An Eye for an eye
It has recently occurred to me the concept of an eye for an eye. 'An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind' - a wise words from Ghandi Perhaps, but I believe that this may be true not because of the actual term, but of how the philosophy of 'an eye for an eye' has been jaded. The term means that if for example I were to lose sight my left eye due to your actions, then in turn I would have a right to take sight away from your left eye. An eye for an eye Nothing less, but also nothing MORE. When in a situation where something is lost, you should only ask for something of EQUAL value in return. Try to think on this the next time you hear someone use this term as justification for their actions.
Thank You.
Pya Alfajiri · Thu Jun 11, 2009 @ 06:49am · 2 Comments |