... I'm sO hAppy!! I finally finISh mAh dreAm avi.. teehee... blaugh thIs avi wAs kiNDa eAsy cAuse I hAve bAsic everythIng juSt nOt tHe ticKets and a bIt of gOld.... bUt mAh friEnd heart juvenileorion101 heart helped mEh out wid 1k... sHe'll bE loVe foRever... whee I finIShed most Of mah quEsting I thiNK I only hAve 2 thiNGs I wAnt tO quest fOr thEn I'm dOne.. wink I'm quEsting fOr a veiL aNd aftEr that... I wAnt tO try aNd quEst fOr a coco kitty if I cAn... I knOw I migHt nOt gEt it bUt its a try... bUt nOw I'm oNly quEsting fOr a VeiL... blaugh
NkaUj_Hm0ob Community Member |