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goths do not were pink or worship satan

iris 1216
Community Member
the stroy of iris
once there was a girl who was an outcast but everyone thought that she was cute guys obviously thought she was hot but anywase she had sort of short blonde hair always wore odd clothes but everyone copied her sense of style.
after years went by she made lots-o-friends and even a boyfriend and so she became pretty much the most popular girl in school but she didnt want to be but iris just lived with it even though she didnt like it.
one day while she was walkin with all her friends her bf and their bf's to a sleepover party they decided to take an allyway to get there faster but that was the wrong choice.
while they were walking they came across about 57 not so good guys, they were muggers so naturally the guys stepped infront of the girls but iris, kira, and nemerisa decided they would help but there bf's said no so they slaped them and they finally said yes for them to help. so first a guy who looked really strong had red hair what looked like 7 guns and 2 swords with a trench coat that was black baggy pants and apperently the leader stpped forword and took out a gun and pointed it right at
IRIS of course her bf took action he was the guy with shoulder length red hair wore black always (same as iris) and very strong stepped infront of iris just in time to save her "NO AXEL!!!!!" the bullet had went strait into his chest and luckily strait out to. "axel please talk to me r u ok plz talk to me!!!" said iris as she cried unontrolably hugging axel when out of the blue she felt a really sharp pain on her cheek it was the scortch of a bullet it had just went right passed her on her cheek luckily.
"now u cutey pie stand up and give me a kiss as a reward for shooting him or ill shoot u" he smerked
iris stood up and she was leaning in to kiss him and then she -BAM- turned her foot against his and he fell real hard she started fighting him when his buddys all ganged up on her and she was without hope to get free.
"now ill kiss u"he said as he leaned in closely
he kissed her she tried and tried to get free but she couldnt
"now that i kissed u"he said as he took his lips off hers "i shall tell u who i am"
he took out a sword did some sort of awsome martial arts move and landed on his hands and said "I AM NEXADOORA!!!!" (nex-a-door-a)
O_O everyones eyes poped out relizing that this was the nutorious cereal kill NEXADOORA!
iris was now shivering and so was her freinds she decided to get these doorknobs off her and hurt this dude totally.
she punched kicked bit and did everything she could until sh was free when she was she smacked nexadoora and he punched her so hard that she had flown up on top of the acid warehouse. all her friends quickly ran up there but some stayed to watch over axel but they encounterd the other ppl who were nexadooras followers they had stolen axel.
meanwhile up on the wharehouse while nexadoora was picking up the unconsious iris he had accedently made a farly large whole in the ceiling of the building and the all went crashing down into a large tub of toxic waste and it was such a big splash ppl on thge outside of the building got wet to.
they had woken up in the hospital and then were realeased the followeing morning when they got to iris's house the decided to ahve a sleepover when they were all reunited again BEFORE they all looked in the mirror they were just staring at eachother with puzled looks on there faces eek
"WHAT ON EARTH DID U DO TO UR HAIR!!!" they had all screamed at the same time iris's hair was now black kiras brown nemerisas purple ect...........
after a while of getting used to it they decided to invite the boys over when they got ther one was missing.......axel
"weres axel???" irs asked with a worried look
"h-he was t-takin by the bad guys and the well they left this"said brian
iris blushed she had always had a crush on him because he was so nice and charming and cute but she wasnt compltely sierious with him becuase she was with axel.
she opened the note and it read "dear my beloved iris i have ur loverboy he is perfectly fine exept for the fact i literally turned him evil i control him now becuase when i fell into that toxic waste i had gotten powers and i bet anyone who got wet did to so meet me infront of that same wharehouse in a month (so u can train to fight me) and become mine or lose axel"
with that she closed the note and cried her eyes out then she stopped after a while and thought everyone looked puzzled wondering what she was thinking about.
after 15 min. she stood up went downstairs and everyone followed they stood there stairing and gapeing at her well what she was doing.
iris was seemingly transforming into somehting when the bright light had stopped she had landed on her feet and stared at herself she was wareing a sleevless pure black dress that went down to her knees and she had loong black hair with red streeks in it she was wearing knee high boots with spikes coming out of them and all around the dress were chains then a shiny very very shiny yet small light came down to the top of her head.
it was a tiara a black one with a red gemstone in the middle.
everyone was in aww at her she looked scared then looked at everyone and told them,
"come try this ok? i want to se if it will work for u guys"
so only 4 stepped forward nemerisa, kira, aya, and crystal, they just stood there
"consentrate on what u should look like" iris said in a shiverd voice
so they all did nemerisa had been turned into a cute little bunny at first but then a bright light hit her and when she landed on her feet she was wearing a purple dress down to the knees with purple boots knee high with spikes on it and another light came and she was now earing a very dark blue tiara.
kira had a blue sleeveles dress down to the knees and shin high boots with spikes and a very dark purple tiara (the dress was light blue)
aya was transforming still when she stopped she had a light green dress down to the knees and knee high boots that had spikes and her tiara was very dark green.
then when crystal transformed she had pink streaks in her hair ans she had a headpease like a mike around her head and was wearing a dark blue sleevles dress and knee high boots with spikes, and a tiara that was very light pink.
After everyone was transformed we all sat there confused scared and really exited,
then we heard a nock at the door, so as any normal person we very quickly made up a story that they were just playing dress up if anyone asked and answerd the door. it was axel!
"AXEL UR OK!!" screamed iris as she hugged him.
but he didnt seem like he was alive it was just like if he was in a wierd trance, then iris and nemerisa relized he was. he was in a trance like they had never seen before, they (iris and nemerisa) were mortified, they thought that it was nexadooras doing and it was.
"mr.nexadoora has asked me to give u this." axel said as he handed her the note "and damands an answer now."
iris read the not it said
"dear my beloved iris because i have these powers i found i could destroy axel at any given moment so he is to bring u back with him as he leaves but dont be frightened i told him not to injure u unless he has to witch if u struggle he will harm u for he has trained his powers and is one of the best so u will not win"
iris stood there thinking to herself as she dropped the note nemerisa picked it up and read it to she had read it aloud and as soon as she was done as quick as a bullet axel grabbed iris and ran so fast that before iris could blink she was at a heavily armed palace sarounded by gaurds and camras and ect.. he walked up the gaurds turned iris back into her normal self so she wasnt tranformed and axel brought her in.
back at the house her friends were also terrified so nemerisa quick took something out and ran as fast as her lags could take her and she just kept fallowing the red dot on the screen.
while iris was being led in she was staring at the pictures and paintings and tubes with animals and ppl in them. when they reached the main part of the palace iris felt a shot of goosebumps go threw her so fast she almost fell for what she saw she felt was going to end her life. it was nexadoora he was sitting in a chair with 4 arms 1 sarounded by fire one water one earth and 1 air.
"hello my love how r u?' nexadoora sneered
iris just stood there when an alarm went off they all looked at one specific spot and iris thought this was the perfect moment so she slipped out of axels arm and tried to run but just as she hit the door it slammed shut. she was about to start running to another door when she felt a jolt of really hot fire on her back nexadoora was burning her.
she screamed so loud the windows broke and then fell to the ground but didnt faint.
nexadoora walked up to her
"i told u not to try and run" he sneered "i told u he would hurt u"
iris's eyes flew open at the sight of axels hand not nexadooras burning with fire he had just at her. iris cryed like crazy.
"he isnt himself anymore he doesnt remember u he doesnt love u anymore"
"AXEL NO I CANT BELIEVE THIS TELL ME ITS NOT TRUE!!" iris screemed as she ran up to him and rapped his arms around him.
axel just stood there while looking at nexadoora and they both knoded a knod that iris didnt c.
axel took out a knife and cut iris's arm.
"AHHHH!!!!!!!" iris immedently let go of axel and fell right into nexadooras arms and fell unconcious (un-con-sh-es)
while nemerisa was looking for iris she stopped right at a big wall infront of her, so she though iris must be on the other side so she started climbing. when she got over th wall it felt like forever later and her arms were tired. so she sat down at the top and fell into a deep sleep. when she woke up she herd screaming, she was in a no window dungon with it being hard to breath when she herd a knock a boy came in and it was axel. she was happy yet sad yet confused, when she tried to get up she just fell for her leg was held by chains.
"hello nemerisa i beleive u r looking for iris." he sneered
"w-well of course i am she is my best friend." nemerisa said in a cowering voice as axel walked back and forth pacing infront of her.
"because i dont think you'll see her for a long time" as he said while he walked out
just before she tried getting up again the wall bursted open with a very large blast.
"AHHH" screamed nemerisa as she ducked
"heh heh that was fu.....n." said a boy about her age
"uh hi....." said nemerisa "who r u???"
"oh m-me im," while he said this he was slowly tranforming into.....dun dun duuuuun
"ok and i state again who r u????!???" stated nemerisa for she didnt know what the new nexadoora looked like.
"heh me? why im nexadoora iris's fiance"
"WHAT!?!!!?" shreecked nemerisa in a shocked voice.
"heh bye for now" nexadoora said as he left. twisted

"could he really be speaking the trooth no he cant iris woulnt betray axel no way unless she felt betraid by axel oh my gosh this is so cunfuzling!!!!"
"LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!" screamed iris at the top of her lungs
"AHHHH!!!!" iris said this over and over while kicking and banging the door trying to get out until finaly Nexadoora opened the door which made iris fly out and land smack dab into Nexadoora.
When iris realized she wasnt in the prison anymore she quickly as fast as she could move her tired legs ran and ran until she hered a scream coming from below her.
"thats namerisa i know it theres o mistake but because theres no other way ill just bast through the floor!"

iris screamed as her hand hit the floor leaving nothing but the blood that fell out of her injured knuckle.
as iris hit the floor something started glowing from her favorite necklace.
as it glowed she rose into the air and transfromed into the person she was a whil ago back at her freinds house.
iris could feel power going through her so she rose her hand once more and sent it crashing through the floor where she found nemerisa.
"well im saving your life"
nemerisa stared AT iris's bloody knuckle and nearly broke into tears.
"dont worry im fine"
iris said as she jumped down and unlocked nemerisa
"now listen you need to transform to get us out of here i cant do it by myself."
"alright ill try"
nemerisa sat down and consentrated as best as she could nemerisa fianlly transformed.
"now that you transformed ill have you both with your full strength" nexadoora cackled as he grabbed the two girls and threw them in a volt.

iris and nemerisa tried helplessly to get out but they were unable to.
nemerisa gave up and so did iris, they were both tired and bith almost fell asleep until they heard a disturbing noise and movement (cummosion)
the volt opened.
chapter 2 "nexadooras son"
while the volt openeda boy came in that looked a little bit like nexadoora but without the four arms.
"you," he pointed at iris
"your coming with me"
iris screamed no and she tried to run for it with nemerisa close behind but nemeris was caught suddenly by a large net.
"nemerisa!" iris tried and tried again but countless time she failed.
"what do you want from us!?" iris yelled to the strange dude
(by the way im not refering to the kind of dude that is hair on an elephants butt im reffering to the dude that refers to a guy)
"how should i know its my father who wants you." he scowled
iris stood motionless until a memory was shot out of the blue into her head she shrieked not ever wanting to remember this horrid memory.
"STOP, STOP IT AHHH!!!!!!" iris suddenly started to glow and she turned pure white and there was a sonic boom.
"IRIS!!!!!" nemerisa screamed at the top of her lungs to iris but iris was out cold in nexadooras grasp.
"heh heh deal with the loud ubnoxious (uh-b-nox-ush) brat."
"yes father" said the boy in reply
"oh and cody"
"yes father?"
"dont torture her to badly remember we have a use for them"
cody nodded in reply and started taking nemerisa down but as soon as there was an opening she darted past him but with in a millasecond he was right infront of her clutching her neck
"nice try ill give you that but you need to work much much harder then that."
cody said this as he walked along with nemerisa.
the next day iris woke up chained to a wall above the floor and she was back in her origanal clothes not transformed.
and in the room next to her was nemerisa who was also chained to the wall and hanging above the floor and so on.
iris screamed on and on after saying this when finally someone opened the door and shoved nemerisa in there and untied iris but punched and ran out.
"iris! are you ok!"
"yeah im fine how about you"
"well got any plans to get out?"
"im working on it"
"alright but hurr....."
nemerisa paused on acount of iris's eyes were red pure red
"iris...........iris!..........IRIS..........IRIS WAKE UP!!!! IRIS!"
nemerisa slapped and punched and hit iris but she didnt wake up.
nemerisa finally gave up and was so tired that as soon as she laid against the wall she fell into a nice deep sleep.
so while they were asleep....sort of, neaxadoora was outside of the door and listening to them but when he heard nothing he left.

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