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Thoughts and feelings of moi, you don't like it don't read it!

Tortured Love
Community Member
So it's the school holidays, and has been for the past four weeks, can't say it's been the worst, i've kept myself pretty occupied which is good right? Anyways decided to write i here because i'm bored as hell and haven't in a while, Haven't really got much to say though, now I come to think of it... -sigh- oh well. Going over my nans for the night tonight, should be good, i'm waited on by my nan, hehe. Luffles.

Going to see Cars tomorrow me thinks, should be funny.


Saw Muse this weekend for my birthday! It was awesome, best day of my life, well one of them! Very very close to the top, if no the top day!!! If it wasn't great enough that I was seeing Muse anyway I found out that The Kooks were the support group!!! I love The Kooks!!! hehe
And then, even more great I met Chris (the bassist from Muse) which was just like the most awesome thing ever!! Nows alls I gotta do is track down Matt and Dom and my mission is completed!!! hehe
So anyways yeah, total best birthday of my entire life so far! Ever!!!

Tortured Love
Community Member

Tortured Love
Community Member
Holiday's over and i'm sad. sad
I really really really didn't want to come home, if it was up to me I would have just stayed there, sod coming home, it's so much better there! Everything about it just better! I had a really great time and then it was just gone, like boom. Gone. Just like that. Man I hate going on holiday, 'cause at the end of the day you know you've gotta come back home again. Which sucks. And what made it even worse was when I got home I knew I had to do my business coursework because it ws in for today, which sucked even more!
But hey i'm back now, it's weird being home, it feels alot different 'cause i've like been living with Aaron for a week and now he's back home and not like living with us anymore it feels, well, weird.
Anyways the holiday itself was great, it was so great being back at the pacha, it's changed alot though, some of it for the better, some for the worse, but it's still the best! The only thing that I think could have made it any better than it was would have been Andy. But hey, it was still fab! hehe

Moving on...

Muse in less than a month!! Woop woop!! Can't wait, it's gonna rock me socks! Lawl! Man I so can't wait to go!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! And when I get back it's my birthday, which i'm not quite so excited about but hey! lol I'm actually more excited about Chelsea's birthday 'cause loads of us are gonna go over hers and generally piss about, should be a laugh! hehe, actually not it should be, it will! lol

Elise's puppy she is getting is the cutest little thing, can't wait to go steal see her! hehe. Anyways i've started to ramble on about nothing so I shall bid the good-bye.

English exam tomorrow, god I couldn't be less prepared! I've been reading my notes since I got in from school and I can't remember anything, i'm no good at essays. I need to be able to go back over them and do them again.
I guess it doesn't matter to much, I can just re-sit it, but it's better if you don't have to, but atleast I have that option!

Anyways, that'll all be over tomorrow and then holiday! Woop woop!
It's gonna be awesome, although I don't think Andy will be there! Which is gonna be a right bummer! Anyways yeah... lol.

Tortured Love
Community Member

Tortured Love
Community Member
I started work experience last monday. The first two days were kinda boring, tuesday was okay the second half of the day because Joanne sat me with Drew (Andrew), he is so funny, lol, love him! He just makes me laugh, he's so stupid! And then there was Steve who sits opposite my mum, alls he does it swear and drink cappacinos! lol Demddy is lovely, lol and quite funny.

Anyways not gonna be working with them anymore which is a shame because I really liked them, might go back over and see them on my lunch break, because I can get in so yeah, I can do that. lol.

Anyways... 2 more weeks to go, should be fun, and if I don't like what i'm doing I can always go back to Joanne and the rest of them, i'm sure they'll find something for me to do!

Anyways hope everyone else is having a good work experience and i'll see ya'll when we get back!

Yesterday I spent the whole day with my dad and I don't think i've had quite so much fun in a long time, well not with my dad anyways but it's a different kinda fun to when i'm with friends anyways. We had a great time, we went to Camden and I got lots of sewpa kewl stuff! hehe
And then when we got home, because my mum was at a retirement do up in London dad decided to take us both out for dinner which was nice because it gave us a chance to both talk which we don't really do often enough. I asked him whether he has stayed in contact with any of his friends from school and he told me he doesn't even speak to one of them, he even said that his best friend and him went to a concert together one day, they came home my dad said see you tomorrow and then he never saw him again until 23 years later, which is kinda scary and got me thinking whether i'll talk to any of my friends once we have left school. I hope I will, I can't really imagine what it would be like not knowing them anymore, I mean a few of them i've known since like... reception which was a very very long time ago, I mean like Sophie and Elise, i've grown up with them and they're still some of my closest friends now... Sarah, she's always been a great friend right from the first day she started in year 5. And now Sandy, I haven't always been so close with her but lately ive been able to talk to her, she's just cool and I can't really imagine not talking to any of them once we have left.
Man i'm so gonna try my hardest to keep in contact with the lot of you guys -huggles- and if I don't hit me when we eventually bump into eachother again one day! lol

Gee this has been rather a long entry hasn't it? Oh well atleast it proves that I actually give a damn! lol Some of you probably don't but... well... for those that do luv ya xox

Tortured Love
Community Member

Tortured Love
Community Member
I want Ben's green t-shirt! He said he has a green one like the purple and pink one which I kinda stole from him with every intention of giving it back ninja .
I told him i'd do trade so he got on back but he's not buying! Oh wellies, i'll just have to keep the purple one then won't I? Hehe. Talking of wellies I need some for the show don't I? I saw a woman with red ones with white dots on, they were so kewl!! I want those ones!
Anyways bored so gonna stop toodles!

I know I said I thought today was gonna be s**t and I guess I was Totally. Friggin. Wrong. for a start the guys were awesome! Bench-warmers wooyeah!!! secondly I got my exam results for business back and I got an A. Yes I may be boasting but I got an A so I think I have the right to boast, I managed to get something right for once!
So yes, i'm happy, lunch was well good, as expected, although I was stood at the back it was well good, everyone was great, well apart from that dancing girl that didn't have a clue, bless, that must be so embarrasing!
Yes Indian tonight! I love Indian food, it's so the best, better than Chinese and i'll argue anyone to death on that point, I guess I should be doing my english essay but ******** it i'll do it over the weekend! And if it's not ready in time I get a detention, I can handle that!

Tortured Love
Community Member

Tortured Love
Community Member
Well it's non-uniform day tomorrow, dunno why but non-uniform days are always totally awesome but I have a really bad feeling tomorrow won't be qutie the same, apart from the fact Callum, Wayne, Tom and Ben are in the performance part of the day! That will just rawk!
Man i'm so bored, i'm listening to the Spider Man theme sung by Aerosmith, it's not that bad actually, quite catchy, oh no wait, now it's the Arctic Monkeys, which I don't think I mentioned is what the guys are playing tomorrow, should be good, specially Ben and Callum singing, lol! Ben's not actually that bad a singer!
I've decided I need to give someone a good hard smack, know who i'd like it to be but that is rather difficult, if I just did it I think i'd feel so much better, but then i'd feel bad afterwards so really there's not much point... but I guess it'd be good to feel okay for a little while right? Oh well it's not gonna happen, i'm sure there is a que of people waiting to do it though, i'd lik to be the first in there but i'm not gonna.
Moving on, isn't it funny laughing at other people expence? I know you shouldn't because you wouldn't like it if the person were you but you just can't help it right? I mean to see someone fall arse over head is quite funny you must admit! You know who i'd really love to just see fall over flat on her face? Chanelle! I can't stand her, and what she's done to Chelsea just makes it even worse! Actually i'll give Chelsea a mention because she's special! hehe Always laughing in business we are, especially about the polls, oh and now boxers! hehe or more so not the boxers! God that was funny!
Art tomorrow, Sophie's gonna have a major stress on 'cause she'll have her good clothes on and they'll be blowing ink about behind her! lol Bless 'er, god i'm rambling on about a ton of nothing right? Oh well I feel I deserve to seeing as I'm bored.
Things in school have been abit weird recently. Oh but badminton today was just the funniest, the amount of times I got hit with shuttlecocks today was just not right, definatly doing something wrong on that part :S Espacially the one in my stomach, well just above, that really hurt damnit! I'm fragile you know?! lol. Oh well, didn't manage to roof Sam, maybe next time eh? lol Watch out Sam, rackets at the ready! lol
Maths exam was on monday, done s**t, hoping for a C, although if you turn it 90 degrees anti-clockwise you'll probably get my actual grade! Talking of grades we should be getting our grades for our business exam back some time this month with any luck! Hopefully I will have done better in that!
Anyways i'll stop gibbering on because well... suprisingly enough there's not much else I want to say so i'm off.

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