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nanashi chife of Luberia the thifes guild a complete playboy and all of this boys dreams will be recorded in this journal
Deidara224 (5:21:45 PM): hi
DNDarkAngel117 (5:23:58 PM): hi
Deidara224 (5:22:13 PM): how r u?
DNDarkAngel117 (5:24:39 PM): oh ok i guess
Deidara224 (5:23:01 PM): ok, whats wrong?
DNDarkAngel117 (5:25:14 PM): somethings wrong
Deidara224 (5:23:16 PM): i know that tone of typing
DNDarkAngel117 (5:25:29 PM): nothings wrong
Deidara224 (5:23:39 PM): r u sure?
DNDarkAngel117 (5:25:46 PM): yeah yeah i guess so
Deidara224 (5:24:14 PM): i'm happy ^^
DNDarkAngel117 (5:26:19 PM): thats good
Deidara224 (5:24:33 PM): i have apples!!! yay
DNDarkAngel117 (5:27:45 PM): oh thats good
Deidara224 (5:26:11 PM): ^^
DNDarkAngel117 (5:31:52 PM): at least someone is happy today
Deidara224 (5:30:09 PM): wats the matter?
DNDarkAngel117 (5:32:21 PM): its.........its nothing
Deidara224 (5:30:45 PM): come on, tell me, please?
DNDarkAngel117 (5:33:08 PM): its nothing i dont want to talk about it
Deidara224 (5:31:19 PM): T-T
DNDarkAngel117 (5:33:53 PM): im srry its just i cant talk about it
Deidara224 (5:32:04 PM): fine
DNDarkAngel117 (5:34:15 PM): i its just
DNDarkAngel117 (5:34:17 PM): ...............
DNDarkAngel117 (5:34:22 PM): so hard for me
DNDarkAngel117 (5:35:21 PM): i get like this sometimes its just natural i guess
Deidara224 (5:34:01 PM): oh, ok
DNDarkAngel117 (5:36:31 PM): theres a big nife in my arm it wont come out it hurt
Deidara224 (5:34:44 PM): ouch
DNDarkAngel117 (5:37:08 PM): its really far in my skin it really hurts
Deidara224 (5:35:18 PM): y?
DNDarkAngel117 (5:37:27 PM): what do you mean y
Deidara224 (5:35:36 PM): y is it there?
DNDarkAngel117 (5:38:54 PM): oh i got really pissed off at myself and i couldent take the pain i was feeling in my black heart so i stabbed myself so i wouldent have to think about what hasppend now my heart hurts more and now my skin to
Deidara224 (5:39:29 PM): *mutters* emo
DNDarkAngel117 (5:41:40 PM): yeah i no im like that sometimes
Deidara224 (5:39:55 PM): well cant blame ya, at times so am i
DNDarkAngel117 (5:42:14 PM): u stab urself
Deidara224 (5:40:20 PM): . . . .
Deidara224 (5:40:32 PM): maby
DNDarkAngel117 (5:43:12 PM): i do alot because i have constant pain in my heart
DNDarkAngel117 (5:45:10 PM): my life is screwed
Deidara224 (5:43:25 PM): a lot of people think that
DNDarkAngel117 (5:46:44 PM): i dont think that i no my life is screwed
Deidara224 (5:45:07 PM): . . .
Deidara224 (5:45:46 PM): feal betterr
DNDarkAngel117 (5:47:57 PM): i cant thats an impossibility
Deidara224 (5:46:06 PM): no its nort
Deidara224 (5:46:08 PM): *not
DNDarkAngel117 (5:48:19 PM): yes thats just how my life is
Deidara224 (5:46:25 PM): no
DNDarkAngel117 (5:48:32 PM): yes it is
Deidara224 (5:46:59 PM): *sigh* i'll give up cuz i dont want you to get mad
Deidara224 (5:47:06 PM): but just this once
Deidara224 (5:47:08 PM): !!!
DNDarkAngel117 (5:49:35 PM): hn its just i cant settle this pain thats inside me
Deidara224 (5:48:27 PM): i feal really bad
DNDarkAngel117 (5:50:30 PM): hn y
Deidara224 (5:48:38 PM): cuz i cant help yopu
Deidara224 (5:48:40 PM): *you
DNDarkAngel117 (5:50:56 PM): no one can
Deidara224 (5:49:11 PM): i still feal bad
DNDarkAngel117 (5:51:30 PM): but its not ur fault
Deidara224 (5:49:38 PM): so?
DNDarkAngel117 (5:51:38 PM): so dont feel bad
Deidara224 (5:50:11 PM): i would sent you my 15 laws of life but you would just find a defult in all of them
DNDarkAngel117 (5:53:04 PM): hn let me see this can give me something to do i can find falts in stuff thats always fun
Deidara224 (5:51:15 PM): fine
Deidara224 (5:51:54 PM): 1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3.The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. If not for you, someone may not be living.

8. You are special and unique.

9. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.

12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.

13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.

15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.

Deidara224 (5:54:37 PM): brb
Deidara224 (5:58:52 PM): back
DNDarkAngel117 (6:01:37 PM): srry
DNDarkAngel117 (6:01:50 PM): trying to read these weird rules of yours and understand them
Deidara224 (6:00:15 PM): sorry
Deidara224 (6:00:16 PM): lol
DNDarkAngel117 (6:02:39 PM): so let me read it ok it might be a while i need to think of a good fault
Deidara224 (6:00:46 PM): kk
DNDarkAngel117 (6:04:09 PM): these rules are all true for normal peoples lives but for me i just cant seem to connect to any and i no that none of these things will ever happen at least not to me
Deidara224 (6:02:26 PM): *sigh*
Deidara224 (6:02:52 PM): your the person that poped into my mind when i was reading them
DNDarkAngel117 (6:05:02 PM): its just how my life was setup my life is like a tower everytime i get to the top i always fall back down
Deidara224 (6:03:22 PM): that happends to every one
DNDarkAngel117 (6:05:24 PM): im just not the kinda person u thought i was then
DNDarkAngel117 (6:05:43 PM): yeah but im always at the bottom never able to climb back up
Deidara224 (6:04:05 PM): same here, your not the only one in that bout
DNDarkAngel117 (6:06:40 PM): im not in the bout im drowning in blood
Deidara224 (6:05:04 PM): dam, i thought i was the only one wo said that
DNDarkAngel117 (6:07:41 PM): im drowing in this never ending ocean of blood nevr able to get back on life life bout because my soul is dead inside
Deidara224 (6:06:22 PM): poeatic
DNDarkAngel117 (6:08:47 PM): yeah i guess i am in a way
DNDarkAngel117 (6:10:18 PM): im just alone in this world not noing what to do or whear to go my life feels like its over and i have whent down to hell
Deidara224 (6:08:56 PM): *hugs you*
DNDarkAngel117 (6:11:07 PM): i dont deserve that
Deidara224 (6:09:12 PM): yes u do
Deidara224 (6:09:16 PM): your awesome
DNDarkAngel117 (6:11:59 PM): no im not my life is worthless if i would just die i would make everyones life better
Deidara224 (6:10:19 PM): no, i can name 2 people that would be sad
DNDarkAngel117 (6:12:43 PM): they would be sad but it wouldent matter i would of just erased my self from there wories
Deidara224 (6:11:14 PM): no, they would think about you, and they would blame themseelfs
DNDarkAngel117 (6:14:26 PM): no i would have made there lives easier its not worth it me living in this world i want to kill my self but i cant im to scared im so stupid i cant even stab a knife through my heart
Deidara224 (6:12:46 PM): no
Deidara224 (6:12:51 PM): if you did that
DNDarkAngel117 (6:15:00 PM): everything would be better
Deidara224 (6:13:02 PM): i know 2 people that would kill eachother
DNDarkAngel117 (6:15:26 PM): no one would kill themselves for me because no one cares about me
Deidara224 (6:13:41 PM): tell that to me and gina -_____-
DNDarkAngel117 (6:16:25 PM): i wish i could but i just i cant u guys are 2 special to me i cant say anything like that to you 2
DNDarkAngel117 (6:19:41 PM): i hate my life i want someone to take it away for me because i cant do it
Deidara224 (6:18:20 PM): no
DNDarkAngel117 (6:20:30 PM): but thats what i desire most
Deidara224 (6:18:57 PM): i cant say anything
Deidara224 (6:19:01 PM): noting
Deidara224 (6:19:07 PM): i'll get yyou mad, and me
DNDarkAngel117 (6:21:29 PM): u cant get me mad im in no position to be mad
Deidara224 (6:19:43 PM): . .. .
DNDarkAngel117 (6:22:58 PM): im srry for this chat i mean u shouldent have had to listen to all that
Deidara224 (6:21:34 PM): i dont mind, i'd rathir shair my friend's pain then have them handle it all by them selfs
DNDarkAngel117 (6:24:14 PM): but thats the problem i dont want you to share my pain i want to go down in this ocen of blood alone
Deidara224 (6:22:22 PM): no
Deidara224 (6:22:29 PM): i wouldent let you
DNDarkAngel117 (6:24:58 PM): but u shouldent have to go through this pain with me
Deidara224 (6:23:07 PM): i dont cair
DNDarkAngel117 (6:25:28 PM): but i do
Deidara224 (6:23:39 PM): . . .
DNDarkAngel117 (6:26:01 PM): i dont want you to feel my pain
Deidara224 (6:24:09 PM): but i do
DNDarkAngel117 (6:27:17 PM): but i dont want u to im in this alone
Deidara224 (6:25:32 PM): no, your not
DNDarkAngel117 (6:28:15 PM): but i have to be
Deidara224 (6:26:35 PM): no, you dont
DNDarkAngel117 (6:29:22 PM): but i want to be
Deidara224 (6:27:30 PM): i dont
DNDarkAngel117 (6:31:06 PM): y do you care tho i mean this ocean of blood is consuming me bit by bit y do u want to be wasted along with me
Deidara224 (6:29:24 PM): yes
DNDarkAngel117 (6:32:02 PM): y do u want to be wasted along with me i mean y me of all people would you wanted to be wasted with me
Deidara224 (6:30:24 PM): 1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.DNDarkAngel117 (6:32:54 PM): u cant love me u just cant its to painfulDeidara224 (6:31:07 PM): i canDeidara224 (6:31:13 PM): no matter what you sayDNDarkAngel117 (6:33:49 PM): but y would u want to love meDeidara224 (6:31:59 PM): cuzDNDarkAngel117 (6:35:09 PM): but you just its not how can u love me we dont even no each other personally even tho i wish we didDeidara224 (6:33:26 PM): idkDNDarkAngel117 (6:35:52 PM): this is akward i feel so strangeDeidara224 (6:34:02 PM): yeah, so do iDNDarkAngel117 (6:36:23 PM): my heart hurts my horible black heartDeidara224 (6:34:52 PM): i feal like mine was tared into 7 pices then put back into meDNDarkAngel117 (6:37:50 PM): my heart is in one whole black as the darkness and is fulled with sinsDeidara224 (6:37:57 PM): When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.DNDarkAngel117 (6:40:21 PM): i no i have done that because i cant take the pain of the world so i shun it away from meDeidara224 (6:39:02 PM): (4 b4) 14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.DNDarkAngel117 (6:41:56 PM): i feel so weirdDeidara224 (6:40:50 PM): i know, it took me alot of guts to say that stuffDNDarkAngel117 (6:43:31 PM): it takes me a while to understand things but understanding the way of the heart has always been a streanth of mineDeidara224 (6:41:42 PM): reallyDNDarkAngel117 (6:44:43 PM): yeah i seem to understand other hearts more then mineDeidara224 (6:43:16 PM): hnDNDarkAngel117 (6:46:45 PM): my life consits of many things but mostly my pain and suffering my power under my control is limeted and cannot stay contained much longerDeidara224 (6:45:30 PM): ohDNDarkAngel117 (6:48:18 PM): can u understand the way i feelDeidara224 (6:46:35 PM): yes, and noDNDarkAngel117 (6:49:11 PM): what dont u understand and what do u understandDeidara224 (6:47:30 PM): its hard to explainDNDarkAngel117 (6:49:45 PM): i no my words can be hard to explain just try your bestDeidara224 (6:48:25 PM): i cant understand that its imposible to excape your pain with out dieingDNDarkAngel117 (6:51:27 PM): if i die i have nothing to live for and my pain would be gone not having a meaning in life makes u feel alone and dead inside so if i truly die i wont have the pain of not noingDeidara224 (6:50:15 PM): 8 pices to make that correctDNDarkAngel117 (6:53:00 PM): what do u mean 8 picesDeidara224 (6:51:19 PM): nevermindDNDarkAngel117 (6:53:28 PM): i cant no Deidara224 (6:52:21 PM): you might be able to figure it outDNDarkAngel117 (6:54:49 PM): hn 8 pices is it the next pice that was torn from your heartDeidara224 (6:52:59 PM): yesDNDarkAngel117 (6:55:07 PM): what is in that 8th piceDeidara224 (6:53:21 PM): happinessDNDarkAngel117 (6:55:42 PM): that was ripped out of my heart the day i was bornDeidara224 (6:54:16 PM): 1st pice-pureityDeidara224 (6:54:33 PM): 2ent-kindnesDeidara224 (6:55:00 PM): 3ed-being able to draw (yes thats a big deal to me)Deidara224 (6:55:09 PM): you get the ideaiaDNDarkAngel117 (6:58:32 PM): hn all the things that are important to you thats nice almost everything important to me has faded away my mother my father my love for my life the love for everything and happyness the one thing that was teared out of my heart and was never ment to be put back inDeidara224 (6:57:29 PM): the only things left r pain and hateridDNDarkAngel117 (6:59:46 PM): yes thats all i have left in my empty heartDeidara224 (6:57:59 PM): . . .DNDarkAngel117 (7:01:37 PM): its just how my life is its how it was meant to beDeidara224 (7:00:02 PM): i dont want you 2 be aloneDNDarkAngel117 (7:03:21 PM): but thats what is meant for me in this life eternal lostness of not anything elesDeidara224 (7:01:46 PM): i still dont like itDNDarkAngel117 (7:04:26 PM): i no its hard to get used to but i have maneged for 15 years now so im doing fineDeidara224 (7:02:42 PM): . . .DNDarkAngel117 (7:05:32 PM): its hard but it takes a rebleiouse heart to understand the fealing of this lifeDeidara224 (7:04:03 PM): hnDNDarkAngel117 (7:07:04 PM): i only say this because if u cant try to regect your fallen self you will never be able to get up and thats how i am now well at least i have the will to talk Deidara224 (7:05:31 PM): ohDNDarkAngel117 (7:08:47 PM): my body has been wasted on this earth i need not to live but do because of my weak heart im not fit for this world maby another but for this world i cant stand to live through at least no until i become stronger but that wont happen until i dieDeidara224 (7:07:10 PM): pl;ease dont dieDeidara224 (7:07:16 PM): *pleaseDNDarkAngel117 (7:10:05 PM): i want to but this heart of mine isent strong enough to have me kill myself DNDarkAngel117 (7:12:38 PM): you probly cant understand this kind of feelingDeidara224 (7:10:47 PM): i do]DNDarkAngel117 (7:14:00 PM): are u sure i mean can u try and tell me what i told uDeidara224 (7:12:23 PM): i just passed that stage of my lifeDNDarkAngel117 (7:14:41 PM): hn what do you mean byt hatDeidara224 (7:13:08 PM): the stage of my life where i hate everyone, thing and life it selfDNDarkAngel117 (7:15:08 PM): goodDNDarkAngel117 (7:15:11 PM): srryDeidara224 (7:13:16 PM): lolDNDarkAngel117 (7:15:36 PM): that part of my short life will never passDeidara224 (7:13:57 PM): ohDNDarkAngel117 (7:17:30 PM): my life will never pass through this stage because those are the only things left in my heartDeidara224 (7:17:29 PM): brbDNDarkAngel117 (7:19:32 PM): okDNDarkAngel117 went away at 7:26:31 PM.Deidara224 (7:27:32 PM): back?

Auto Response from DNDarkAngel117 (7:29:31 PM): hn doing stuff hope i will be back soon hopefully i will be back soon

DNDarkAngel117 (8:18:57 PM): backDNDarkAngel117 (8:19:55 PM): u thereDeidara224 (8:18:15 PM): yah, sorryDNDarkAngel117 (8:20:23 PM): its ok im the one who should be srryDeidara224 (8:18:39 PM): dont worrieDNDarkAngel117 (8:21:01 PM): taylor came over (my big sis)Deidara224 (8:19:08 PM): ohDNDarkAngel117 (8:21:40 PM): so i had to goDNDarkAngel117 (8:22:12 PM): shes sleeping over tonight and shes a perv she thinks im cute and she touches me and stuffDeidara224 (8:20:28 PM): lolDNDarkAngel117 (8:22:59 PM): my own sis makes me go crazy shes always making me take off my shirtDNDarkAngel117 (8:23:15 PM): shes a good thief sometimes she helps me out in tough timesDeidara224 (8:21:25 PM): hnDNDarkAngel117 (8:23:34 PM): something wrongDeidara224 (8:21:53 PM): omg! why is everyone asking me that?!DNDarkAngel117 (8:24:00 PM): cuz u seem sadDeidara224 (8:22:18 PM): oh]DNDarkAngel117 (8:24:50 PM): thats my thing im the depresed dark angel Deidara224 (8:23:10 PM): ololDNDarkAngel117 (8:25:28 PM): so ur sure u okDeidara224 (8:23:47 PM): yea...i thinkDNDarkAngel117 (8:25:57 PM): is something bothering uDNDarkAngel117 (8:25:58 PM): ?Deidara224 (8:24:05 PM): well, not reallyDNDarkAngel117 (8:26:19 PM): not really eh something must be wrongDeidara224 (8:25:09 PM): no, nothingDNDarkAngel117 (8:27:36 PM): hn it sickends me to see u like thisDeidara224 (8:25:51 PM): why?DNDarkAngel117 (8:30:01 PM): hn cant really say ur just not that kinda person i mean ur acting like me thats not how i want you to be so dont be like that hatred and pain is not fitting for you your a free spirit take advantege and be free because who nos you can be one of the next people to die so live everyday of your life like you would die on that final hourDeidara224 (8:28:43 PM): i can act how ever i wantDNDarkAngel117 (8:31:22 PM): hn like i said ur ending up just like me its sad to seeDeidara224 (8:29:40 PM): whateverDNDarkAngel117 (8:32:26 PM): like i said it sickends me to see a free soul like you die out like this its sad it pains my black heart whats your meaning of life thats something to think aboutDeidara224 (8:30:47 PM): i dont have a meaning to lifeDNDarkAngel117 (8:33:07 PM): exactly thats y u should die u have nothing to live for like meDeidara224 (8:31:21 PM): i know i shouldDNDarkAngel117 (8:33:45 PM): so y not kill yourself Deidara224 (8:32:06 PM): i dont have the gutsDeidara224 (8:32:11 PM): never didDNDarkAngel117 (8:34:44 PM): i no i will soon tho because i feel like i have no heart i can do it probly now DNDarkAngel117 returned at 8:32:45 PM.DNDarkAngel117 (8:34:48 PM): i think i willDeidara224 (8:32:59 PM): noDNDarkAngel117 (8:35:06 PM): hn y what do u careDeidara224 (8:33:16 PM): idkDNDarkAngel117 (8:35:29 PM): exactly so brb im gonna go get a knifeDeidara224 (8:33:39 PM): noDNDarkAngel117 (8:35:49 PM): y the ******** notDeidara224 (8:34:10 PM): because gina will yell at me and say its all my faltDNDarkAngel117 (8:36:16 PM): she wont careDNDarkAngel117 (8:36:21 PM): she can understandDeidara224 (8:34:29 PM): no, she wontDNDarkAngel117 (8:36:53 PM): she can i no shes strong enough to handle my deathDeidara224 (8:35:13 PM): i dont know if i amDNDarkAngel117 (8:37:45 PM): u will be fine without me you have nothing to live for remember so y would u care if i dieDeidara224 (8:36:08 PM): idkDNDarkAngel117 (8:38:40 PM): then y cant i kill myself im going to get that knifeDeidara224 (8:36:52 PM): please dontDNDarkAngel117 (8:39:05 PM): y cant i y should i listen to uDNDarkAngel117 (8:39:11 PM): you dont careDNDarkAngel117 (8:39:15 PM): so y cant iDNDarkAngel117 (8:39:16 PM): ?Deidara224 (8:37:18 PM): i do cairDNDarkAngel117 (8:39:22 PM): no you dont!!!Deidara224 (8:37:30 PM): HOW DO YOU KNOW!!!!DNDarkAngel117 (8:39:43 PM): i dont need to no not anymore at leastDNDarkAngel117 (8:39:54 PM): im gonna kill myself i have to Deidara224 (8:38:31 PM): no, you dontDNDarkAngel117 (8:41:02 PM): i do i feel it in this emtynessDNDarkAngel117 (8:41:05 PM): that i have toDeidara224 (8:39:21 PM): but what about jakie, taylor?DNDarkAngel117 (8:42:07 PM): they dont care they will just think back on how the phantom theif was so stupid to have killed himself but i dont care if i die well.... this could be my endDeidara224 (8:40:25 PM): but-DNDarkAngel117 (8:42:42 PM): but whatDNDarkAngel117 (8:42:46 PM): u dont careDNDarkAngel117 (8:42:50 PM): so y should iDeidara224 (8:41:32 PM): i dont know, i do cair, i just dont know why. i almost never stop think of you, after you kill your sef, i'll think its my faltDNDarkAngel117 (8:44:24 PM): y would u want to think of someone as stupid as me i have no meaning so y am i hear i should of just stayed in hell when i had the chanceDeidara224 (8:42:50 PM): i g2gDNDarkAngel117 (8:44:58 PM): well thanx for the memorieDNDarkAngel117 (8:45:01 PM): sDeidara224 (8:43:10 PM): some 2 uDNDarkAngel117 (8:45:19 PM): i might die tonightDNDarkAngel117 (8:45:32 PM): stay like that plezDeidara224 (8:43:57 PM): i-i'll try

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Apr 23, 2007 @ 10:38pm
what the hell? why did you put that in your jurnal?!?!?

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