Well, peeps be curious about my username apparently... So uh! Here it is!
1. I have an OC called Des.
2. I was using her in a Harry Potter RP.
3. Therefore, I wanted to tweak her name so that it would be wizardy, fancy and British. "Desdemona" is the fanciest thing you can make out of Des.
4. I got "Winchcombe" off of a surnames listing site under the "England" section. Winchcombe is apparently a town in England. I don't remember why I picked it... I probably just liked the way the two names sounded together.
5. It looked nicer than my previous usernames, which were "desudesuyo", and then later "D-E-A-T-H! desu!" or something like that.
Both of which were puns on the name "Des" because if you write it out in Katakana, it becomes DE-SU, which are the same Katakana used when the Japanese are spelling out the English word "Death" (as in DESU NOOTO, see?) and then, "desu" is just a polite way of ending a sentence and "desu yo" is saying it emphatically.
So Desudesuyo = I AM VERY MUCH DES, or I AM VERY MUCH DEATH, or something like that
The D-E-A-T-H! one is a bit more of an injoke about the same thing, but with 100% more Yu-Gi-Oh. In this scene of Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh, Bakura is explaining about how his Ouija board will spell out "D-E-A-T-H." Yugi repeats this, spelling and then says ... "DEATH!?!" Except that he is Japanesey so he said "DESU!?"
He said "D-E-A-T-H? .... DES!?"
D-e-a-t-h = Des. It certainly does.
.... But Desdemona Winchcombe sounds very fancy and literate, so I don't regret not being Deathdesu on the Gaias.
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