You can veiw yesterday's sketch fully colored [Here]. 3nodding It turned out nicely.
My teachers called me by my last name today. rolleyes I have a really Irish name, so they really enjoyed it. XD Though, Sensei still called me by my first name and Mr. Tankovich doesn't really know who the Hell I am, so... yeah. Got attacked by some friends all trying to plant a kiss on me. X3 It was so totaly random to me... Luckily, I managed to escape before anything really happened. XD Waii~ I do love St. Patrick's Day. X3~~ the corned beef always tastes better then.
Just for the record: One sheet of lined paper is very filling. 3nodding I like to take it, and shred it into strips, then put those strips in the leftover broth from my friend's Ramen. It's better than it sounds... And it's really good with taco sauce and ranch dressing smeared on it. XD *will eat anything*
Leamony · Fri Mar 18, 2005 @ 04:06am · 3 Comments |