the score stands thus ninjagirlsay27-1 biggrinbiggrin fallenangelrosiel4564-0 cryingcryingcrying laminca_corvenus-4 laminca took 20 hours off her record i took 4 days and poor fallen took a week to beat devil may cry 2 up next is devil may cry3 dantes awakening
the score is now ninjagirlsaya27=1biggrinbiggrinbiggrin fallenangelrosiel4564-0 laminca_corvenus-3 i beat the first in 4 days la took five fallen took 10 now the new game to beat is devil may cry 2 who will beat it first biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin
the devil may cry may be one of the most awesome games eva made the first one is challenging but you know me and my sisters between us one will beat it in record time the games concord in record time stand thus ninjagirlsaya27-0 fallenangelrosiel4564-0 laminca_corvenus-3 laminca's best time 5 five days shes hopein two do it in 3 ninjaninja