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meh, feh, and other such expressions of nothing i will not hold yoru soul for ransom.......prepare to have it taken from you in 10....9...8.....7.....transaction terminated. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! i am now soulless.........not phat at all.....

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Hey there everypeoples!!!!
Yo!! I'm back to gaia after what seems like forever! and just to commemorate this momentus occasion: DOMO ATTACK!!!!!!!! domokun domokun domokun domokun domokun domokun domokun domokun domokun domokun domokun domokun RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah..... really, nothing's been up wit me. i just got back from Spain (which was AMAHZING!!!) and since then, i've just been working.
OOOOOOO!! exciting event today!!! i got me guitar fixed so i can finally play again!! it's gonna hurt to get my callouses back, but it is SO worth it!! any way, i'm on for most of the time, so pm if you want (i don't really do nasty stuff, so you have been warned evil ) annnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddd, that's about it!!!!! now for the siggy!!!!!!!

=) >=) <=) :)

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More STUFFFFFFF!!!!!!! afjasdkljrweiotu
ok, i will now give you the poems that i wrote in teh study hall thing that i had. keep in mind, these were all written when i was a freshman, so they are bad. you have been warned....


It happened one night
When we were snug in our beds.
We had had a long day,
"Nighty Night!" all the mothers did say.

No one expected them,
Nobody thought,
That the Ducks would come.
No one had a clue where they were from.

The ducks didn't want bread,
They didn't need food.
They were out for revenge,
They were on a killing binge.

The ducks made it clear they weren't harmless,
As they marched down the hill.
They were carrying the head of Old Farmer Pinner,
And they started to cry, "We're not Christmas dinner!!"

They marched through the town,
Burning down all the shops.
And they blew off my door,
With an old .44.

When I heard my door
Fall BANG!! to the floor, I knew
I had to escape, I had to run fast.
So I climbed out my window, and heard a huge blast.

The butcher's shop was now
A big heap of rubble.
The ducks blew it sky high.
Everyone in town knew why.

The ducks had guns, knives, explosives,
Not to mention a cannon.
They were there to take the town,
Possibly burn it to the ground.

I looked around the town and then,
I climbed up on a wall.
"Grab your gunsand knives," I said
"For if you don't, we'll soon be dead."

The townspeople shouted "Huzzah!" and then
Went back to grab their weapons.
Three ducks observed the change with fright,
And dissapeared into the night.

The three duck spies who ran away,
Went to tell their leader.
The duckish leader turned to his troops and said,
"Hurry up and form a line, or those crazy townsfolk will blow off your head!"

The ducks strengthened their defenses,
And we strengthened ours.
The order was given, filled with dread,
One moment would decide if we'd be dead.

The battle raged on for hours and hours.
Both sides holding up their strength,
Until the fog of war was clear,
And then we saw there was nothing to fear.

The ducks had taken to their heels,
Running back to where they came from.
The townsfolk shouted, "Hurrah!" and "Horray!" our calls were loud and deep,
And then, after about an hour, we all went back to sleep.

so that was that one. then i was asked by a friend if i could have a person go insane instead of the animals.....out of that came:


Out in a feild,
One bright morning in May,
A shepard and sheep,
Were there for the day.

The shepard was fine,
For the morning at least,
The sheep were all happy,
They were having a feast.

Then around noon,
When the sun was high in the sky,
The shepard started laughing.
There was a weird look in his eye.

Everything stopped,
When the laughter was heard.
There was no sound,
Not even a bird.

The sheep were startled,
When the shepard pulled out a gun.
They were trapped against a cliff,
There was no where to run.

One sheep tried to charge,
He was promptly blown away.
"This guy's crazy!" one sheep said.
"We cannot stay!"

The sheep dog woke up,
From a very deep sleep.
He saw his master
Cornering the sheep.

The dog knew what to do.
He stalked toward the man.
He signaled to the sheep.
He would give them a hand.

The dog lunged foward
Bit the man on the knee.
He knew the sheep had
Enough time to flee.

The man screamed in pain.
The dog had to run.
He thought to himself,
"Gee! This isn't much fun!"

The sheep hid behind,
A tall, giant tree.
When the shepard came limping,
One started to pee.

The toughest ram
Got a thought in his head.
"This crazy shepard
Needs to be dead!"

When the shepard got close,
The ram hit the tree with a BAM!
The other sheep got it,
And helped the strong ram.

The tree started to give.
The sheep pushed hard.
They used all their strength,
They used all their lard.

The shepard stared in horror
When the tree gave a final crack,
He looked as if he would have,
A massive heart attack!

The tree started to sway,
All waited and waited.
None knew how long,
They could keep their breath bated.

The tree started to tip.
The shepard's color did drain.
The man tried to run,
But his knee gave him a pain.

There then came a squish,
And the shepard was felled.
The sheep danced for joy!
"Hallelujah!!" They yelled.

And that's the whole story,
That's as far as I know.
So you can all go away.
Hope you enjoyed the show.


so yeah.....those are the two poems........i have another speech, but i'll put that one in later. and THEN....i will expose you to the scariness that is Hamn. if any of you are wondering where i got this stuff, the inspiration came from Cows with Guns. they don't have the regualr song on the website anymore, but i suppose i could link you to the site wher it used to be. it's under the heading, MUSIC. here's the linkage:. ithink i'm glad that no one reads this...................oh well. whee bye!

those three letters are very accurate to how i feel! wow...i dunno. i'm really bored or something. i'm just...meh. boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooringness......ooh!!!!!! i know!! i shall add some of my original crazy work! hmmmm.....now what should i put first......well, i guess i'll start with what i wrote first....yes, it's not your imagination, this really is bad. so here it is:


Ahem...my lords, ladies, and commoners, I have gathered you here today to talk about chickens. As you very well know, they are revolting on the grounds that they are not getting proper animal rights. No matter how many times we have tried to talk to them, we have only been met with...er...hostilities.
With a heavy heart, lords and ladies, I must say that we are in the middle of a war. A war in which out farms have become battle feilds. A war against what would typacally be called "dinner". A war, not in which we are pitted against men, but poultry. A Chicken War. Yes. You heard correctly, a chicken war.
These chickens are on a rampage. They have been sweeping the country. Conquering one city after another. No one is safe.
The time has come, distinguished peoples and commoners, to FIGHT!!! We can no longer let these crazed fowl take anymore of our land! Protect you land and families!
To get rid of these hens and roosters, I have devised an elaborate plan using kindergarteners, treadmills, lightbulbs, and sporks. For all of our protection, I cannot disclose this information. These malevolent poultry hide thier spies everywhere. But what I can tell you is that the plan will work!! All I need is a small donation of 10 pounds from all of you.
Ahem... another way to get rid of these rampaging roosters is to notify the Queen, who is oblivious to all of these happenings. I have in my hand a document that will make her royal highness aware of this war.
Lords, ladies, and commoners, we must rallyour spirits and END this...this...REIGN OF TERROR!! WE have to stop these evil fowl before they control our very lives! If we let these Cornish Game hens get control, our country will no longer be known as England, but CHICKENVILLE!!!! WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!!! Save country! Save yourselves! Help fight the good fight!! STOP THESE CHICKENS!!! Thank you...

as i said...weird. i was really bored at the time. this was (along with all the rest of the crazy works you will see) was written in my freshman year. at my school, freshman year means you have to go to this thing after your last period and do homework. no one did homework, so, out of complete bordeom, i created this. along with hamn...but that's a longer story...i'll maybe post that later. along with the chiken war, i also created the victory speech. since i have more room, i will torture you all with that as well:


Lords, ladies, and commoners, we have won the war!! There are no more chickens polluting our farm lands! WE ARE SAFE!!! You are now free!! Though the collective efforts of your kindergarteners, the chickens have feld into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean!
Lords and ladies, the last battle was amazing! As the chickens were rallying more to their horrible cause, our wonderful soliders shouted "FOR ENGLAND!!!!!" and ran right into the enemy camp! The chickens were caught completely off guard! The poultry fled into their evil layer (under normal circunstances, it would have been called a really big chicken coop), where our kindergarteners were waiting. Recently fed Snickers and Surge, they were ready to go.
While they were all running (at about 60 kilometers per hour, mind you), the lightbulbs signaled to our troops that the spork catapults were ready. We fired spork after spork, and after kiling several regiments of chickens, we saw the chicken commander start to run with the rest of his regiment toward the White Cliffs of Dover!!! We set our kindergarteners loose on them, forcing the chickens to run faster. By the time they reached The Cliffs, it was too late for the chickens to stop. All od them tumbled into the ocean!!
It was a glorious sight! Our kindergarteners, having their sugar low, had collapsed to the gound about a mile before The Cliffs. All of you should have heard the cheering that followed the victory! When our commander finally said, "The day is won!"
But the real thanks goes to you, lords, ladies, and commoners, for your donations. And for those of you who donated the kindergarteners, I thank you on the behalf of the Queen! So celebrate, lords, ladies, and common people in our victory! Thank you...

you can now see how torturous this study hall was. not good for the mental health. well, i best be going now. Good bye to all, not that anyone actually reads this random s**t, but good bye to the poor souls who do. whee

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ok i'm tired.....go here and you can learn alllllllllll about my weekend ok? ok.......my REAL journal ooh ooh....go visit my thread! bored? post here for gold!!

back from away!
hi there again! i was @ my gramma's.....my god!! it is GOOD TO BE BACK!!!!! even though i love my gramma to pieces!!!!! i am sooooo tired! and full!!! i don't think there was ever a time when i ate that much over the course of two days!!!! wink my sis was freaking out saying that she was going to be soooooooooooo fat! i dunno what's wrong with her. she's skinner that i am and she says she's fat!!!!! omg, girl....aaaaaaaaaaaaanway. i wanna go now. bye!

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Just another day....
yep.....it's just another day. i'm tired!!!! can't wait until i get off on wednesday!!!!! ooh ooh!!!! i getta go to disneyland tomorrow!!!! i know that sounds stupid, but i l-o-v-e that place!!!! gahh!!! i am soooooo jealous of my friend, she got to go see finding neverland last night. poo.....i wanted to go see that but i had stuff to do. stupid teachers....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway...... that's about all i have to say right now!! bye!!

Time to meet me!!!
Hi everyone who cares!! this is a journal about me!!! i'm new here to gaia and would like to have some friends! there's not much to say about me except i l-o-v-e movies (my faves out there are all three lotr *luvs!!!* and harry potter movies ESPECIALLY THE THIRD ONE!!!!!!!). yeah. i also hate school.....and stuff like that. so, feel free to post whatever here! and if you want to be my friend, just go ahead and send me a message to my mail box!! yeeeehoooo!!! (oh, to go to my REAL online jornal go here: http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=pippin_hobbit....and if you don't get the bat country thing, it's ok. just go watch fear and loathing in las vegas....they say it in the beginning).

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