What does man view in the heat of battle? Man see's the collapse of man kind.
What does man hear in the heat of battle? Man hear's the crack of the gun loud enough to wake a man's heart and give life and yet it is an apprentice of what take's live's.
What does man endure in the heat of battle? Man endures the fearsome conflict between two nation's on a blood-stained, bullet-infested battlefield.
How does man react in the heat of battle? Man kill's a man and feel's the blood on their hand's of the fallen foe.
That is what man view's. . .
That is what man hear's. . .
That is what man endures. . .
That is how man react's. . .
Man see's the blood; a symbol of war. . .
Man hear's the blood; the scream's of the foe's. . .
Man endures the blood; stomp's through tainted puddle's
Man react's to the blood; become's entranced in a world of guilt making the bravest of men into cowardess being's. . .
What is it? It's the. . .
Power of Blood