Thanks to these people have gotten my Drem Avi done, or they were just really nice donaters ^^ Thank you
Dar-kuux: Pink Dotted Legwarmers,Salmon Scarf
garythebear: Kaya the Cat
Necro-Chromatic: Red Bio-Mask
Harletquin: Help me get alot of items....^^;;
x rawr dino rawr x : 3k
CrimsonVampCat : 200k
neko~nomicon : 25500k
AkumuUsaqi : 6k and a Regalia of Ancient Fire (Vest)
Secret Santa: Blue Torque Shades
Thunder Muffin: 10000k
__XSmallz: 100k and some items
-Twinkle-Roseet- : 1000k
Spin17: Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin')
dark-flre alchemist: 1500k
Teh Little Devil: 3000k
Kewpie Dimples:250k
Wolf~Wynd: Fox tail and Striped Stockings
True Juggelo: 8k
Thank you guys so much^^
Dar-kuux: Pink Dotted Legwarmers,Salmon Scarf
garythebear: Kaya the Cat
Necro-Chromatic: Red Bio-Mask
Harletquin: Help me get alot of items....^^;;
x rawr dino rawr x : 3k
CrimsonVampCat : 200k
neko~nomicon : 25500k
AkumuUsaqi : 6k and a Regalia of Ancient Fire (Vest)
Secret Santa: Blue Torque Shades
Thunder Muffin: 10000k
__XSmallz: 100k and some items
-Twinkle-Roseet- : 1000k
Spin17: Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin')
dark-flre alchemist: 1500k
Teh Little Devil: 3000k
Kewpie Dimples:250k
Wolf~Wynd: Fox tail and Striped Stockings
True Juggelo: 8k
Thank you guys so much^^