It seems that no matter how hard I try, I cannot outrun him. I have changed my name, dyed my hair, changed my style COMPLETELY and he still manages to hunt me down. I only hope I can bury myself in art requests so that he cannot stalk me correctly.
If anyone out there cares enough to listen. Someone out there has got to listen. I need help. My every movement is being watched and I fear soon I will be taken away. If anyone can help, you must find the one who will be able to stop him. I can only tell you this, for I fear HE might read this and take him out before we have a chance to react: In a World of Azure and Myst, those of pure Bloodlines tend to Horde their gold, yet this is the place you will find one who can lead you to him. You can find this person in the place where it all begins. Between 7 and 8 in the evening.
And remember one last thing: Syrens are usually thought of as evil creatures, but in this case, they are your friends.
Sincerely, Cherry
Cherry Ave · Mon Jun 30, 2008 @ 12:11am · 0 Comments |