Dungeons and Dragons is Evil! Says the Fundamentalist... |
Dungeons and Dragons is Evil! Says the Fundamentalist Christian
Let me state first how much I hate the fundamentalist Christian. They're beliefs are so warped and their translation of the Bible so literal that it's ridiculous. And they follow EVERYTHING! Most Christians have pretty much rejected the Old Testiment and only follow the things in the New Testament. Why? Because none of that was needed anymore after their so-called 'Savior' died for their sins.
But this of course is not what I want to get into in this blog entry, that is not the reason I have decided to write this. My reason for writing something now is because of a note I recently got from someone in the mail. I am not going to name any names, but the person invovled most likely will read this and know that I am talking about them.
In this note it talks about two things: First that anyone that plays the popular table-top RPG, Dungeons and Dragons, is demonically infested, and second part talked about sex being wrong outside of marriage and that any sex other then that is a gateway for demonic possession. Ridiculous, right? Right. (I won't actually be talking about that second part in this blog.)
Of course, when I first started reading the note, it was mostly because I thought it would be 'lulzy'. I have heard Christians (mostly fundamentalists) say before that the game itself is evil, but none of them can ever give me a real reason why they believe it to be evil other then the fact that there are demons and spells in it. They game is ENTERTAINMENT, the majority of them have read or watched Lord of the Rings or The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe and don't realize that those have BOTH things, spells and demons. So tell me they aren't hypocrites?
The next thing they would tell me is that thoes were divinely inspired writings, that the authors were Christian, that there are metephores in it for different parts of the Bible (I have heard the same about Star Wars and other sci-fi and fantasy novels/movies even), but no Harry Potter is still evil and so is Dungeons and Dragons.
That's the normal arguement I hear all the time, so of course I expected this note to say maybe similar things. What I did not expect was for it to be this long drawn out thing that actually went into detail about why such a game was evil.
The first thing that I noticed was this, "Satan is using these games to produce a vast army of the most intelligent young people of this country; an army that the Anti-Christ will be able to tap into and control in an instant."
Seriously, what the ********? This was one thing that looking at I couldn't even come up with something that could even possibly validate that. At this point it was beyond the spells (that are NOT detailed, no mattter how many Christians will tell you that they are). Sure, plenty of people that play this game are intelligent, some given the labels 'geek' or 'nerd' even. But do people seriously think that we aren't intelligent enough to see just how stupid that actually sounds?
The next thing I read was actually kind of cool, it stated that some colleges use the game in their curriculum in psychology courses. But then it leads to say that "such games are crash courses in witchcraft", later saying that 'more advanced manuals detail spells, incantations and satanic writing that is used and taught by satanists."
Okay, this is something that I have heard before - lots of Christians will say this - but after reading through the spells in the Player's Handbook, Spell Compendium, and other books that detail spells I can say that none of these spells are detailed enough that a person could actually try to use them to cast a real spell outside of the game. Such a thing is IMPOSSIBLE. The flavor text that is writen for the spells is just enough detail for the player to try to visualize what the spell would look like if they were to cast it. They are ASSUMING that these things are true without actually looking into things to validate their points.
Now if all of that wasn't ridiculous enough, guess what comes next. In the note it was next stated that the monster encounters (and deities) in the game were "actually real deamons", that everything in the game that you are role playing and visializing are things that you are seeing in the 'spiritual world' and that "they better they become at 'seeing' the game, the more in-tune they are with the spirit world."
The writer leads on to say that this opens the doorway for the person to become infested with demons, and that the players know that they are but will actually lie and say that they aren't. They writer is trying to say that the player really is so mixed up in this fantasy world that that they believe that these things are actually taking place, which we all know that they are not.
The cleric is then brought up as an example, saying that it is the 'most coveted roles in the game'. It is pointed out that each cleric of course serves a specific deity in which they game their powers from. The writer seems to believe that the player himself is actually serving this 'demonic' deity, and not the character.
I have seen people play a character that was a cleric, and none of them have ever told me that they actually believe that Palor is the 'god' that they serve. It is ridiculous to even think of following a 'god' that was created for a game (or any god that was created by a writer that writes FICTION).
The writer then gives an example of a person that they had talked to living in a Chrisian home for home for troubled teens that played a cleric character. The writer antagonizes the kid until he is forced to admit that his 'powers' come from demonic spirits and that what was role played is indeed carried into the real world. The writer also says here that the "powers the deities he played with in the game were described as demon spirits in the Bible".
Tell me now; where in the Bible are these demonic spirits found in here outlined? This sounds like a load of BS to me. I have read the Christian Bible many times, and nothing I have found resembles the 'powers' used in the game.
So, I've gone on ranting and now I'm sure anyone would be completely bored with this. Of course, anyone that was able to sit and read this through, I'd love to hear what you think about all this. If I actualy know you in person, I will even allow you to read the note that I received so that you can see what I mean. You won't be able to read it without the following reactions: lulz, wtf?, and disgust to some degree.
Now I must go explain to others about "how the Bible views these 'other dimensions' and the powers within them".
Blessed be (pfft haha), Alex
Alexander Linden · Tue Jul 28, 2009 @ 08:53pm · 1 Comments |