Sort of. Yes, I am still alive, amazingly. It seems that my last entry was made . . . quite some time ago. Well, this is what life is for. Forgeting things and remembering them nearly two years down the road. Nope, not amnesia just laziness.
So, what's been going on with me? Well, I'm nearly eighteen now and been having quite a few problems at sixth form. I passed most of my GCSE's. 8A's, 6B's and a D, which was brought up to a C. Last year I took ALevels in: English Literature, History, Geography and Law. I failed everything accept for English and have quit Law. I am now taking Film Studeies instead.
Life goes on. I'm having a lot of problems with Geography at the moment but I won't let them win.
I've been to the doctors seven times in the last four weeks and they still don't know what's wrong with me. A mixture of Physical pains from my back and neck with: stress, anxiety and depression. I blame it for my growing stupidity. My brain hurts.
Other than this, I can't think of much to tell you all.
New music includes: Funeral For A Friend, My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park and many others.
I, like the rest of the world have a myspace, you can find me there. I will happily send you a link if you PM me.
I've become a huge fan of anime, especially the Studio Ghibli stuff.
For now, Mischief Managed Luna
Luna of Heaven · Sun Sep 24, 2006 @ 12:38pm · 0 Comments |
Wow. I've neglected this a bit, haven't I?
Oh well. Not a lot's happened. I bought a dozen or so tropical fish and I cleaned out the kois-- so nothing exciting there.
I gave my rabbit a pedicure and a bath-- so sh'es quit happy.
I shared some pieces of meat around the cat, rat and dog-- so they are all abit excited.
The hamster has destroyed his igloo and my gerbils look like they are ready to cross to the other side.
Oh and the bird is still swinging on her perch--although I'm ready to drop off at any given moment.
Back to school tomorrow. How exciting. I can't wait-- I get to do lots of lovely exams, be bullied by lots of lovely people and live each day wishing I had never been born but completely terrorfied of death. How wonderfull.
My beanie collection increased dramatically as I spend all my christmas money on them. Well-- the money that was left. Just over forty ponds worth of stuffed toys. I'm utterly mental.
I've been keeping myself occupied by going to bed after midnight and not getting up until eleven the nxt day. What a life we live. I won't be able to do that any more.
Oh, sleeps my lonely soul.
Mischief Managed
Luna of Heaven · Sun Apr 10, 2005 @ 04:08pm · 0 Comments |
Thursday, 24th March 2005 |
Yaness. The holidays have arrived.
You may be pleased to know that my lip has healed-- or you may be dissapointed that I did not take a picture for you all to laugh over until your sides hurt. I didnt take one-- so live with it. Unless my Dad got one-- in which case I shall make it obvious to you as soon as possible.
I finally got my third-hand, new PC working. That makes it sound like a peice of junk-- you shall have to take my word for it when I say it's a Miracle Machine. The Sims no longer move at 0.1 miles per an hour.
So-- it's good friday tomorrow. Easter has come once again and will soon be over but for now-- I'll just enjoy the chocolate ... Wait-- I havent got any. Well that sucks big time.
Listening to kerrang at the moment. At the moment they are talking about a band I've never heard of. Oh-- and now they're saying the M40 is blocked. Facinating ... Now get on with the music-- I have cravings you know.
I'm feeling a bit depressed at the moment. I'm about to reach the point in my life where we have nothing but exams. Work this-- work that. Don't they know that my brain feels like it's about to explode? Thinking about it-- they probably don't care-- they may as well be encouraging it.
Yay-- music once again.
Poor Micheal Jackson-- I do feel awfully sorry for him at the moment. I swear he's inocent but now he seems to have lost everything and got a bad name. Don't ask why I brought that up-- I just did.
mmm-- some hot greebo (however you spell that) just walked past my bedroom window ... Okay-- so I am on a second storey house and that doesnt seem strange?
Woot-- now this is what I call a good song. Good Music-- how did I live without 105.2? Oh yeah, I didnt.
Okay-- I'm running out of things to say and it's starting to show. Maybe it would be best if I just shut up now? That's a good idea.
Mischief Managed Luna
Luna of Heaven · Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 04:10pm · 0 Comments |
Dr. Pepper. What's the worst that can happen? I'll tell you what-- your pet cat, Frodo-- decides that he wants to eat your gerbil. You pick him up and he's not happy-- so he begings to attack you with three, sharpened claws. You now have a long scratch down your nose and on each side of your lips and to make things worse-- it's swolen and you have school tomorrow. Isn't life just perfect?
It's now ten past two and I am very much bored-- which sadly, is the reason for creating this and I have not got a clue what to right. Usually I have quite a bit to say-- yet, I find myself lacking enthusiasm to create a single, interesting sentance. What has the world come too?
Would you like to know anything about me? Im quite sure you wouldnt-- just in case, you'd better make sure the young children and women can't read this. I'd hate for them to be affraid.
I like Harry Potter and yeah, I know kidish and dumb but I do and the only reason that I would stop liking it, would be if Luna or Ron were killed off. You see it is my firm understanding that Luna and Ron should be together. What a barmy couple. Although, it is more than likely that Harry and Luna will get together. Oh well.
I collect Beanie Babies and whilst I was walking around town--with my nice bleeding lip-- I bought another five. I only spent £19 ... That may tell you something else about me. I am English. So I guess I have 270of them now.
I also collect wade. I especially like the hippo. I wallows like me.
I play violin--electric (which is much easier) and ecoustic. I also play Piano, keyboard, clarinet and a bit of attempted guitar.
Jhonny Depp is hot. Despite his feelings for the opposite gender-- I shall always admire him as an actor and a person. I mean-- what more do you want in a film than Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. However, his new kids film looks rather scarey and the song, 'Willy Wonka,' does little for my brain cells.
I'm sixteen. Yesh-- old and starting to feel it. I'm also a girl although I feel that is obvious. If anyone asks-- I'm Luna Lovegood ...
Why do exciting things only ever happen to cool people? Or perhaps lucky people would be a more appropriate term. Why do normal people suddenly become top on the mafia's list? I'll answer that second one-- because the girl friend wasnt satisfied in bed ...
Music-- music is very good for you. Especially any of these bands-- I highly reccomend. Greenday, The Killers, Tenacious D, H.I.M, The Rasmus, Vanessa Mae, Robbie Williams, Bond, Evanesence and The Scissor Sisters. There are more but I am beginning to feel rather lazy.
I have the worst curtains in the whole of England-- honestly. Not only are they blue and pink flowers--gags-- but there is pink pop all over them where my strawberryade exploded. I won't say what it looks like-- I'm sure you people have some imagination.
What do you want to be? Or what did you want to be and what have you become-- I'm sure it's not the same. I want to be a writer but I guess that's something you really have to work hard for. Or you may just have to go on a very long exploration to the top of the Mucky Muck Mound.
I don't like animal exterminaters. I like bug ones beacsue those scare me and there are just too many but I hate people who kill Rats, mice and Squirrels-- those kind of animals. I have pet rats and I have also had a squirrel. They gave more more attention than I could ever expect from a human being. I'd much rather see them in my house than the boy next door ... It's not their faults they are rats-- I bet if they had been born a robin you would like them.
Anyway-- it looks like i've gone back into writing mode. I actually thought of something to right. Utterly amazing-- I thought I would end up doing my Ba Ba Black Sheep solo ... Again.
Well-- I'm off to watch the cacti grow. It's half past two now-- it's strange how people waste their lives.
Mischief Managed Luna
Luna of Heaven · Sun Mar 20, 2005 @ 02:31pm · 0 Comments |