Well, technically the powerpoint is done, and my reflection paper written. So what now? Well. I'll tell you.
This past week has been highs and lows spontaneously. Laramie said my eyes were green this afternoon. They change with my mood, and knowing what green means, I am surprised. I feel better now. I think I'm at peace with myself. Weird, eh?
Nuff 'bout me. Finally read G's journal (lol G's journal) and found her parents are finally getting divorced. Surprised it took this long. Been what, two years?
Jeez, do I feel out of the "know". Sigh, nothing new really.
Well, since I am incapable of typing right now, it'll prolly get worse as the night goes on. Meaning I should go work.
well, I should but... who wants to work? I've done a shitload of working lately! ENOUGH ALREADY! scream stressed stressed
I got a 'one' on my solo. Whoopee. stare
Well, I've returned. Technically to finish my pp project, but what the hell. I feel like writing more.
I got ol' Duke Ellington playin', as I usually do. Really like his music, especially track 3. Got this CD for x-mas, you'd think I'd have listened earlier, but no. Really like that Track 3. Don't know what it's called, but it's cool.
So I'm come down here armed. I've got my hot chai latte (freshly brewed from the chai latte powder in my cupboard X3) and my Honk! music in case I feel like singing that. I'll probably only be down here for another hour, but may stay up beyond that. Why? Because I've got the caffeine power of Chai, and I'm bored. And suddenly, going to bed is not as appealing.
But I digress. From what? What could I possibly have been saying of importance to digress from? I still must use words thrice more times before the morrow and am starting to consider speaking in iambic pentameter for the next two weeks. If I just, ya know, didn't speak, the assignment would be a breeze. *stops typing one handedly and puts down the chai* . . . *Picks it back up again* First chai I made didn't go so well. Used a mix that's been siting in the fridge open for a while. Smelled funny and when stuff started floating up, I deemed it not fit to drink.
And Yay, track 3 just came on.
As I've said to my pen pal in Poland- I've written shorter school papers!!! I may cut this off now and check what's up at DA. For those who don't know, I have a Deviant (devi-ANT. ANT. ANT. NOT ENT.) Art website where I post my works. Sarah has one too, she's got a great picture of Laramie and a really nice picture of a waterfall there. Check 'em out. And check out my site dammit. I need more hits. And I need to see what the people I stalk have done lately. I'm sure my stalkers want more art, so I'll get on that too.
Whaaa! I just wrote another paragraph. If only my school work was this interesting.
"I'm begining to see the light"
Play it again, Play it again!!! XD X3 X3.
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