i need to get my mind off something... so today i'm going to be spending it with Mike and tonight i'm going over to Daniels. should be interesting. right now i have to get dressed and stuff to go downtown. i need to buy a new manga. almost finished this new one. i don't know what else i'll be doing... i'll be online alittle cause mike is going to be studying so i'll get to use his laptop... yay. i might see flexan if he's working that'll be nice. haven't seen him in a long while... since my birthday actually...s**t thats a while ago. oh well. i honestly just feel like staying home in bed reading... but i know i can't...blah. i'm going to fish a few more minutes just to finish my bucket then i gotta get ready...
i don't know if Frank will read this or not... i don't know if he knows how much i love him and how much i miss him. he puts up with so much.... and he shouldn't. he's amazing. i'm so lucky to have him in my life... and yet i keep pushing him away cause of fear. i hate my brain. it keeps confusing love and fear... wow i sound like Mrs. Farmer... weird.
well i gotta go. i'll write another one of these stupid entries that no one reads later.
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