Well today I actually enjoed myself unlike...well for a long time now. I got there early as well I was there for opening ceremony but that was boring and just basically talking about the festival so I didn't stay for that much. I went to go watch the cosplay right after basically since it was one of the first events this year. I forgot her name but one chick from Hellsing was pretty decent. This J-Pop band played that was kinda unusal but the cosplay did nothing basically which sucked they just had you vote and that was it. So after that I found a beautiful white slightly silver snowflake obi and I loved it heart even though it was a female obi but who cares they look better anyways since they are bigger. Then I noticed Sarah and she was with this pretty girl even though she was blonde. So we talked and they decided to take a picture of my dad since he was nearby and in kimono. Then I found another obi a black one it was really nice too but it was the mens type which was thinner which is fine but I'd rather have a white obi and a black kimono. Thats probably not traditional in the least well it's not but I don't have to follow traditional japanese fashion I go against western too.
After that I met KayCi at the main stage since she arrived then we went to the vendors and such and later when we were in the food area, these two big black girls started talking to her. They liked her outfit which some of it was mine and later on we were sitting next to them. One of them said I was pretty (why do I attract black people?) The same one was way to touchy though and started touching KayCi's face and clothes and not even very subtly, scary fat bitches plus I wouldn't really say they were fat normally but I guess they do not realize they are obese since one claimed that an obese girl was wearing the same shirt as one of the girls. sweatdrop Every year there are always crazy girls at the Matsuri and I always seem to see them, although this year they hardly gave me hell mostly KayCi.
We watched the kimono fashion which you would expect to be pretty cool since the theme this year was "Kimono" but well the kimono were nothing striking and I didn't personally like many of them. I enjoyed being there though, no one really showed up that I was friends with that I was hoping for, since I was trying to recruit everyone to go but meh I still enjoyed it. I may not be going tommorow just because of lack of transportation or a ride...
A few random people saw me like this one woman/girl, that I was suprised recognized me I barely know her. Who else...I forget I recognized a few people from Ironwood like Franny haha she is always there I think she dislikes me though and then a few of her friends some I recognized. Recognized some of Sarah's other friends that I do not really know...I guess thats mostly everyone. I wanted that damn obi though it was so ******** pretty...the prettiest I have ever seen so of course it sold.
Glomey · Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 07:08am · 1 Comments |