Im on spring break, yeah. It is some-what fun. My intention is to get started o this damned project my teacher assinged me... Tomorrow. That reminds me of something funny my best friend told me a while back... "We'll have a procrastinators meeting... Tomorrow." It made me laugh. Alas, life can be fun... I... Guess. It just has been horrible lately. Yeah, my parents are arguing, Im probably moving and to think I would have to abandon the greatest joys I've had... Oh well. I've done it once before, so the second time won't make me cry. I know I'll always have at least 3 friends there for me once I move. Eve, who of which I haven't talked to in a while, but finally Im starting to again. Daniel, who is... well... My best friend, I guess and Courtney who well... can't really talk about it. At least these people care. I get 2 or 3 new books soon. I get Death Note HOW TO READ 13 and The novelization: The BB murder cases and possibly Naruto:Volume 28. So yeah. I guess I'll write more... tomorrow.
....And you smile like an angel...
Fallen from grace.