hey its spring break and i am getting up at 6 in the morning and everything. Eww right now i feel like forgetting everything and going to sleep! soooo tired lol anyway i'm finally seeing my dad he is coming to get me to go to muskegon at 7 and stuff so yeay. Anyway i sooo have to run for spring break cause if i don't i don't think i'll be able to keep up in soccar and that would be horribley bad. My brothers and sisters at my dads are probably gona smother me cause i haven't seen them for 3 months but i don't really care i miss everyone my mom has seperated me from one of my main support bases and its draining my enthiusiasm to do anything. Though i think thats what she wants to happend so i can end my life like her cold alone and spiteful. NOT GONA HAPPEN! any way dad should be coming soon so i'll be reunited with my family and she can't stop that thank goodness. Megan
bluetides · Sat Mar 31, 2007 @ 12:42pm · 0 Comments |