rows of dots?
Someone's seen my LJ. :B What kind of inspiration are we talking about, artistic or life? (of course, those two are not mutually exclusive at all)

What was your first reaction on getting your mod invite?
"................................. D: "

Followed by: "Crap. I'll be a terrible mod, but I should just give it a shot. I might not be much help, but little help is better than none."

Repeat that a couple of hundred times.

What's an emoticon that Gaia doesn't have but you think we should?
Puke. smile Maybe snooze and buckteeth, too.

If you could bring back anything from a past decade -- fashion, entertainment, whatever -- what would it be?
Missed opportunities.

What quote best represents your philosophy on life?
That's a hard one. I've got a ton that I try to live by. Here's a sample:

"Those grateful for your deeds will forget, but those grateful for the love behind your deeds will remember."

About how long does it take to finish one of those 100k commissions you do?
I don't time myself. ;; I am, however, aware that I work faster than average. I don't sit there trying to perfect a stroke; I move on.

Do you have your entire comic's plot all figured out to the end already?
Yep, just not in "June is going to pick her nose in a tiny insert panel on page 5 of Chapter 20" sort of detail. The scripts undergo constant revision until the moment I finish drawing the page. But the Big Important Stuff is all set.

What is the one thing you hate drawing the most and why?
There's beauty in every corner of the world. I don't think I really hate drawing anything, as long as I don't have to care about the outcome. I'll have to be in the right mood to draw it, though, whatever it is.

What's your foot size?
5W. They usually don't have wide sizes, though, so I settle with 6.

Most embarrassing moment ever?
TMI anecdote; PM me to find out. I don't want to gross out anyone by posting it here. rofl

Why did you join Gaia?
To spam!

To elaborate, a friend of mine suggested that I use Gaia to advertise my comic. Not to spam my site URL all over the place, but to... build a popular figure out of myself and draw readers. That sounded awfully insincere, but she had good intentions. smile So I looked at the current users online: 40 something k. Freaking humongous numbers for current users online. I created my account right away.

Gaia proved more addictive than I had prepared myself for! Ironically, my Gaia addiction got in the way of working on my comic at times. In a way though, that's a good thing: I was (and still am) enjoying Gaia for what it was. Gaia wasn't just some advertising opportunity, it was... Gaia.

Have you ever dyed your hair an odd or not natural color?
I did blue once. Dark blue, with highlights here and there. When the dye was fading, the highlights turned into a very pretty mixture of gold and purple. ^o^

When you wake up in the morning, do you drink coffee?
Water. My Gaia addiction is more than enough; it leaves no room for caffein addiction.

I'd like to know what some of your artistic influences are, and your philosophies on art, and the artistic work ethic.
That sounds so formal, as if I point at an object, declare it an artistic influence, and squeeze inspiration out of it for the next X number of days. That's not how it works, though, and you knew it too.

These things are very vast topics. I could write long a** essays on each one of them. I'm hesitant to bring up just a few examples because I don't want them to represent my influences/ philosophy/ "ethics" (there is quite a bit of overlap between the last two) in their entirety.

Pepsi or Coke?
Regular Pepsi, or Diet Coke.

Who was the artist that inspired you? Or who is your favorite artist?
I don't have a favorite artist anymore. Back when I first started CGing, though, I looked up to this guy a lot.

How old are you, and how long have you been drawing?
I'm 25. That almost answers the other question.

What's your favorite color?
I don't have one. Any color can be beautiful; what matters is how it's used. smile

Do you looooove me?
For the ninety-eighth time, I despise you with a passion that can only be matched with -- oh wait, wrong person xd

What's your favorite thing to do when you're not on the computer?
Eating out.

Did you like high school?

That place was the bane of my existance. I'm just grateful I don't have to go there anymore.

If you could ask any one anything, what would it be?

No, not really. I would ask God for wisdom.

Are you still in school?
No. I kinda miss college.

Do you have a boyfriend?love anyone?
No, and I have a not so positive view on romantic love. Choosing your life partner is extremely important, and people base it on transient feelings o' hormones...? Maybe that's how it works for them, but not for me. I'd much rather marry a man whom I'm not in love with, but have thorough respect for.

Think about it. Most people do not remain in love with their spouse for decades. Passions cool as time passes. At which point people either break up, or remain a couple because they truly appreciate each other as partners (or because of less ideal reasons). I have no qualms about skipping the lovey dovey part and jumping right into the "appreciate each other as partners" part.

More on this at the end of the answers.

Does June die?
Everyone dies and we all know that! It's just a matter of time...

Can you speak any foreign languages besides English and Korean?
I minored in Japanese in college. I did pretty well in it, but it's been two years and I have gotten a bit rusty...

What is/was your favorite school subject besides art if it is/was?
I didn't like anything in high school. In college, though, I rather enjoyed my linguistics (major) and Japanese (minor) classes.

What's your favorite book?
I'm religious, so my answer would be something religious. But as far as secular books go, the answer is The Little Prince.

What is your widest fantasy?
Wildest? Widest? Either way, I believe you can get an idea of it by reading my comic. smile Hey, my fantasies don't have to involve me directly...

Are you a cat or a dog person?
I like both. I'll go with a cat unless the dog is an Alaskan Malamute.

What kind of attire/clothing do you wear or you wish you could?
I'm just a casual person for now. I'm home all day, so I'd rather be comfortable than look cool. If I had to care about the way I looked, though, I'll go with borderline cosplay fashion. Stuff that screams "wait, is that a character from something?", something you can spot from miles away.

Who is dearest to you?
"Dear" is a funny word. I guess the answer would be my mom, but I'd rather describe her as the person I look up to the most, rather than the one dearest to me.

What theme do you enjoy drawing the most?
Themes are not very important to me as long as it's not something I acutely disagree with. My priority is "whatever looks good."

If there was one thing in this world you could change, what would it be?
If I had such power, people wouldn't be so full of themselves anymore. (myself included. :XP: )

What is your favorite game?
I adore Silent Hill 2 for its plot and character development, but it's too scary for me to play. crying The ones that I actually enjoy playing the most are (in no particular order): Samurai Spirits 2, Fire Emblem: Monsho no Nazo, Seiken Densetsu 2 and 3, Final Fantasy Tactics, Vagrant Story, and Super Mario Bros 3. Honorable mention goes to Suikoden III for including one of my all-time favorite characters, Sasarai.

Do you view your artworks as your babies?
I hope not. Artworks are disposable things; to me, they lose their value a bit as I improve. I'm not very nostalgic about the old days of me being even suckier than I am now.

Who is your favorite character from your work?
Chi-Min heart heart heart heart heart

I have two favorite archetypes: 1) adorable baby-faced boys with polite demeanor (usually older/wiser than they appear), and 2) men with regret. Chi-Min is a wonderfully messed-up combination of both. But even if I weren't into those archetypes, I believe I would love him almost as much.

Do you like Korean drama?
Frankly, I can't stand them. The stupid cliché love relationships have got to go, and I personally despise the character archetypes they use. I did enjoy The (In)Famous Chil Princesses, though -- the characters were at least somewhat likeable, and the writing was amusing and very very well-paced.

Is there a special connection with your love for angels or the winged beings?
For drawings, I usually just put them in because they can spice up the composition nicely -- not to mention provide a convenient excuse for why the character is floating in space. rofl

Do you have a Deviantart account?
Yes, but I've never posted there. DA doesn't seem to be a good place for receiving constructive critiques. To be honest, though, I do like simple, quick praises too, so maybe I'll give in and start Deviating one of these days.

Was your family opposed to you on art? I know some Asian families have difficulties with their kids not being doctors or whatever.
My parents have always been very supportive, and at the same time, knew when I had gone too far. Thank God my parents are not the typical Asian parents in the least -- or typical of any culture for that matter. They are very special in the best way possible.

Are you shy?
"Uninterested" is a more accurate word. Someone once described me as being "aloof, without the snooty connotations," and I feel that fits me pretty well. I'm borderline-AS, which might have something to do with it.

What is it like being a moderator?
Most of it can be likened to walking an endless stretch of a road. Sometimes it's bumpy, sometimes it rains on you, other times it's a perfectly enjoyable hike. The biggest problem by far is that it never ends. rofl

What are your views on dating? Online dating? Long distance relationship?
No offense to people who choose their partners based on feelings -- it's their choice, not mine -- but I feel that my partner of life should be chosen based on respect, knowledge and understanding. Passions cool as time passes. I would not give my heart to someone just because he can make my hormones flutter; the vast majority of feeling-based relationships end in a bad crash.

(Of course, most self-respecting people don't choose their partner solely based on feelings. Respect does play a role... just not as important as feelings.)

I feel that many people underestimate breakups. Have you noticed that people in their very first relationship share something in common? To paraphrase a friend of mine, people tend to treat their first-time partner like their children. This tendency disappears after their first breakup. Their take on relationships change forever after that. In some ways, such a change can be seen as improvement and growth, but in others, it's a heartbreak that never heals. You lose the ability to trust -- not entirely, of course, just a part of it is gone forever. That's a huge loss in my opinion.

For that reason, when I choose someone, I'll pick someone who's going to stay. Someone who, despite his imperfections, is worth devoting the rest of my life to. The "but how would you know without actually going out with that person" s**t doesn't apply to me. Not because I'm omniscient... But because I have awesome parents who can screen the potential partner for me. D:<

Now, the answer to your actual question: provided that my parents approve of the guy, I have nothing against online dating or going long distance.

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  • User Comments: [10]
    Community Member

    Fri Feb 23, 2007 @ 08:58pm

    Wow!!!! Thank you for all the answers keiiii!!!! I know keiiii more now xd You pretty much like everything around you as art, and you generally don't have favorites rofl

    your relationship outlook makes alot of sense o.o You know, when i think about it, passion does cool... hhmm, omg, keiiii brainwashed me xd

    -lachey was here-
    Community Member

    Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 03:17am

    hoho... your parents ARE awesome.

    i keep worrying that i left your house looking even stranger than i really am... if that's possible. =O i bet your parents are really good at seeing people for who they are.

    anyway. chi-min x'DD heart heart heart

    and i will never forgive you for sucking me into this site!!! mad

    ....anyway. i luff j00s.

    Community Member

    Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 08:55pm

    Thank you for your answers, keiiii. They gave me much to reflect on, within myself. And I'm glad your parents are the .0001% that actually raise their kids right. *softly laughs*

    Community Member

    Sat Mar 03, 2007 @ 09:02pm

    --look around-- --sneek in one more question--- ninja
    What does keiiii do? mrgreen whee I'm looking for a career reference too whee

    Community Member

    Sun Mar 11, 2007 @ 10:14pm

    Heh, i read 1/4 of the journal entry and got bored. I hate reading, but i did read the ones that had emoticons or big letters on it, i wanted to see what was what. is this your FAQ? another quetion, is your name keiiiii if not how did you pick that name? xp

    Morbid Skittle
    Community Member

    Tue Mar 20, 2007 @ 11:21pm

    Hey, you! (Tis Moretai, though i've probably commented somewhere else on this thing earlier.)How've you been? Congrats on becoming a mod ^^ I apologise I haven;t been able to read the webcomic , schoolwork is t3h Suck0rz.

    blood parched slave
    Community Member

    Fri Mar 23, 2007 @ 06:28pm

    *lets brain cool down and stop smokeing* LOTS OF STUFF *huff puff calms down* your prity cool ^_^ your a great artest, and i didnt know you were asian O.O i always had mental image of you (like i do with most people) for some reason i imagined you haveing brown or gold color hair and around 5'5" or so and always haveing a careing smile on your face xd i guess the smile is still there but now i see you with black hair a little shorter xd ((edit: i NOW see the self image on your profile xd ))

    about the cartoons question YES I LOVE CARTOONS mostly anime, i love this one anime more then any other though its called "OUTLAW STAR" OMFG i love that serious (own it on dvd ^_^) sadly it was ended at just a little over 30 episodes crying i suppose it was hidden and didnt get to popular U_U

    Community Member

    Fri Apr 27, 2007 @ 02:28am

    lol wow heart

    Resisted Arrest
    Community Member

    Wed May 23, 2007 @ 04:35am

    lol me favorite as child was PINKY AND THE BRAIN and i also liked TOM AND JERRY!
    heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

    Community Member

    Wed Jul 25, 2007 @ 03:48pm

    I'm glad i'm not your child. D:

    (Don't ask.)

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