Now I've decided to take up that quest again, but this time, with the help of my friends. I know I've got a lot of spiffy stuff in my inventory, but I really don't like parting with it. For this, I shall make an exception! ;D All of my friends who donate gold to me shall recieve some item from my inventory (within reason) or a donation letter. (If you know me well, you'd know that I do get a fair few every month.)
Staff of the Angels is currently at 200k. I've got about 12k saved up, and there have been a couple of donations already. whee After I finish this quest, I'm going to help out my friends with whatever it is they want. (Because the only other thing I want is in shops. Thank goodness those prices don't change.)
For donation items, you will have to give me 10k minimum. (depending on the market price) I like to keep the prices low, and still be able to make decent gold.
Items I can part with (T-T)
~elemental hair (1) 10k
~winter rose (1) 12k
~gift of the goddess (2) 10k
~dark star (1) 10k
~elegant veil (2) 20k
~flame sword (3) (2) 10k
~celestial wrap (1) 10k
~heart shaped box of sweets (3) 75g
These are the prices I'm offering. Don't like 'em, bite me! ;P
~5,443 dokuroizo
~5,000 Lionheart701
~20,000 [ Wolf Rage ] (traded for elegant veil)
~400 ~P.r.i.m.a~ (traded for 310 tokens)
~20,000 Meyla (traded for elegant veil)
~7,587 Xiael
~10,000 waltz60 (traded for flame sword)

I luff you guys! ;D
~Cora Linette heart
Community Member
Anyway, when I have more gold I shall help you out! In the meantime, I need to talk to the random people of Gaia and get more gold!