Hello there! I see you've stumbled upon my roleplay journal.~ I'll talk a little bit about myself, and then we'll get into the roleplay details, alright? Cool!

→ ★ ❜┋about me
♛`▐ Abbey.
♛`▐ Known as Bowser/Koopa girl.
♛`▐ Nicknames: Bear, Squish, Bowser/Koopa, Abbles.
♛`▐ 21, college student.
♛`▐ Social work major.
♛`▐ Loves: video games, taking walks, cosplaying, roleplaying (obv), hanging with friends, sleeping.
♛`▐ Does anywhere between para to advanced lit. (5 + paragraphs)

→ ★ ❜┋rules
♛`▐ Do not rush me.
♛`▐ I'll let you know if I don't enjoy the roleplay anymore. Do the same for me?
♛`▐ Do not pressure me to do something I'm not comfortable with.
♛`▐ Must type at least a paragraph (that's a good ten - fifteen sentences in my book).
♛`▐ You gotta be able to tel me what kind of roleplays you want to do. If I don't like it, I'll simply tell you it's not what I'm into. I expect you to do the same with me.

→ ★ ❜┋yep, yep, yep
♛`▐ Survival (example: surviving the zombie apocalypse)
♛`▐ Adventure
♛`▐ Anything Legend of Zelda related! (we can make our Zelda universe, even~)
♛`▐ Teacher x student
♛`▐ Student x student
♛`▐ Blackmail
♛`▐ Childhood friends
♛`▐ Harvest Moon-themed roleplays
♛`▐ Arranged marriage
Ugh, I suck at listing what I like. The main thing, I would say, is focus on the do not's. I'm extremely flexible when it comes to doing roleplays. Just let me know! I usually say yes to anything, except the things listed down below. I also to sexual-themed roleplays to. ;3c

→ ★ ❜┋nope, nope, nope
♛`▐ Incest (this includes step-siblings)
♛`▐ Furry
♛`▐ Loli/shota
♛`▐ Too much gore
♛`▐ I'll add more if I think of anything else.

→ ★ ❜┋plots
♛`▐ Eh, I'll get to this when I'm not lazy. We'll just plan together for now, unless you have a plot you'd like to share with me.