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Jewlz Thoughts
fishy talk (april 17)
Nico's Room (durem)

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Welcome to Gaia Fishing! You will need a rod and some bait available at the fishing shop. Click on one type of bait then click the mouse to begin casting. Watch the power meter and click again to cast. If you catch a fish, move your mouse side to side to keep it between the lines.
fisher_17: Hey =]
Xx_jewlz_xX: haha i got scared at first that there was a new nico
fisher_17: XD
Xx_jewlz_xX: i was going to give someone s**t
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
fisher_17: Hahaha
fisher_17: nice
fisher_17: Hey I just finished this bucket, I am going to go check my account and i'll be back
fisher_17: haha alrighty XD
fisher_17: brb
fisher_17 leaves the chat.
fisher_17 enters the chat.
Xx_jewlz_xX: welcome back
fisher_17: Thanks =]
Xx_jewlz_xX: by the way frank (lezaer) said if i saw you to ask you to invite samurai and i to the guild Literate Fishermans Guild i think it's called
fisher_17: I am a crew member in it =]
Xx_jewlz_xX: well asked if you could
Xx_jewlz_xX: i know thats why he asked me to ask you lol
fisher_17: Ah
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
fisher_17: i'll do it after this bucket
fisher_17: =]
Xx_jewlz_xX: yay
Xx_jewlz_xX: *jumps around*
fisher_17: Haha
fisher_17: Ah man I am sore
Xx_jewlz_xX: aww how come?
fisher_17: I went to a show last night
Xx_jewlz_xX: what show? smile
fisher_17: I saw The Adicts <3
Xx_jewlz_xX: hehe cool
Xx_jewlz_xX: had fun?
fisher_17: Oh man it was great =]
Xx_jewlz_xX: yay
fisher_17: I met Pete and Kid before the show
Xx_jewlz_xX: you must of been really happy
fisher_17: Yeah
fisher_17: they are really cool guys
fisher_17: They are both old enough to be my parents or even my grand parents
Xx_jewlz_xX: haha
fisher_17: But they are cool
Xx_jewlz_xX: well so are you
Xx_jewlz_xX: *nods*
Xx_jewlz_xX: razz
fisher_17: not as much as them XD
Xx_jewlz_xX: well i didn't meet them
Xx_jewlz_xX: i met you lol
Xx_jewlz_xX: HA!
Xx_jewlz_xX: i win
Xx_jewlz_xX: go me
fisher_17: Haha
fisher_17: Nice
Xx_jewlz_xX: *dances around*
fisher_17: They have been in the punk scene for 31 years with there original member
Xx_jewlz_xX: wow
fisher_17: All of them original
Xx_jewlz_xX: thats awesome
fisher_17: Yeah
fisher_17: see
fisher_17: Punk never died
fisher_17: =]
Xx_jewlz_xX: punk will never die
fisher_17: Nope
Xx_jewlz_xX: i'm so happy i bought this rod
Xx_jewlz_xX: wheee
fisher_17: Haha
Xx_jewlz_xX: i got it really cheap
Xx_jewlz_xX: i'm so cheap
fisher_17: I don't like that one =]
fisher_17: I got my strength plus and my basic plus for free
Xx_jewlz_xX: i like the performance
fisher_17: Same here
Xx_jewlz_xX: lucky you
fisher_17: I sold the strenght because I hated it
fisher_17: XD
Xx_jewlz_xX: i bought my really cheap today
Xx_jewlz_xX: so i'm happy
Xx_jewlz_xX: i wanted it for a while
fisher_17: How much?
Xx_jewlz_xX: and next i was a basic rod plus
Xx_jewlz_xX: 7k
fisher_17: Nice
Xx_jewlz_xX: i daced around
Xx_jewlz_xX: danced*
Xx_jewlz_xX: then fell down
fisher_17: XD
Xx_jewlz_xX: i got a booboo
fisher_17: Aww
fisher_17: I thought you're bf would be doing alot better
Xx_jewlz_xX: he's been really sick
Xx_jewlz_xX: his head is not with it at all
fisher_17: mm
fisher_17: That sucks
fisher_17: i hate being sick
Xx_jewlz_xX: same here
fisher_17: Well tell him I said to get better =]
Xx_jewlz_xX: i wish i could be there with him and take care of him
fisher_17: I want some challenge
Xx_jewlz_xX: i will smile
fisher_17: =D
Xx_jewlz_xX: brb i'm about to call him
fisher_17: Alrighty
Xx_jewlz_xX: i have to call him back in a bit
Xx_jewlz_xX: oh well
fisher_17: Alrighty =]
Xx_jewlz_xX: he said thanks
fisher_17: <3
Xx_jewlz_xX: smile
Xx_jewlz_xX: noooooo
Xx_jewlz_xX: stupid boot
fisher_17: ?
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
fisher_17: Ah
fisher_17: XD
fisher_17: I hate junk
fisher_17: Have you ever heard The Adicts?
Xx_jewlz_xX: i just hate it when i'm using a bait
fisher_17: ah
Xx_jewlz_xX: not very sure. i shall look them up though smile
fisher_17: When you do
fisher_17: listen to viva la revolution
fisher_17: or
fisher_17: Joker in the pack
fisher_17: Both great songs
tanx2 enters the chat.
Xx_jewlz_xX: ill look for both smile
fisher_17: Hola =]
tanx2: Nuuuu
fisher_17: Alrighty
fisher_17: XD
tanx2: Og there you are
tanx2: You scurred meh
fisher_17: XDD
fisher_17: She did the same thing
tanx2: I get to use my new big green rod
Xx_jewlz_xX: neutral
fisher_17: XD
tanx2: So... Any sands for meh?
fisher_17: I have one on my main
tanx2: Why have you been using your mule, anyway?
fisher_17: Not a mule
tanx2: Forreallyness?
fisher_17: Yeah
fisher_17: It is a competition account
fisher_17: i am in a comp
tanx2: WHO ARE YOU?
fisher_17: XD
tanx2: *punch punch punch*
fisher_17: Remember that one other guppa questor?
tanx2: uh.... YEAH
fisher_17: She sent me a pm a few days ago
tanx2: And...
fisher_17: Well turns out she got banned
tanx2: Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
fisher_17: and she was leaving gaia
tanx2: You mean Beitou?
fisher_17: No
fisher_17: that girl
tanx2: That's who I mean
tanx2: hang on
fisher_17: She said she was going to sell me that guppa for a good price but she was banned Dx
fisher_17: Noo that one noobish looking girl
Monstakillahomie enters the chat.
fisher_17: Hey man <3
Monstakillahomie: this nico?
fisher_17: Yeah
tanx2: Hey Monsta
Monstakillahomie: thought so
Monstakillahomie: hey tanx
tanx2: Do j00 even know meh?
tanx2: -headdesk-
Monstakillahomie: no
tanx2: I knew it
Monstakillahomie: but i like the helm
tanx2: *continues to stalk you *
Monstakillahomie: which one is it
tanx2: (sorta)
fisher_17: Slate
Monstakillahomie: ahhh
Monstakillahomie: nico im goin for the ninja headband
tanx2: Yeah, now I only need sand
fisher_17: Cool =]
fisher_17: God luck
fisher_17: good*
Monstakillahomie: i have 330k towards it so far
fisher_17: How much are they worth
fisher_17: 900k?
tanx2: Fisherlady, you was right the first time
Monstakillahomie: 730k
fisher_17: Ah
Monstakillahomie: im almost halfway
tanx2: Psh
fisher_17: Tight
fisher_17: god?
tanx2: You still have a long way to go
tanx2: Yes, god
tanx2: He's going to need the luck of god to get a headband
fisher_17: XDD
fisher_17: God doesn't have luck though
tanx2: I could get a headband in like two second
tanx2: s*
fisher_17: He can get w/e he wants when ever
tanx2: Well, if we're talking about getaGRIP, that is
Monstakillahomie: i can get it trust me kid
tanx2: I know you can
Monstakillahomie: my names out there enough to get it
tanx2: After me completing my current quest, anything is possible
Monstakillahomie: if i make a good offer on one it will be mine
fisher_17: =]
Monstakillahomie: i want the OMG to tell the truth
Monstakillahomie: and i want cans
tanx2: Monsta, you have to know me
Monstakillahomie: when i get the tin hat im sellin my OMFG
tanx2: I've traded with you plenty of times
fisher_17: I might have 6 guppas soon
Monstakillahomie: maybe i do i dont remember
fisher_17: or another to add
Monstakillahomie: yeah nico hows ur quest doin
tanx2: *cries*
fisher_17: Good =]
Monstakillahomie: thats good
Monstakillahomie: its been a while since ive talked to u
fisher_17: Yes it is =D
fisher_17: Yeah
Monstakillahomie: tanx u got any cans u wanna sell?
tanx2: Psh
tanx2: You was mean to meh
tanx2: *turns the other way*
Monstakillahomie: i know nico cant sell them from that account
Monstakillahomie: tanx i do so many trades a day its not funny
Monstakillahomie: every room i go in i know someone almost
tanx2: Whateva
fisher_17: I have some..I think
tanx2: *cries*
Monstakillahomie: its hard for me to keep up with people unless i talk to them everyday
fisher_17: I'll check in two fishes
Monstakillahomie: kk
tanx2: I have a little over 100 cans
tanx2: But, do you have sand boldurs?
Monstakillahomie: im payin 5g each for cans
Monstakillahomie: no i sold 10 of them to a friend the other day
fisher_17: I'll donate them
Monstakillahomie: i sold them to aznhaloman'
Monstakillahomie: thanks nico
tanx2: I know him, too
tanx2: I think
fisher_17: Okay,
fisher_17: brb
fisher_17 leaves the chat.
tanx2: *saves seat*
tanx2: So...
Monstakillahomie: so what
tanx2: How are you?
Monstakillahomie: good and u
tanx2: upset
Monstakillahomie: y?
tanx2: You didn't remember me
tanx2: *cry*
Monstakillahomie: im sry man
tanx2: That's okay
keito43kenji enters the chat.
tanx2: Im sure you'll remember me after today
`Sukeru enters the chat.
tanx2: Because if you don't, I'll chop your balls off and feed them to my sand boldurs
Monstakillahomie: lol i should now that ive talked to u
Monstakillahomie: and sukeru u have to leave
tanx2: Why?
Monstakillahomie: cause that seat is saved for nico to come back
Monstakillahomie: deedeedee
keito43kenji: ^_^
`Sukeru: ...
tanx2: Then Keitou has to leave, not Sukero
tanx2: Sukeru, my bad
tanx2: Keito my bad, too
Shrimpy14 enters the chat.
tanx2: NOW WHAT!!!!!!1!!!!(insert one here to be 1337)!!!!1!!
Monstakillahomie: ok someone has to leave
tanx2: I'll do it
tanx2: (NOT)
Shrimpy14 leaves the chat.
Monstakillahomie: no
Monstakillahomie: woot f** left
Nico Suavae enters the chat.
`Sukeru: there you go
tanx2: YAY
tanx2: HAHAHA
Nico Suavae: =O
`Sukeru: is everyone happy?
Monstakillahomie: wb nico i just made someone leave for ya
Nico Suavae: My queen spot
tanx2: No
Nico Suavae: XD
Nico Suavae: Thanks
Monstakillahomie: np
tanx2: I'm angry
`Sukeru: how you do that?
Nico Suavae: ?
Monstakillahomie: thanks for the cans nico
`Sukeru: I call it doupe boy magic
Nico Suavae: No problem
Monstakillahomie: DAMN U TANKS
`Sukeru: dope* . . .
tanx2: STFU NOOB
Nico Suavae: Tanx
tanx2: That's not my name
Nico Suavae: I sent a trade
Monstakillahomie: sukeru dont come in here singin that bs
tanx2: *kills you*
Monstakillahomie: i accepted it
`Sukeru: hahaha. STFU
`Sukeru: It's a joke.
Monstakillahomie: dont tell me to shut the ******** up
Monstakillahomie: cause i wont quit till u do
tanx2: Cool it cats
Monstakillahomie: nico will tell u i wont quit
tanx2: *has always wanted to say that*
Nico Suavae: Yeah..it's true
`Sukeru: And?
Monstakillahomie: he saw it a couple times last month
Monstakillahomie: and eventually ill get sick of ur b***h a**
Monstakillahomie: and ull say somethin that violates TOS and ill report u if i dont like u
Nico Suavae: Tanx go do that trade..I want to go back onto the comp account
`Sukeru: Are you seriously getting pissed over a chatroom?
`Sukeru: That's rich.
tanx2: I didn't know you sent one
tanx2: XP
Nico Suavae: Jewlz I sent Samuari a invite
Nico Suavae: =]
`Sukeru: And so far, you're the one swearing.
Nico Suavae: Accepted
Nico Suavae: brb
Monstakillahomie: sukeru lemme show u somethin
Nico Suavae leaves the chat.
tanx2: NUUU NICO!
tanx2: COME BACk
Monstakillahomie: Do not submit reports for swearing, attitude, or issues not covered in the Gaia Online ToS.
Monstakillahomie: so i cant be reported for cussing
Monstakillahomie: haha b***h
tanx2: I CAN
Monstakillahomie: i read things before i make mistakes
tanx2: Damn Mods
`Sukeru: So what's your point?
tanx2: I mean, I love you MODS
Monstakillahomie: i swear alot
Monstakillahomie: thats my goddamn points
fisher_17 enters the chat.
tanx2: *huggles the mods*
Monstakillahomie: wb nico
`Sukeru: Good for you. I'm glad for you.
fisher_17: Thanks
tanx2: You should be
tanx2: *smile
tanx2: *
Xx_jewlz_xX: *pokes nico* how about me lol
tanx2: HI
Monstakillahomie: i still got a long way to go for this tin hat
tanx2: YOU'RE BACK
keito43kenji: hi
Monstakillahomie: oh s**t hey jewlz
Monstakillahomie: i didnt notice u there
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol hello
Xx_jewlz_xX: its ok
tanx2: You remember her but not me
tanx2: *cry*
`Sukeru: But when you're being rude like that, you should expect something like this to happen...
Xx_jewlz_xX: i was just reading
Xx_jewlz_xX: razz
Monstakillahomie: she was behind me in the stats last month and it took forever to pass her thats y i know her
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
tanx2: Nuuuuu
tanx2: I should srsly try to fish
Monstakillahomie: everytime i passed and got a couple k ahead i would get off and then get back on and be in 12th again
fisher_17: Yeah she is a good fisher
tanx2: But when I do that I have to pay attention and filter
Monstakillahomie: eventually i got sick of it and got a 15k lead
tanx2: It's too much work
Xx_jewlz_xX: i am here you know
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
Monstakillahomie: she is a good fisher though
Monstakillahomie: yes yes i know
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
Monstakillahomie: jewlz i never asked u
fisher_17: Tis what I said
fisher_17: XD
Monstakillahomie: how old r u
Xx_jewlz_xX: :O
tanx2: Who?
Monstakillahomie: both of u tanx and jewlz
Xx_jewlz_xX: 19
fisher_17: *wonders why these hot cheeto's are sweet*
tanx2: I is only a fourteen year old
fisher_17: Is 16
Monstakillahomie: ah ok ur my age
Monstakillahomie: well close at least
tanx2: -headdesk-
Xx_jewlz_xX: I'M OLD
Xx_jewlz_xX: !!!!!!!
Monstakillahomie: im 23
Monstakillahomie: ur not old
Xx_jewlz_xX: yay not so old
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
fisher_17: No you're not XD
tanx2: Wow, you're a oldhead
Monstakillahomie: nico u talkin to me?
fisher_17: Jewlz
Monstakillahomie: oh
fisher_17: She said she is old
tanx2: the monsta*
fisher_17: And she isn't
tanx2: *listens to train*
tanx2: Mmmmmmm
tanx2: Tasteh
fisher_17: Nah
tanx2: *huggles limewire*
fisher_17: .
fisher_17: .
fisher_17: Crickey
Monstakillahomie: people who want to sell cans im payin 5g each i need them
fisher_17: I though I lost connection
Xx_jewlz_xX: *runs around*wheeeeeee
fisher_17: That scared me
tanx2: Who like my song?
tanx2: The one I'm listening to now?
fisher_17: idk
Monstakillahomie: brb lag
Monstakillahomie leaves the chat.
tanx2: by Train
Monstakillahomie enters the chat.
Monstakillahomie: kk back
fisher_17: i really don't know what the heck you are talking about
tanx2: HI
fisher_17: wb
tanx2: NU WAY
Monstakillahomie: ty
tanx2: Train is a band from the 80's
fisher_17: Well
Monstakillahomie: jewlz ur junkin this month arent u?
fisher_17: i like the 70's better
tanx2: Drops of Jupiter is my second favorite song from old rock like that
Xx_jewlz_xX: a little
Monstakillahomie: i thought i saw u on the junk board
Xx_jewlz_xX: i am
fisher_17: ELO it tight too
Monstakillahomie: u keepin ur cans or sellin them?
Xx_jewlz_xX: donating them to my boyfriend
Monstakillahomie: oh ok thats cool
Xx_jewlz_xX: how much you buying sand boldurs for
fisher_17: brb I need a soda
fisher_17: XD
tanx2: Depends on how many you have to sell to meh
fisher_17: NEED
Monstakillahomie: i just started collectin for a tin hat again i want it so i can sell my OMFG
Monstakillahomie: brb gatorade
fisher_17: Eww
fisher_17: I hate that stuff
Xx_jewlz_xX: huh who
tanx2: Yeah you
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
tanx2: How many sand boldurs do you have?
Xx_jewlz_xX: a few
tanx2: so... three?
fisher_17: Jewlz did you hear those songs yet?
Xx_jewlz_xX: i'm just curious of how much you buy them for
fisher_17: A few is 8
fisher_17: XD
tanx2: A few is 3
fisher_17: Everyone this it's three
tanx2: A couple is 2
fisher_17: Noo
fisher_17: It isn't
tanx2: Some is 4+
fisher_17: X]
tanx2: YES IT IS!!!!!!!!!!
fisher_17: noo
Xx_jewlz_xX: brb
fisher_17: k
tanx2: *chops one ball off and feeds it to my current sand boldurs*
tanx2: You want to keep arguing with me, Nico?
fisher_17: Yeah
tanx2: Monsta already knows what will happen
fisher_17: Yeah
fisher_17: I'll mess you up XD
fisher_17: j/k
tanx2: Psh
fisher_17: I couldn't do that to you
fisher_17: You're to cool
fisher_17: XD
tanx2: *gives you a band-aid for your bleeding balls*
tanx2: Happy Birthday
tanx2: *inches away slowly*
fisher_17: You're late by..12 days
fisher_17: XD
tanx2: *dives into the water and climbs out at the other side of the lake*
fisher_17: XD
keito43kenji: jhsdfhawheu
Monstakillahomie: *gets lag for u 2*
Monstakillahomie: from
fisher_17: My bad yo
tanx2: I HAVE A QUESTION!!!!!!!
fisher_17: Shoot
Monstakillahomie: shoot
fisher_17: XDD
Monstakillahomie: damn this gatorade is good
Monstakillahomie: oh just to let u know i only drink gatorade beer and tea
Monstakillahomie: haha
fisher_17: No water?
Monstakillahomie: gatorade basically is water when u get the mix to make it
fisher_17: Ah
tanx2: I don't drink water
tanx2: I watched cabin fever and since then I'm too scared
fisher_17: I drink water OJ, coke, and tomatoe jucie
fisher_17: jucie*
fisher_17: w/e
fisher_17: XD
tanx2: *stabstabstab*
keito43kenji: hahaha
fisher_17: Nah
Monstakillahomie: hell no
tanx2: SCREW YOU
Monstakillahomie: pepsi is nasty
fisher_17: Yeah
tanx2: *stabstaqbstab*
fisher_17: To much carbon
Monstakillahomie: coke is where the taste is
fisher_17: Coke is just mm
tanx2: I'm glad you guys are on the other end of a computer
Monstakillahomie: and he wonders y im saying i dont remember him
Monstakillahomie: i dont want people to know it
Monstakillahomie: jk
fisher_17: lmao
keito43kenji leaves the chat.
tanx2: I actually broke someone's nose before for talking bad about pepsi
Monstakillahomie: u wouldnt break mine
Monstakillahomie: u couldnt reach it
fisher_17: XDD
tanx2: How tall are you?
Monstakillahomie: im 6'5 or 6'6
fisher_17: I am 5'11
fisher_17: =]
tanx2: I could reach it, then
fisher_17: Almost 6
tanx2: I'm almost 5'7" but I have a monstrous reach
Monstakillahomie: and plus if u could reach it
Xx_jewlz_xX: I'M SHORT
Xx_jewlz_xX: neutral
Monstakillahomie: u wouldnt get half the chance to hit me
tanx2: Suuuuure
fisher_17: How tall are you Jewlz?
tanx2: Oh, you're right
Monstakillahomie: cause the second i saw it commin ud be on ur a**
tanx2: I'd be stabbing you too quick
Xx_jewlz_xX: 5'2"
fisher_17: Thats not that bad
`Sukeru leaves the chat.
fisher_17: One of my friends, she is like 4'8
tanx2: Wow...
Xx_jewlz_xX: i love being short
Xx_jewlz_xX: more fun
tanx2: Now that's short
fisher_17: =]
Monstakillahomie: tanx im a third degree black belt ud have to be quick to hit me
tanx2: Im pretty quick.
Xx_jewlz_xX: GO FOR THE NUTS!
Xx_jewlz_xX: razz
tanx2: Besides, you don't need to be quick
Monstakillahomie: well im sure id be a challenge
Monstakillahomie: and i have the stregnth to back it
tanx2: If you can take a punch, you'll be fine
fisher_17: Yeah but then he would only have 7 seconds to get away
Xx_jewlz_xX: flirt with him the hit him
Xx_jewlz_xX: razz
fisher_17: XD
Monstakillahomie: s**t
tanx2: I'm not a girl
tanx2: Though, that could work
tanx2: ...
Xx_jewlz_xX: all the more reason
fisher_17: i could pass as a girl =D
Monstakillahomie: ******** that
tanx2: *thinks on it*
Monstakillahomie: i wouldnt have to kill u then
Xx_jewlz_xX: hehe
Monstakillahomie: kristen would
Xx_jewlz_xX: nico would be a hot girly *nods*
tanx2: Kristen?
fisher_17: hehe
Monstakillahomie: my fiance
tanx2: That's whats up
tanx2: I've always wanted to get beat by a girl
Monstakillahomie: not by her
Monstakillahomie: she uses guns
Xx_jewlz_xX: oh oh oh i'll do the honours
Monstakillahomie: *hides*
tanx2: It's be an easy fight for her, though.
Xx_jewlz_xX: no guns needed
Xx_jewlz_xX: razz
tanx2: Even without a gun
Monstakillahomie: she uses guns thats y when she gets mad i leave
Monstakillahomie: its that simple
`Sukeru enters the chat.
Xx_jewlz_xX: friendsly lady neutral
fisher_17: I couldn't go out with a mean girl
Monstakillahomie: kristen gets mad will gets in his car
Xx_jewlz_xX: friendly*
tanx2: She wouldn't need a gun though, p***s face
tanx2: XP
Monstakillahomie: s**t kid
fisher_17: I would end up being beat
Xx_jewlz_xX: dude whats with the insults?
Monstakillahomie: who me?
Xx_jewlz_xX: no, tanx2
Xx_jewlz_xX: "p***s face"
Monstakillahomie: oh hes alright he can insult he just better hope he never meets me
tanx2: XP
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
Monstakillahomie: but i figure hes jokin so its all goode
tanx2: Oh, I'm hoping
Monstakillahomie: good*
fisher_17: jeez
Xx_jewlz_xX: nico you look like the innocent boy near all evil things lol
tanx2: You're fiance wouldn't need top use and kind of weapon or anything
fisher_17: XD
Xx_jewlz_xX: *eats nico* mwhahahaha
Xx_jewlz_xX: RAWR
Xx_jewlz_xX: razz
Monstakillahomie: jewlz where r u from if u dont mind me askin
fisher_17: =O
Xx_jewlz_xX: Canada (Quebec)
fisher_17: Oh!
Monstakillahomie: i want to go to canada i hear they have better beer
fisher_17: The Adicts play there alot
lilmaster360 enters the chat.
Xx_jewlz_xX: much better beer
fisher_17: Lucky
Monstakillahomie: im goin there one day when i do ill let u know
fisher_17: I don't drink
Xx_jewlz_xX: nice smile
Xx_jewlz_xX: you're too young lol
Xx_jewlz_xX: i can say that hahaha
fisher_17: =P
Monstakillahomie: i dont drink (yeah right)
tanx2: Anyone have any websites where I could look up boarding schools?
Xx_jewlz_xX: haha
fisher_17: I've been drunk once
fisher_17: XD
`Sukeru: boarding school?
Monstakillahomie: y tanx?
Xx_jewlz_xX: once hahaha amiture (spelling)
tanx2: Uh....
tanx2: No comment
Xx_jewlz_xX: *hugs nico* so innocent
`Sukeru: I had to go to boarding school last year.
tanx2: Yeah or no?
`Sukeru: It's really difficult
Monstakillahomie: not me
fisher_17: I want to go to boarding school
Xx_jewlz_xX: nope
fisher_17: i need saome challenge
fisher_17: some*
Monstakillahomie: i want to stay out of school haha
tanx2: Boarding school can't be much hader than my school
`Sukeru: It depends on the boarding school, though
tanx2: At least they don't know what I'm capable of
Monstakillahomie: no more school im done and happy
fisher_17: I love school. It gives me things to do =]
Monstakillahomie: sometimes i wish i could go back to kindergarden though i miss nap time
`Sukeru: That's true. Have you tried looking for scholarships?
Xx_jewlz_xX: i took 2 years off... now starting back in college full time next semester
`Sukeru: Where do you live, though?
Monstakillahomie: nap time was great
tanx2: Me?
fisher_17: Why did you put a coma in the middle of no where?
fisher_17: comma*
`Sukeru: Yep
Xx_jewlz_xX: i still have nap time... its called economics
tanx2: Uh... doesn't matter
fisher_17: XDD
tanx2: I need a boarding school for just about anywhere except Pennsylvania
`Sukeru: Hmm.
fisher_17: Why not there?
`Sukeru: I'll check real quick
tanx2: Uh...
tanx2: That's where I live, DUH
fisher_17: oh
fisher_17: XD
Monstakillahomie: wait stop
Monstakillahomie: where in pa
Xx_jewlz_xX: ahhhhh so much lag
Xx_jewlz_xX: neutral
Monstakillahomie: i have relatives in pa
tanx2: Philly
Monstakillahomie: ahh ok
fisher_17: I am not having any lag
tanx2: Well, outskirts of philly, really
tanx2: XP
Monstakillahomie: they live near pittsbug
Monstakillahomie: pittsburg
Monstakillahomie: i cants spell it
Monstakillahomie: a town called beaver falls or somethin
Xx_jewlz_xX: yay to spell check
`Sukeru: I have a link to a list of them
fisher_17: Beavers are tight
`Sukeru: But it's kind of long
tanx2: Thatswhatsup
Xx_jewlz_xX: *covers virgin ears*
Xx_jewlz_xX: naughty nico
fisher_17: omg
fisher_17: XD
Xx_jewlz_xX: tisk tisk
`Sukeru: http://www.boardingschoolsusa.com/toc.asp?lstCat=Boarding+Schools&lstLang=English&optSort=Geo&SearchNow=Search+Now%21
`Sukeru: There's the link
Xx_jewlz_xX: i'm so saving this convo lol
Xx_jewlz_xX: it's funny
`Sukeru: Hope it helps..
Xx_jewlz_xX: oh Frank told me you put up the boing boing boing thing in the guild lol
fisher_17: Haha
fisher_17: Yeah
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
Xx_jewlz_xX: nice
Monstakillahomie: nico ur not in my guild r u
Xx_jewlz_xX: i'll be famous *falls over laughing*
fisher_17: no
Monstakillahomie: i started one last friday
fisher_17: i am only in three
Xx_jewlz_xX: you have a guild? nice
fisher_17: Send me a invite
Monstakillahomie: yeah i bought it for 15k haha
Xx_jewlz_xX: 5k off
Xx_jewlz_xX: whee
fisher_17: Damn these cheeto's
Xx_jewlz_xX: oh my its quiet now... everyone alive?
Xx_jewlz_xX: *shifty eyes*
fisher_17: Yes
`Sukeru: <-
Xx_jewlz_xX: 3/6
Xx_jewlz_xX: not bad
tanx2: NU
tanx2: I'm Dead
`Sukeru: They're probably fishing right now
Xx_jewlz_xX: hmmm
Monstakillahomie: Nico Suave
Xx_jewlz_xX: traggiv?
Monstakillahomie: thats how u speel it right?
fisher_17: Nico suavae
Xx_jewlz_xX: whats your guild about?
Monstakillahomie: its called Monstakilla's Gold Making Guild
Xx_jewlz_xX: yay a boldur
Xx_jewlz_xX: haha nice
Xx_jewlz_xX: *goes to check it out*
Monstakillahomie: jewlz
Xx_jewlz_xX: yes?
Monstakillahomie: im sendin u an add hang on
tanx2: IZIT SAND?
Xx_jewlz_xX: okie dokie thank you smile
`Sukeru: Pyrite biter..?
tanx2: Uh...
tanx2: Do you have a system for promotion?
Xx_jewlz_xX: looks cool Monsta (hope you don't mind me shortening your name razz )
fisher_17: brb
fisher_17: back
Xx_jewlz_xX: welcome back smile
fisher_17: 5 more fish and I am off for a bit
fisher_17: I'll be back though
Xx_jewlz_xX: as nico?
fisher_17: Yeah
Xx_jewlz_xX: yay
Monstakillahomie: no i dont most call me mon
Xx_jewlz_xX: no more sweet and innocent looking avi for you
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
fisher_17: XD
tanx2: Wow, I'm Jamaican
tanx2: HEY MON
Monstakillahomie: what?.
tanx2: Mon
Monstakillahomie: what
tanx2: Pronounced like Pokemon
Monstakillahomie: huh
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
tanx2: Hey Mon, Come to Jamaica
Monstakillahomie: no
tanx2: Psh, why not?
tanx2: We have legalized weed here
`Sukeru leaves the chat.
tanx2: *giggledies*
fisher_17: Weed makes you stupid
fisher_17: My school is living proof of that
fisher_17: Dx
tanx2: *points to self*
tanx2: What I do is not entirely an act
tanx2: One time and I've never been the same
fisher_17: I never done drugs =P
`Sukeru enters the chat.
fisher_17: I've*
fisher_17: wb
fisher_17: I don't want to turn out like the majority of my school
fisher_17: will
lilmaster360 leaves the chat.
Xx_jewlz_xX: friendly person... bye bye lilmaster person *waves*
Lezaer enters the chat.
Xx_jewlz_xX: YAY
tanx2: I'm thinking about leaving gaia when my quest is done
fisher_17: =O
Xx_jewlz_xX: *jumps frank and kisses him all over*
fisher_17: ********
Xx_jewlz_xX: I MISSED YOU!!!
Lezaer: Ell
fisher_17: Missed a biter
fisher_17: Hey man
Monstakillahomie: i tried to leave gaia but it didnt work
fisher_17: Whats up?
tanx2: What?
Lezaer: How goses it?
tanx2: How did it not work?
Monstakillahomie: i ended up on a mule
Monstakillahomie: haha
fisher_17: XD
tanx2: Eh
tanx2: I have better things that I could and should be doing with my life
Monstakillahomie: i think im dumb but ice is cold as ********
Xx_jewlz_xX: i have no life though
Lezaer: o.O
Xx_jewlz_xX: i need one
`Sukeru: well said
Xx_jewlz_xX: *shakes fist*
fisher_17: lol's
Xx_jewlz_xX: i'll give you a dollar
Xx_jewlz_xX: *nods*
tanx2: DEAL
Monstakillahomie: i want a dollar
fisher_17: Hey Frank
Monstakillahomie: ******** him
Xx_jewlz_xX: neutral
fisher_17: I know you know you're music
Xx_jewlz_xX: no thnks
Xx_jewlz_xX: thanks*
Lezaer: hello Nico
fisher_17: You know who the Adicts are right?
Xx_jewlz_xX: me
Xx_jewlz_xX: *shifty eyes*
Xx_jewlz_xX: oh my i'm hyper
fisher_17: Lol's
`Sukeru: All right, a TIRE
Monstakillahomie: people need to sell me cans
`Sukeru: Those old cans?
Monstakillahomie: cans cans cans cans cans cans cans cans cans cans cans
Monstakillahomie: yes yes
Monstakillahomie: i pay 5g each for them lil things
`Sukeru: I think I may have a few of those..
Xx_jewlz_xX: can can, can you do the can can i can do the can can
Monstakillahomie: O_O send trade
`Sukeru: >: |
`Sukeru: Only if you say apologize
`Sukeru: please?
`Sukeru: ...
Monstakillahomie: mesa sry
`Sukeru: Scratch the 'say'
tanx2: Last fish
`Sukeru: heh
tanx2: I'll see you guys on the flip flop
Lezaer: Bye
`Sukeru: ^ ___ ^
Xx_jewlz_xX: bye bye
`Sukeru: Sending le trade
fisher_17: Peace yo
tanx2: Damn touchpad
tanx2: XP
fisher_17: Damn junk
Xx_jewlz_xX: kinky
Lezaer: Wierd my old avi is on the dock...what do you all see?
Xx_jewlz_xX: crazy eyes
Xx_jewlz_xX: lol
Xx_jewlz_xX: orange
tanx2: electric eyes
`Sukeru: Ah poo. I have one can...
`Sukeru: But when I get more, I'll send more, k?
Lezaer: I thought I cleaned the cache
fisher_17: Alright people
fisher_17: I'll be back soon
fisher_17: Peace out <3
Xx_jewlz_xX: you better
Xx_jewlz_xX: razz
tanx2: NO NICO
Lezaer: kk
fisher_17: XD
fisher_17: Peace
fisher_17 leaves the chat.
tanx2: I was supposed to leave before him
tanx2: BYE GUyS
Lezaer: Bye
tanx2 leaves the chat.
Xx_jewlz_xX: and then there were 4
Lezaer: RAWRT
Lezaer: hehe
Xx_jewlz_xX: *pokes the cutie*
Xx_jewlz_xX: (FRANK)
Xx_jewlz_xX: razz
`Sukeru: Got another can!
Lezaer: XP
`Sukeru: biggrin
Lezaer: whee...cans
Monstakillahomie: where did nico go?
Monstakillahomie: cans r great i love them
Monstakillahomie: and i need 4600 more
Lezaer: o.O
Xx_jewlz_xX: break and changing to his account
`Sukeru: 4600?
`Sukeru: D:
Monstakillahomie: oh ok
Monstakillahomie: yeah 4600
Monstakillahomie: it takes 5000 to make the tin hat and i only have 400 somethin

User Comments: [1] [add]
Nico Suavae
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Apr 18, 2007 @ 07:12am
Good times heart

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