the moon,
the lesser essent of light,
the only thing that guides the creatures of the night,
banished from day,
but more beautiful than the sun,
we really see what time of day has won,
won the hearts of loves everywhere,
and is much easier to look at and to stare,
its a great mistery and a great hope,
the sun is its brother, but only shines for those who mope,
the moon is forever,
in mind and spirit,
the moon has a voice,
for only those who wish to hear it,
it can control tides,
and steal the mind,
with its beauty and power,
it can take your soul for a ride,
so dont ever look to the skys during the day,
for the moon will hide until the light fades away,
often its thought of, as dark, evil, scary,
but it is really just big, round, and merry,
forever hanging in the sky,
where no one can touch it and make it cry,
it floats up there for all to see,
and grants wishes to all those who believe,
so next time your outside and gaze up at the sky,
look for the moon, and your dreams will soar high.