In the words of Alexander: |
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 @ 09:39pm
So pissed off, Patience so low
I'm... kinda really stressed out. Too much time being spent being strong. I must be telling myself it's not getting to me and it is.
I had someone reply to one of my interactions completely ignoring the two paragraphs I wrote. It is very irritating. I'm at the point I'm ready to put up hard-nosed guidepoints on how to interact with me or I'll completely go off. I want no masturbating; I want no lengthy-written interactions OF ANY KIND (which I view to be just about the same), and you MUST be able to spell, or I'll chop your fingers off. Spelling, punctuation, and some form of grammar... at least some respect for the English language! I don't mind some "cutesy" interactions with silly spelling, but complete blatant ignorance is intolerable. If I write a paragraph, I'd like to see an equal output. Even if it's not equal all the time, at least some indication that you're as interested as I am, that you're going to put as much effort into it as I am. Otherwise, I'm going to, in a fit of extreme discouragement, likely become angry and cut off communication with you or spitefully return lackluster interaction.
Ohmygod!! I'm on a freakin rant! I don't even know where to cut that paragraph up!!!
I DON'T EVEN ******** CARE At this point!!
Alexander Patrish
Community Member
Alexander Patrish
Community Member
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 @ 09:28pm
Oh my god - Written a little late
(9/23) I went to bed a little later than usual and was awakened only 5 and 1/2 hours later with a tearful phone call. Scott, my father-in-law in the real world, not the rp one, was in a motorcycle accident. I spent from 11:30am til 6pm heading to and being at the hospital.
He has severe head trauma, a lot of bleeding, a broken brow over his right eye and a broken or cracked rib. He's doing really well, considering the situation and the numerous, stomach-churning possibilities of what could have happened. Still, we fear for him. Having that much blood in and around his brain could be bad if it doesn't drain properly.
Update (9/25): He's responsive. He can move his arms, legs and eyes. I don't think they can even tell if he has the capability of vision. The bleeding has stopped and the pressure is going down, but we still don't know if he's going to be blind, deaf, a vegetable, or any combination. He's getting somewhere, but we have to keep praying if we're really gonna hope he's going to be okay.
I'm really freakin stressed right now, and my patience is down to 1.2. It's not at zero, but I'm keeping it above the wire with intended efforts. If I avoid you, ignore you, speak to you, or snap at you, it's because of this and this delicate wire.
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 12:35am
Doing a study for a Horus-themed avatar/possible cosplay
Pictures I researched:
 site: http://www.epilogue.net/cgi/database/art/view.pl?id=67864 This one's kinda dreamy.
There was one next to it that incorporates the Kachina dancer's wings we have here on Gaia. It's more Native American in nature, but still beautiful, and geared more towards the idea I had in mind. However, the link leads to a 404 not found. v.v

I believe this was a video-game of some sort. Probably a horrible one, but...
 site: http://www.ntrautanen.fi/computers/commodore/commodore_soft_c64.htm ...I like the sexy bod on this one.
 site: http://www.logoi.com/pastimages/horus.html I like this one... It's a very clean, curved image of Horus as the ...falcon?? I think that's what bird he is. Still... Gorgeous.
 site: http://www.egyptgiftshop.com/gallery_papyrus.html A more traditional image on papyrus. Colorful. I think the color was upped. Possibly one of the newer restorative ideas. Even tho it's in a gift shop.
Ah. I think this is really more the idea that I was going for. However, it appears to be the woman wearing the wings, and not Horus. Jareth, (or anyone, I suppose) do you know the significance of this painting??
 The inscription says something about Isis and Nefertari. Nefertari was also in the other one (same site) with Horus. I do not recall what Isis is the god of, however. And, I doubt it would be respectful to combine the two gods.
Alexander Patrish
Community Member