School's ok. Nothing special, nothing to worry about. My english teacher is pretty ******** awesome. Some guy in my class shouted ********, and the teacher's just like 'hey, not so loud. I hate my science teacher. She constintaly looses assignments that were handed in on time, and says that my pile of rocks picture looked like a lake. b***h! How the hell did that not look like a pile of rocks? And even if it didn't look like a pile of rocks, it some how looked like a lake? You godda be kidding me. My algebra/math teacher (she teaches both) is ok to my class since we're the advanced algebra students, but she's bitchy to every other class. My class can get away with all sorts of s**t (throwing paper airplanes, blasting hannah montana music -don't ask- , talking shouting while the teacher is giving class, ect) and she doesn't care at all. I think my socail studies teacher is going to commit suicide. He talks quietly, and when I ask him for his potato chips, he gives me the entire freak'n bag. And for some reason, there's a teacher that comes into certain classes, including my english class. She's fat, bitchy, and should go rot in hell. I'll talk about her later, for right now I'm hungry and tired of typing.
P.S. I'm sick again TT _ TT
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Muffin Queen's Messed-Up Stories
Pretty much what the title says. My life is pretty damn strange, so I'll be talking about the weird s**t that happens. Anything from life at my dad's to the most awesome day ever.
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muffin queen16
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