My last entry was actually awhile ago...
I suppose things have changed a bit that would be worth mentioning...
First the person that had staying with me is gone which I suppose in way simplifies things... Also around that time before they ended up leaving I didn't feel very welcome at the place I stay. For a little bit I got to stay over at a friends and went back and forth from their house back to here. Now though I am not fighting at least here but I'd honestly... still rather not be here. I didn't really have anywhere to go anyway at that time... so even if I try I am pretty much just stuck. It means nothing just to have the freedom if that has no meaning. I had intended to try and get away from this place at least once I finished with this semester of school... but I have nowhere to go and just taking off randomly would leave me somewhere clueless it seems like I lose either way, I can remain a prisoner but still looked after or simply escape and likely lose everything.
I suppose a distraction of everything that came up was my brother Erik getting into a fight which resulted in his arm being broken... not that I really care but of course that complicated things (especially for our parents). A whole bunch of legal crap is still being decided on with all of it too.
I keep telling myself I should try to do something, try to earn some money but after all these years I sure haven't earned much. I've been thinking of selling some things that I could make resell for awhile but I still I've never done any of it. I never do anything. Now all I am is a student possibly for earning some degree that will likely be nothing to me...
One reason I'm even posting on my journal here is because I don't want some of my friends to know I'm writing this here. Mostly for the fact I just don't want them to see me as someone just so constantly negative, still for someone like me using journals and such at least give some slight relief (or maybe it's just a habit).
I do have more to add but perhaps I shall just save it for later, especially when the events become more noteworthy.
Glomey · Wed Apr 16, 2008 @ 12:09am · 0 Comments |