Ridley Starsmore

And seeing as it's now obvious that OP is not willing to listen to facts, I'm on my way.
I'll see you guys around after the farmers leave.
smile You still dont get it when you make an item the price it is you can generate the number of goldso if everyone raises the price of and item = inflation or don't you get that?
When you list an item as one million gold, one million does not poof out of the air. It is not generated. When someone buys that item for one million gold, that person loses one million gold.
Let's say there are two people, me and Person X. I start off with
1,000 gold and a Fallen Wish, while Person X starts off with
1,200,000 gold.
So for example I'm selling a
Fallen Wish for
1,000,000 gold in the Marketplace. Person X appears, and then decides they want the item. They use up
1,000,000 gold, and then the Fallen Wish is theirs. And I
gain 980,000 gold. So now I have
981,000 gold, while Person X has
200,000 gold and a Fallen Wish.
So where did the other 20,000 gold go? It got eaten by the marketplace, forever, and will never ever appear again.
Gold disappears. Thus, gold is
traded and lost in the marketplace in exchange for items at the same time.
It is the same in Cash Shop. When a new Evolving Item appears, let's say Hidden Ace, you buy it with Cash. Then the other person, with perhaps, 500,000 gold, visits the Marketplace, and sees that you have listed a Hidden Ace for 350,000 gold. The other person will spend his 350,000 gold while getting a Hidden Ace. I will lose a Hidden Ace while gaining 343,000 gold.
It's like normal trading in the Gaia Exchange forums, except in the Marketplace it is automated, and money is taken away from the system.In zOMG however,
nothing like this happens. If you sell things in the Marketplace, the gold is lost from another account. In zOMG, 100k comes out from some monsters you've finally defeated. Gold
appears! Let's say, you had
1000 gold at the start. Then after a long day of zOMG, you get
150k. You earned
150k! From what? The computer. More gold is in the economy. No one loses
anything (other than maybe their sanity due to some bad crews and all >_> ). You have more gold to buy stuff.
More gold, so more people are able to afford stuff. Therefore people begin to list stuff for one million, since people are bound to buy the items anyway.
If 2000 players earn 100k in zOMG a day, 2200 million gold is added to the economy.
If 2000 users buy 100k items in the marketplace, 40k 4 million is lost from the economy. If 2000 users sell 100k items in the marketplace, 0 gold is added to the economy, the gold gained is lost by the other person.... I hope you've actually read till this far. TLDR; Refer to Ridley Starsmore's picture. It has what I'm trying to explain in an extremely straightforward and simple manner.
And I'm out here foreverrr. Holy crap my post is soo long.
Excuse the mathematical mistake I've made.