My iggy died tonight..... He was going on 2. I got him last year (09) as a B day gift and he was just a hatchling. It is my fault he died. I didnt notice that his heat rock wasnt working right. He got to cold and stopped eatting. Seeing how he was my first Iggy I looked for reasons why he wasnt eating 90% of places said it was normal for them to stop eating for a while as long as they were still drinking water, which he was, so i really didnt think anything of it.... Well i should have and I should have paid more attention to him... But when I noticed something was really wrong, and took him to the vet, it was too late. The vet told me to just wait it out so I took Spike home and placed him in his cage with a new heatrock and i was too late... He died at :853pm on 12/6/10. Hes in a better place now... and I have learned alot... it one thing to have a pet die, and its another to have one die because you were uninformed and you didnt take care of them the right way. I just wish I didnt have to learn this lesson with the loss of a life. Rest in peace my beloved Spike I will miss you more then anyone will ever know.

Died 12/6/10 8:53PM
You were the best Iggy anyone could ask for