1. Do you sleep in your bra? ....I find this very offensive...*To small for a bra*
2. Do you enjoy drama? As long as it's someone else's. Shadenfreude, bby.
3. Are you a girly girl? ....No....Just no.....
4. Who was the last person you hugged? My mother.....She hugged me against my will.
5. Small or large purses? Neither. I got my handy organizer! *Holds up over filled organizer*
6. Are you short? ...Yes...
8. What would you do if someone smacked your butt? SUPER CROTCH KICK.
9. Do you care if your socks are dirty? Nope.
10. Do you dress up on Halloween? Hell freakin yeah I do.
11. Are you double jointed? o-o In what way....?
12. Where is the weirdest place you have slept? Bathtub.
13. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours? No. My a** is protected by a pair of underwear that generates over 1,000 volts of electricity. Touching my butt would be suicide.
14. Is there a rumor going around about you? Yes, and if I'm right, it's about how I kicked your a**. ^- ^
15. Do you call anybody by their last name? Nope.....Maybe sometimes... o- o
16. How many guys will read this just because it says "Girl Confessions?" Lol hi Myspace. 8D
Lolz. If you read this because you were bored and couldn't anything to do. Or really wanted to read this o-o;;; Please comment? 8D
Trainer Apple · Sun Jan 03, 2010 @ 11:30am · 1 Comments |