What a wonderful world… Have you ever noticed that you get problems just when you don’t need them?
Today, when I woke up, I had this wonderful skin irritation… betwen my eyebrows. It’s huge, it’s red, I feel like scratching it but when I do, an horrible transparent liquid comes out of thw whole thing. And it covers the whole space betwen my eyebrows, it goes up on my forehead, down on my nose and all over my eyelids…
Shorter summary : gross. Now, what’s grosser than gross?… The irritation is so terrible that I need to put a special sticky cream on it. Grosser : the cream is pink.
I was afraid to contaminate Kitty with this unknown strange syndrom, so I let him in my wardrobe for the day. I’m pretty sure he had fun in there. My wardrobe’s full of spiderwebs.
Later on today, when the irruption became worse, I clearly knew what I was suffering from : there is that plant growing everywhere in the field, behind my house. This plant is known for secreting this oil that causes irritation when you’re skin gets in contact with it. It’s hard to get rid of this bloody oil : once you’ve got some on you, everything that touches you will be affected by the oil. Burning the whole field to destroy the source of contamination wouldn’t help much : I heard that even the ashes of this specific plant can cause irritation.
Well partl, this irritation is my owl fault. Last summer, I tried to grow some of these plants in my personnal garden, just to see (Ok I must admit that the shape of the leaves of these plants have always attracted me…). But I didn’t approach the garder since that day. The only possible explanation : Mystery and the posse, for some reason I ignore, recently came to my garden (Hey may be they’re spying on me! How fun!) and they decided to take a nap over my still-growing plants. Oil got stuck on their fur, I pet them, oil stuck to my hands, I passed a hand on my forehead to replace locks of my hair, oil got stuck all over my face and now, I’m stuck with skin Irritation. As I said above : what a wonderful world.
Now, stays to know : for how long will I have this monster make-up face? It’s not too pretty, if you really wanna know. Oh, I ain’t talking about the irritation : remember the cream???
Today’s Strange advice : Don’t touch unknown stuff…
Sweet Nightmares ahead, see you!
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Emily's wicked ideas and personnal notes and comments about life in general. You can also find summaries of her nightmares and get to know her homemade Zonster Kitty and her Posse. Get lost in her strange world and discover what the heck's in her hea
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