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The Rave.

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Deryk sat at the back corner of the rave, a section set apart from the mass of bodies. He sat at a red velvet booth, ropes and two body guards sectioning him off from the rest of the crowd. His head was tilted back, a cancer stick poking out between his lips, lit and smoking. His arms were splayed out on either side of him, resting on the stop of the booth. He took in an inhale of the bogie, pulling it from his lips with his index finger and thumb, letting the smoke drift from his lips smoothly. He flicked the ashes off the end and looked towards the crowd, watching all the bodies move as one - a heaping mass of sweat and ecstasy. He owned this place - this club, that's why he got his own special seating from the chaos, of course. He was a man of importance, anyone would die to sit with him for as little as ten minutes - if they could keep alive and not die of dehydration first. He knew he was attractive, important, and wanted, so he abused what he had. Why wouldn't he? He let the beat of the bass pulse through his body in an uncomfortable way that he enjoyed. The vibration of the music sent a thrill through him, it always had. The bright lights flashed and reflected of the beads of sweat on his body, stale room not getting any air unless it was from the occasional gust of wind from an opening of a door as someone came or left.

He took in the musky scent of sexual tension and sweat, checking the time on his watch. It was 1:53 A.M, the rocking bodies showing no sign of stopping. He had his white button-up shirt unbuttoned to the fifth button, exposing most of his pale chest, not wanting the heat to get to him like everyone else. He wore his tie loose and sleeves rolled up, leaning back casually like a big-shot money maker. He grinned in satisfaction, his fingers drumming on the booth seat. His legs were crossed elegantly, skinny fingers toying with one of the many bracelets he wore. He closed his eyes and listened as the beat changed, feeling the rhythm slam through his chest. If it weren't for the size of the speakers, they would have smoked and blown by now. The flashing strobe lights never gave you the chance to actually get a clear look at someone, but it was enough time to examine the slightest bit.

"Deryk, sir-" One of the body guards said cautiously, walking over to the tall man. "What is it?" He cut the muscular man off, opening his eyes to look up at him. "There's a boy here - he's insisting to see you." He said, bowing his head in apologies. Deryk smirked mischievously as he heard the news, taking another drag of his cigarette before flicking it off to the side, letting the smoke float from his mouth naturally, slipping around his perfect features in a white haze. "Really? Insisting?" He asked curiously, getting a brief nod. "Well, let him in then, of course." He said, shifting in his seat, getting more comfortable. The man nodded and walked away, heading to tell the other guard to let the boy in. Deryk simply leaned back casually, awaiting for his guest to arrive.
[[This is a Yaoi RP. Please PM to RP as the guy trying to get in to see Deryk. Boys or girls RPing as guys.]]

The Honours Student.

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Ethan lounged in his over-stuffed bed, his hair messy with his afternoon awakening. His blue eyes were half-closed as he sat up, leaning against the headboard as he started to fall asleep. The rich blonde wasn't a morning person and didn't like getting woken up so he often slept late on the weekends, but on school days the teen broke many alarm clocks in his wake. He was woken up by a faint knocking to his door as a maid of his came in with a cart and some silver platters on it. His breakfast in bed. "Good morning, sir," she said in her sweet voice, being careful at the volume of her voice as not to irritate him in his morning state, "I have your breakfast." Bright blue eyes which were usually kind and happy glared at the woman as she approached his bed, stopping beside him. She reached down and pulled out a tray from under the cart, placing it over his lap. She placed his food atop the bed tray, taking off the silver dome tops to reveal a fancy set omelet. Ethan wasn't fond of them, but the cook always cooked them.

After eating his breakfast, brushing his hair, washing up, and dressing in his school uniform he headed downstairs, his book bag slung over his shoulder. His jacket had a patch with his school's initials, along with his book bag. Everything was provided for you there when you payed top-dollar like his family did. He went to a school where only the smartest or richest could attend, well-known families attending. At his dining room table sat his elder sister and his younger brother, his sister waiting for the time to pass and his brother rushing to do the homework he hadn't the night before. "Good morning," he said softly as he sat down across from them, placing his book bag on the floor. He still had some time before school started. His brother glanced up at him before looking back down to his work, receiving a warm smile from his sister.

A horn beeped from outside their house, the car here to drive him and his brother to school. Standing, Ethan headed to the door with his brother rushing behind. He was always early to school, the action expected from the number one student in his class. That title was slowly being stolen from him, though, some commoner honours student rising up quickly and about to surpass him. He sighed, getting into the car that their driver had so kindly opened the door to. If Ethan was knocked down to second by a commoner he was in trouble - his father would be furious with him. He did his best, though, trying his hardest in every subject. The new boy was just... Better.

They reached his school quickly, letting him out to walk onto the large campus. A few of his close friends found him in the halls, walking to class with him, chittering and chattering. Reaching the class, he saw the honours student was the first one there. He glared at the boy, jealous of how good of a student he was. Didn't the boy understand that he needed to stay number one? "Hey, Ethan, you alright?" His friend Leo asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Letting out a calming sigh, he nodded his head, taking his assigned seat beside the honours student. "I'm fine, Leo. Thanks," he said, looking up at the brown-haired teen. As everyone flooded in, girls fawning over him and his friends, he pulled out his books, ready for todays lesson. He would be sure to raise his hand first and out shine that new kid.

[[You can be the new honours student or someone else in the class. Boys or girls can reply.]]

The Gambler.

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A gambler. That's what he was, a high-class gambler. Sid was quite gambler and was lucky he had the money for it. Though everyone he knew called it a problem, he just saw it as a hobby. His father owned a few casinos and was raised around the flashing Slot machines and blackjack tables. Through the lines of casinos came lots and lots of money. His family was very rich and didn't mind him spending all the money he did - and neither did the casinos he went to. He never gambled in his father's casinos, though. It would be like spending his money to win his own money. Sid wasn't home very often, usually traveling across the world from casino to casino. He had been to every casino there ever was, and if a new one opened up, he was there in a heartbeat. Some called it an obsessions, other said it was a problem. He ignored them, though, he was happy with his life style.

At the moment, Sid was in his private jet on his way to a beautiful casino in France. He was friends with the owners and enjoyed going there. Sid had quite the luck, too. He'd thought about taking up card counting to rake in more money but why ruin commoner's fun? Sitting silently next to the small port-hole window, Sid gazed out at the beautiful city beneath him. He sighed and blinked slowly, a hired Stewardess walking over to him. "Sir, would you like anything to eat or drink?" She asked in her well-acted tone, smiling at him brightly. He just simply shook his head. They were going to land soon, anyway. He didn't even plan on checking into his suite hotel, he just wanted to go down to the gambling hall.

About twenty minutes later they had landed at the airport he had close to the casino, a car driving him to the casino and dropping him off in front. Letting out a sigh, he walking in triumphantly, ready to gamble his money away. He had a few thousand on him plus a credit card in case he needed an ATM for some more. He walked past the slot machines and to the poker hall, looking around the crowded area. "This is my sanctuary," he mumbled to himself before heading to a blackjack table, sitting down with the chips he had gotten in exchange for his money. "You here to play?" The dealer asked, getting a nod from Sid. He finished up the game he last passed for and dealt out a new hand. "Wait," he heard someone call to hold the game so he could get his hand. Sid turned his head to look over his shoulder as a man sat down next to him, smiling at the deal in apologies. The table was full now as women stood next to their husbands as they gambled and onlookers just watched. He heard some mumbled about the table as people recognized him, a smirk playing across his face.

[[You can be the guy who sat next to him, someone watching, or anyone else you may want to be. Boys or girls can reply.]]

The Waiter.

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Rushing through his house, Ricky threw on his uniform for work. "I'm gunna be late!" He shouted in his empty apartment, tugging his jeans on as he ran into the bathroom. He brushed through his long blue hair quickly before pulling it into a pony tail, buttoning and zipping his pants. "Stupid alarm clock...," he mumbled, pulling his toothbrush and tooth paste out of the cabinet and quickly scrubbing at his teeth. He rinsed his mouth and grabbed his shirt and blue bow tie, quickly slipping his shirt on and buttoning it up. He bounced down the stairs, letting out a groan as his big golden retriever barked for food. "Lucky, I'm gunna be late!" He said, tucking his shirt into his pants and rushed into the kitchen, getting a bowl of food for his dog and pouring him some water. Going into the living room, he stood in front of a small mirror hanging on the wall, tying his bow tie before grabbing his blue vest off of the back of his couch. He pushed his arms through the holes, letting out a grunt as he tripped over a dog toy. "Damnit, Lucky!" He shouted, the dog running in and licking his cheek. He laughed a little and pet him, standing back up and going over to his couch. He sat down and pulled on his shiny black shoes, jumping as his phone rang. He got his other shoe on and ran over to his phone, picking it up and pressing the 'talk' button.

Already knowing who it was, he let out a groan. "I know, I know! I'm coming, Steve," he shouted, hanging up the phone and running to the door. Lucky barked and ran after him, pulling his leash off it's hook and nudging Ricky's leg. "Not now, boy. I have to go to work," he said, patting his head and opening his door, grabbing his house keys off the hutch. He ran out the door and down the stairs of his apartment building, hopping over the door of his friend's Convertible, landing in the seat perfectly. "We're gunna be late, idiot," Steve commented as he started to drive off. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. My alarm didn't go off this morning," he said, lounging in the comfortable chair. "Yeah, well, this is a wedding today. We could get fired because of your a**," Steve scolded, stopping at a red light and looking over at his violet-eyed friend. The two worked together for a catering company, both being waiters. At the moment Ricky didn't have a car so Steve always had to drive him to work - thank god they worked for the same people.

Arriving at the place where the wedding was being held, the two rushed out of the car and ran to the back of the building where they would probably get yelled at for being late. They walked in the doors to see the made it just on time. "Steve, Ricky, get out there and serve these snacks!" A cook shouted, both of them nodding and taking a tray. Walking out, he saw the happy bride and groom sitting at their own separate table, their guests in fancy dresses as they sat and chatted. He walked around the room, asking people if they'd like to try the crab cakes, some people just grabbing some as he walked by. He hated his job, he really did. Minimum wage and getting to see people who were happier than he was. Fun. He worked his a** off, getting every gig he could, and still got payed s**t. His boss just didn't like him.

[[You can be the bride, groom, someone at the wedding, another waiter/waitress, or whatever other character you want to be. Girls or guys can reply.]]

The Bar.

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Cody was generally a happy person. He had lots of friends, a perfect family. He wasn't rich, just the average person and he was happy with that. Never the life of a party, but he knew how to have a good time. And as most thought his blindness was a horrible thing, he was fine with it. Cody was born blind, his eyes white with a tint of blue in them. As far as he knew, he was attractive - that's what he was always told. It did hurt to never be able to see himself in a mirror or be able to see the face of a lover or a family member. He could never see the sunset or the Aurora Borealis. Never could he see the white blanket of snow or a child's smiling face. It hurt him that he missed out on that, be he'd learned to live with it. He had no choice. It was the worse that he was born with it - he couldn't even have a memory of what things looked like. All he could do was imagine. Every now and then he would have to remind himself what he looked like.

At the moment, that's what Cody was doing. He stood in front of the mirror he couldn't see, knowing it was there from memory. He reached a hand up to touch his hair, picturing the chin-length red locks. He ran his fingertips over his face, picturing his white eyes settling into his facial features, his nose not too big or too small, his lips pink and perfectly plump. His hand went down his neck and to his exposed chest. His fingertips brushed his muscles, outlining them smoothly. From what Cody could imagine, he thought he was pretty attractive. Of course he wished he could see himself and everything else like any other person he knew. Though he hated it, people pitied him and referred to him as 'handicapped'. It irritated him. He wasn't in a wheel chair so therefore he wasn't handicapped. He hated that word - it was insulting.

Cody ran a hand through his hair and let out a sigh, walking over to his bed cautiously. Being blind, you couldn't really go places alone or do things on your own. Today he was going to a bar with his friends, hopefully going to have a good time. Sure he couldn't read the menu or play pool, but he could have a drink and relax. He didn't need to check out the bartender. He heard the horn beep from outside and grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head and patting his pockets for his cell phone. He found it in his back pocket, leaving it there. He was just checking to see if he head it. His sister came into his room, standing in the doorway. "Your friends are here," she said, smiling softly. His sister was married and had kids, but Cody hadn't settled down yet. He was younger, but was still twenty-one and should at least have a lover by now. Since he didn't have anyone else, he had to live with his sister - being blind, you can't live alone. He let out a sigh and nodded, turning to her and letting her take his arm gently. He was guided down the stairs, wondering why he lived upstairs if he was blind. Oh right, he was stubborn and wanted to prove that he was cable of walking up and down stairs. A friend was at his door to guide him to the car. He felt like such a burden - having to be guided everywhere. Everyone would probably have so much more fun without him. He got into the car and they drove off, his friends shouting their goodbyes to his sister.

When they reached the bar the got seats at the counter, the four of them ordering a beer. The atmosphere of the place was just great - it was decorated to be an old Irish pub, some soft bagpipes in the background - of course from a CD. They were friends with the people who owned the place, a friend of his dating the bartender. She was nice, but Cody wasn't into girls. He actually heard there was going to be another bartender so that on busy nights - AKA every night - she would have more help. Before they really even settled or got a drink, trouble started. Shouting was heard as someone kicked a chair, some guy harassing his 'girlfriend'. Being the good person he was, Cody turned to the noise and spoke up. "Leave her alone and stop making relationships up in your head," he called, taking a sip of his beer. The guy turned with a glare, or at least, that's what Cody assumed. "You shut up you blind ********," the guy shouted, stomping over to Cody and picking him up out of his chair by his collar. "I'd like to see you get a good shot at me when you can't even see!" He shouted in his face, spit flying out of his mouth. Cody wasn't a good fighter and often had people pick on him because he was blind. All he could so right now was hope a friend of his would help - which was highly unlikely. His friends didn't like to get into other people's situations - AKA, they didn't want to get beat up for the sake of Cody. He knew he was going home with a few black eyes and a fat lip.

[[ You can be the new bartender, a person at the bar, or the girlfriend. Boys or girls can reply. PM to RP. ]]

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