Name: Gaap age:17 gender: male appearance: long side bangs framing his face and short bangs that reach almost to his eyes. one ice blue eye(right) and one brown(left). his hair is black with white bangs and a coon tail on the sides of his longer bangs. that back is short but long enough to run your fingers through. he has the back spiked up and the front smoothed out. his skin is very pale and with no blimishes. he has a bridge peircing and two lip rings to the right side. He wears a plain white tshirt with black skinny jeans with rips in the knees and red high top converse. he always has his head phones around his neck (the big ones that cover your ears all the way to block everything out) and a stubbed belt that hands off the side of his hip slightly. he always has a frown on his face and a bored look like there is nothing interesting to catch his attention (taller then Luna,she comes up to about his shoulder)
likes: strawberries,music, cats, drawning and standing in the rain
Name: Luna age:17 gender: female appearance: Luna has Pure white hair with blood red tips on each end of hair.it is very long and VERY layered.small spikes out from each layer in the back and a few on the sides. she has golden eyes and pale skin. she wears a black tank-top with a cupcake to the left bottom side. her pants are white skinnys with a black short toto that ruffles at the ends with a big bow in the back.her shoes are knee hight black converse. she has angel bites peircings and if you can see her tounge and tounge peircing. Luna usualy either has a small smirk on her face or a cute grin
likes: wolves, music, sitting in windows and park benches
Harushi_Yazumaki · Sun Feb 07, 2010 @ 10:20pm · 0 Comments |