HEY My Name is Servant Dragon...and I'm going to make a story for gaia online. It will have my beloved...some of my friends on gaia (ivan issac...liketottallyemo...kirinkihime...crazycat...) but if you want to be aprt of the show you can...for a donation...either gold or items on my wishlist...
now I know what your thinking (why?) well because I think you might like my stories...but don't take my word for it read my stories that I've posted (or will post) and then pm me with your character in however details you would like and we will talk about where he can be put into the gaia story I'm going to write...or have...o_O anyways...yeah...thats whats going on...if you wanna be in the story pm me with:
What you want to give me
Your character(however much detail but as much as possible is prefered...though don't go crazy...and try not to "make a god" meaning make a character so crazy powerful that nothing can stop it...also if possible I'm going to try and use gaia avi's and items so use that for looks)
and what role you would possibly like to play or what place you would like your character to have in the story (villan hero ally store owner)
More details as i figure things out...
ServantDragon Community Member |