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Kyo's ..... Things
Um things I decide to put here.
Of Ningen and Youkai
Chapter 1: Kako

It is the year 2006 the world is in a state of conflict. A battle that has been planned for years is finally being put into action.

*Flash Back*

Long ago ningen lived a normal calm life. Normal for them at least, unaware to them there was another world or realm coexisting beside them, a realm of youkai. Ningen were completely oblivious to the youkai's realm, but youkai knew very well about ningen's realm. Youkai were getting ideas of conquering it and using ningen for they're own purposes but a few youkai wanted to combine the 2 realms and live together with each other. For years youkai argued about what to do, some even said to just leave as is but the majority either wanted peace between the 2 realms or to conquer the other so plans were made to cross over to the other realm. The selected youkai along with they're ruling youkai lord met at the connection point and walked through it into The Ningen's Realm.

One by one the youkai crossed over, the first to come over was a male teenage youkai. His medium length red spiky hair blowed slightly in the soft breeze, his dark blue eyes held a sense of evil. He had on his average sized body a red green vest shirt that went to his mid torso and black shorts that went past his knees.

Next was a female youkai with an average body size. After coming through she whipped her long brown hair that came down to her bottom and had a unique feature where it formed horn like features on her head, her green eyes seemed to hold a bit of coldness to them. She wore a red and green vest that much like the first youkai's came to mid torso and had red shorts, her face bared blue marks on both of her cheeks

Then a male youkai in his mid 20s came through. He had greenish shoulder length hair and calm yellow eyes. He had a more muscular body then the teenage youkai and his clothes were bluish and had pieces of fabric that hung from the shirt blowed slightly in the breeze. He had on long pants of the same style.

Finally the last to come through the connection point was the youkai lord. He brushed his long black hair out of his face, as his bright purple eyes that showed a relaxed look in them took in his surroundings. He had on a purplish suit like shirt that had his kingdoms emblem on it (a demonic eye on a sword). His pants were also suit like and the same color as his shirt with over lapping layers near his ankles so it looked like there were 2 pants, one stopped a little past his knees and the other went to his feet.

Generally the youkai looked no different then ningen physically except for a few odd hair colors, hair styles or body marks.

As the group took in their surroundings they noticed they were in the middle of a city. With their clothes being odd in ningen standards as they walked ningens passing by stared as they walked by but did nothing more.

They had been walking for about an hour when one of the demons spoke up. “Do we even know where we are going?” asked the male teenage youkai annoyed.

“Chill Reiji” said the female youkai.

“He is right though my lord, do we know where we are going” asked one of the other youkai.

“Maybe we should ask one of the ningen?” said one of the demons. “Good idea Ryota!” said the youkai lord. So they asked a passing ningen.

“Excuse us but could you tell us where to find the person in charge of this city?” asked Ryota.

“Uh at the city hall” answered a very hesitant ningen girl a bit surprised by these people.

“Could you take us there?” asked Ryota in a friendly way.

“Uh … s-sure” said the ningen girl still a bit confused by these strange new comers who now stood in front of her.

“May we ask what you name is?” the youkai lord asked hoping to make the girl feel less suspicious about them.

The ningen girl looked at him for a moment then spoke “My name is Meg!”

“It is a pleasure” the youkai lord said with a smirk and added “I am Vyers! This is Reiji, Ryota, and Lilith!” he pointed to the said youkai has he introduced them.

“I-its nice to meet all of you!” Meg shyly said.

“Why are we getting all chummy with this ningen?” said Reiji softly to Lilith.
“I dunno it was lord Vyers idea, personally I say we should just kill her.” Responded Lilith in the same soft tone.

“That's enough you two!” yelled Ryota.

“GAH!” Yelled Lilith and Reiji surprised.

“Huh?” Meg said as she turned around to see what was going on.

“Ah pay them no mind.” stated Vyers in a happy tone as he turned her around and lightly pushed her forward meaning to continue to lead the way.

“Uh o…k” Meg answered a bit confused.

Vyers turned around and glared at the two teenage youkai.

“Uh … you think he's mad at us?” asked Lilith in a bit of a nervous tone.

“Nah why would he be mad at us not like we did anything wrong.” said Reiji in a confident tone as he as he moved his arms behind his neck.

Meg and the group arrived at city hall after about 15 minutes of walking. “Here it is!” exclaimed Meg happy that she could now get rid of these weird people.

“Thank you very much for your help ms Meg!” said Vyers.

“Uh yeah …. no problem.” she said in a confused tone.

The group entered city hall and Meg stared at them one last time and then walked away. The group just walked right through all the workers and guards right to the mayor.

“Who are you?” asked the mayor.

“We are youkai, we have come over from our realm to make an alliance between our 2 kinds; youkai and ningen.” answered Vyers.

“You expect me to believe a story like that? Ha!” remarked the mayor.

Vyers sighed as he began walking out the door saying “I had a feeling you wouldn't believe us. Very well then, follow us.”

Ryota grabbed the mayor by his collar and began pulling him along with the group.

“Hey! What do you think your doing?!” scrame the mayor flailing his arms. “Guards!” Guards started to come towards the group.

“Sorry, don't have time to play with you guys!” said Reiji with a smirk as he was about to punch the guards his hand charged up with a purple energy around it and he let out an amazingly strong punch (compared to ningen punches) at the guards and took out all 5 of them with one hit, smirking he said “Tch that's it? See this is why I hate ningens, they're so weak!” said Reiji.

“Enough Reiji lets go!” commanded Vyers.

“Yeah yeah I'm coming!” said Reiji in an annoyed tone.

The group of youkai dragged the mayor to the connection point while gathering the attention of everyone they passed. Many of the ningen they passed began to follow them.

“This is the connection point between our realms!” said Vyers pointing to it.

“I don't see anything!” said the mayor very pissed now.

“Oh right!” said Vyers as he remembered something. He then whistled and the guards he left on the other side or the connection point heard it and deactivated the cloaking device. At that moment the portal came into view and the mayor fell backwards in shock.

“WHAT!? What's going on!? This can't be real!?” yelled the mayor sweating now at this shocking turn of events.

“We had to hide the connection point so no stupid ningen tried to see what's on the other side an cause who knows what to happen.” said Vyers. Now all the people who had followed them were gasping and talking to each other.

“Can this be real?” asked one of them

“What do you mean can it be real!? It's right in front of you!” said another in response.

“What's going to happen now?” said another ningen.

Vyers then turned to the people and spoke. “We have come to form an alliance with you! We want to bridge that gap between our 2 kinds and help each other!”

The people, especially the mayor, were speechless. On one hand here was a new kind of people willing to befriend them and help each other but on the other hand here was an unknown group with unknown intentions.

`I have to make a calm and smart decision about this, for my citizens' thought the mayor to himself. “Very well! Vyers was it?” asked the mayor.

“Yes.” Responded Vyers.

“We are happy to welcome you to our city and realm I suppose.” said the mayor still trying to believe what he just said. The people that had been watching began cheering for they're new found friends.

“Heh! Gullible ningens” remarked Reiji to Lilith.

“Yup! They don't suspect a thing!” remarked Lilith back to Reiji.

“HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!” laughed the 2 of them to each other. The ningen paid no attention to this, they were to busy shaking hands with Vyers and cheering for they're new found friends. But Vyers heard it and looked back at them knowing something was up. He then called Ryota over.

“Keep an eye on those 2. They're planning something.” commanded Vyers.

“My lord if I may ask why did you bring them in the first place?” asked Ryota.

“They had exceptional skills and I felt it would come in handy in case anything happened which thankfully nothing much has.” answered Vyers.

“I see. Very well my lord I will keep an eye on them.” said Ryota.

“Good!” said Vyers in a satisfied tone as he turned back around to the mayor and other ningen.

((Any and all comments would be nice.))

Neko Youkai Kyo
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