I love you Leah and that is all that matters... You are so important to me that I dont know how I would live without you by my side. Even if people percieve you as my "sidekick" you will always be my partner. Never will one of us be better than the other until unless one of us purposly hurts the other. We were destined to meet eachother and no matter what lifetime we are in we will always find eachother. And If 45 minutes a day five days a week is all I have with you those 45 minutes are always the most relaxed of my day. I can never wait until school arrives so I can spend those with you and even my worries that we talk about dont seem to weigh as much on my shoulders when I am with you. You are my release to this world my sister, and I owe you so very much for that. Never shall we cry alone anylonger. For when you cry I shall cry as well. When You laugh I will laugh. When You are upset, my blood will boil. When love speeds through your veins I will walk down the asile with you. You, my sister, mean so much more than I could possibly describe with words in the human language can. For such petty things as words do not honor such a strong passion I have towards my sister my soul.
I must go to bed now my young Nikku-chan. Please sleep and rest and dream of a world that is all your own. Make it the impossible goal of true happiness, I pray I am in it beside you.
Vampiress Alexandria · Sun Apr 22, 2007 @ 06:09am · 0 Comments |