The idea came to me when I read the W.I.T.C.H fan fic by Cassidy the Water Sage from the site called so enjoy
1-put the old spider man theme song whenever they inter a place to steal, make sure to let everyone in the place hear it.
2-send love letters to kuroro signed by paku, tell them it wasnabunga who did it.
3-insest that shizuka was hitting on gon when the arm rustling ended, keeptelling her that& enjoy the show!
4-tell Korutopi that the police have added a new torturing ways especially for him if he was captured if he's not interested then say "2 words heir CUT" be sure to say "CUT" real loud & scary that should do it!
5-pay Baise to do her nen ability "Instant Lover” on kuroro, make sure to record it on tape.
6-threaten kuroro that u’ll put it on YouTube.
7-let hisoka watch the tape of kuroro being kissed by baise & become here love slave.
8-make a copy & give it to hisoka & watch as the genei ryodan lose there minds! (Since he’s not one of them)
9-when in a fight make sure to call Feitan with a loud voice “CHIBI FEITAN THAT ATTACK WAS AOWSME CHIBI FEITAN!!!” then run away laughing.
10-show Bonorenofu the “the mummy returns”, during the film laugh like crazy when a mummy gets killed by the hero.
11-when he asks u why r u laughing just look at him from up to down start laughing again & continue watching the movie.
12-when Franklin is asleep hung some silly, small, & colorful bears on the thingies under his mouth.
13- When Franklin is awake put some silly stuff on his earrings & then run away before the other members’ catches u.
14-tell machi that kuroro is thinking of replacing her with Neon Nostrad because she’s to damn cute & to make her believe u let Senritsu passes near u as if she came by accident & hear u then let her say her magic words of hearing u’r heartbeat that what u’r saying is 100% true.
15-tell Nobunaga that Ubogin hates his guts.
16-Tell Ubogin that Nobunaga hates his guts.
17-call Sharnock “geek boy” every time he passes u’r way.
18-every time u intrudes someone to Phinx say “this is the magnificent SPHINX!”
19-“OY! Korutopi want me to give u a hear cut? U really need one!”…
20-Tell Pakunoda that her boobs r too big & NOT gonna attract kuroro at all, make sure that kuroro & the other members hear u.
21-pay gon to tell Shizuku the same thing u said to her & then let him add that she kissed him on the mouth.
22-call Kalluto “baby girl”. (Since he is one of them now he must bare it!!)
23- buy Kalluto pink dresses with red harts.
24-keep calling him “baby girl” & then run away when he uses his nen.