Name: Exodus Of Silence
Age: Unknown
Race: Half Bread Ice Ancient, Hell Shadow Vampire
Height: 5’ 11’’
Weight: Unknown
Exodus, takes many form's to blend in with the other races that inhabit the current world, his body tho seemingly ageless, has the ability to gain access to any and all skills gifted by years waged in a timeless hell, all to a lesser degree as such a great restriction is put on there power outside given form,

Exodus of Silence Is born of a different realm of existence, birthed into a place of chaos and violence, his mother, a defeated ancient matriarch of a tribe known for frost and ice magic, his father a beast from the night tribe, a vicious vampire, best known for, his deep levels of depravity and violence. There is a title given to a child of this man, a son of silence.
With a land of darkness, fire is the only source of light besides magic that without a doubt attracts things to devour and feed on the meek, endless caverns laced in blood garnished tunnels, harbor portals to lure those whom ever hope to escape the nightmarish world they exist in. Each loop of glowing portals sends a creature that most likely will soon expire to a place known as a room of feeding. That have ruthless hordes wait at the other side of each portal, to devour and test the weaker flawed animals that come through it, an easy way to bolster their own prowess.
Blood Rights, Violence has its benefits, kill as many as you can, Feast on the life of others after a wile everyone gains favor of there tribes ancestors.
Claws: A truly gruesome way to remove ones heart and or spine but in time an almost artistically perfect one. In human form it has become without effort to manifest Bood Right gifted body parts to inflict the most amount of hurt possible.
Cold Resistance: Born a son of both Vampire and Ice Matriarch has granted Exodus a high resilience to most frost/ice based magics.
His blood carries the ability to control a Shadowed version of Fire, the single gift from his father. This magic being a corrupt version of a fire, oxygen and an ignition source followed by a flammable substance that creates most fires. This sickened version of fire uses one’s own essence as all 3 requirements, once started a mongrel feeds the blaze with its fears, only stopping when existence ends or their fears turns to ash.
Against many lifetimes, Exodus has dived into many portals, surviving only by his own grit and tattered body. Learning not who had the power originally to create them, but how to use his body to manifest it in a lesser degree, he can travel without a noise in an instant once his body is cloaked in shadow to any other shadowed area within a reasonable distance.